MovieChat Forums > Politics > Should we just let the democrats dump th...

All for the slob from Pennsylvania..

Another joke played on us by the Democommie party. They don't care if they are brain damaged as long as they can assure a vote FOR THEM FROM HIM. Man, you have to shake your head at the voters of that party.


We love when you knuckledraggers riff on our name, such as DemoKKKrat, or my favorite, Demonrats! Keep it coming, it makes our day!


It is just confirmation of giving in to just a small amount on guns. They will go on from there to ban the whole thing.


I like the theory that he's wearing hoodies to hid the fact that he's a clone or something.

I'd watch that movie late at night on the SyFy channel.


He's cleaned up his act and is now wearing a suit and tie with a mustache instead of a goatee. So it doesn't even make sense under liberal logic "not much actually does" unless it's not for fetterhead. Maybe they are getting ready for the senators all those illegals will be voting in and the crazy shit they will be wearing. "Oh, well hello senator win-ding-o-sow is that a human head your wearing as a hat? Oh how lovely, this is the finance committee over here, make yourself at home."
