New York says it is unamerican not to let migrants take all the black people's jobs.
immigrants will do the job ten times better for half the price they are paying the blacks...
shareDon't care, deport them.
shareonly dumb rednecks who do low skilled labor are threatened by immigrants. I had a whole squad of them come and fix my roof. they did a beautiful job on it for half the price I would have to pay some drug addled local to do it. If I didnt hire the illegals my roof would have been shittier and my wallet way way lighter...
shareDon't care. I want AMERICAN immigration policy to serve AMERICAN interests, specifcally AMERICAN workers, be they blacks or drug addicted or dumb rednecks.
Every other country crafts their policies to benefit themselves, It is time for US to stop being the world's bitch.
it benefits homeowners to have hardworking skilled immigrants available at there disposal. Why should I pay for some McMuricans cocaine habit so he can show up to my house hungover and do a lousy job, when there are better cheaper options. Europe got fucked by immigration, they lost their culture and safety. USA is already fucked, we are already dangerous, our culture is based off immigration and the acceptance of new citizens. Immigration is better for the USA than it is for Europe. Europe lost a lot of its magic, we never had that to begin with. fuck em rednecks I rather work with Mexicans, they are way less entitled then locals (especially AfroMuricans). They enjoy there work and are happy to be here
shareShort term thinking. Sure, you save money on your roof TODAY, but tommorrow, your taxes go up, because your city is overrun with shitty Turd World immigrants AND your fellow American low level workers are all out of work, not paying taxes and instead drawing upon social services, then your kids get addicted to drugs at school and you step on a needle and get aids, and when you try to sell your house to retire to the caymens, because America has turned to shit, no one wants to buy it, so you are stuck there until the barbarian cannibals storm your house to eat your flesh from your bones.
Ok, maybe I got carried away there at teh end, but you get the gist of it.
Sorry but as a person who has relatives who are not legal I will never be behind that. I think the drug war does far more harm to this country than immigration does. Easy to say when you are on the side of the fence. Law does not come before morality in my book. You call yourself a man of God right?
shareIn reverse order,
1. I have NEVER called myself a Man of God. So, that was all in your head.
2. My loyalty to my fellow AMERICANS is a MORAL AND ETHICAL STANCE.
3. Your request to derail thread, denied.
4. So, your self interest conflicts with the law and the interests of your fellow Americans? OK. I see the base for your position. I am glad that we can see that it is not based on morality or ethics or human rights.
1. Alright I was simply checking. So that means we can drop the self righteous act where you say you care about religion and patriotism correct?
2. My loyalty to family and friends is a moral and ethical stance.
3. I am not derailing anything.
4. My family as well as friends some of which are illegal love being here and many others love them being here as well. So deport someone who is working hard and living a good life and willing to do jobs Americans will not do? No I think I will pass on that thanks.
1. Only religious people can care about patriotism? And when have I said I "care" about religion? What are you talking about?
2. Is it? Or is that selfish self interest? Standing by your own, regardless of whether what they did was right or wrong.
4. They have no moral or ethical or legal right to be here. DEPORT THEM. also, "jobs Americans will not do"? LOL. That you feel you have to lie, shows that you know you are in the wrong.
Nope but I do not buy your false patriotism act. It is nothing more than virtue signaling from you.
Just because something is a law does it mean it is just and fair. Law does not come before morality.
Sorry I am not going to feel sympathy when this land was not yours to begin with. We are living on stolen land in the first place. Now you want to be all self righteous and act as if the law is always just and fair. Yep plenty of immigrants will do jobs at a cheaper price than Americans will. My family and friends are hard working people and I will stand by them. They are not going anywhere. Quite Frankly I do not respect someone who puts law before morality. Luckily people like you are not in positions of power. I am thankful for that.
1. Irrelevant.
2. Never said it was.
3. And this is the crux of the matter. For "Reasons" your position is that AMERICANS as a people do not have the normal Human Right of Self Determination.
This is A. not true and B. nothing but anti-american bigotry on your part.
No I am pretty sure I just called out your self righteousness.
That is what you are attempting to imply.
We are living on stolen land. Since that is the case you should also be deported as well. I will never support deporting my friends and family to appease an idiot like you. That is out of the question.
1. Blah, blah,blah.
2. NOpe. Was not. Happy to discuss the morality of the issue. See point number three.
3. Americans have the same right of self determiniation that all people do. It is morally wrong to deny that to US.
Yeah you were.
Stealing land is immoral but here we are. You want me to support deporting friends and family which I love and care for to appease you?
2. Dude. I'm happy to disccuss the morality. I'm not tryihng to avoid that. Your point is retarded.
3. Blah, blah, blah. Your excuse for denying US our right is noted. You are against Human Rights. You are the bad guy here.
So then answer the question. Does law come before morality?
We are living on stolen land. That is a fact. Is that moral to steal land?
1. IMO, no.
2. It is moral to respect human rights. We Americans have the same human rights as everyone else. That you want to deny US those rights is you being a bad person, morally speaking.
Ok then why are you acting like if it is a law it is unquestionable?
This land is stolen. Is that moral to steal land? Isn't that a violation of human rights when you steal land? I think arresting for people for drug abuse/addiction is a violation of human rights yet you support that.
1. I think you are just saying stupid shit now. Bored. NOt interested in stupid word games.
2. Dude. You're not even making a case for your postion. You seem to be implying that the past actions of Americans, means that the current generatipon of Americans do NOT have hte same human rights as everyone else.
BUT, you don't clearly state your position, becuase it is clearly retarded.
Unless you connect the dots, you whining a bout past injustices is off topic. So connect the dots, explain youself, stop being a pussy by hiding behind vagueness.
No I am speaking in good faith. You hide behind the law and act as if it is unquestionable.
What about the rights of those past individuals? Did they not have rights also? So lets drop this game. You believe someone who is here legally should be deported no questions asked correct? I mean that is the law correct? I am asking your position to be clear.
1. I'm not making any succh point. I am happy to discuss the morality of the issue, as i am doing in point 2. Your claim is retarded. You are a retard.
2. Lets's connect the dots. I will help you state your position in a logical and clear matter, so that I can actually answer your... point(s) such as they are.
Ok then discuss the morality of it. Retard huh? Keep it classy bud.
You know what I am referring to. The people that were here before the land was conquered. Do not play games.
1. My position has been based on the morality of human rights. Classy? Stop being a jerk.
2. I'm not playing games. I want you to say what you mean, instead of making stupid and snide comments and then sleazyhing away from any rebuttal, like a lefty.
3. So, INDIANS that were living here back before colonial times. So, WHAT OF THEM?
Notice how unformed your thinking is. That is because you have NEVER been challenged in your life.
Then do not call me names like retarded got it? If it were about human rights you would not get all rude when I question if the law is moral.
Coming from the guy who attempted to duck and dodge my question for weeks. Quite hysterical! You knew I was referring to Indians.
Did they have human rights?
I have been challenged many times actually. I should know I took debate in college lol.
share1. You act like a jerk, you will be treated accordingly.
2. It is bad enough I have to help you state your position.
3. BY both the American AND UN declarations, human rights are INHERENT and thus universial. They can be VIOLATED, but they are always there.
4. Sure you have.
Same goes to you.
No you just did that to deliberately avoid the topic.
Were the rights of the Indians violated?
I have actually. It was quite fun.
1. I'm not the ass whining about a point repeatedly after it was specificaly denied.
2. Getting you to be clear, is me trying to GET TO THE topic, Your whining about it, is YOU trying to dodge the topic.
3. Of fthe ones here before colonical times? Mostly not.
You ducked and dodged my question for weeks. That is you acting in bad faith.
I did not avoid one thing.
So human rights then are limited to a time period then?
1. No, you whined like a faggot about me calling out how stupid your question was. And when I say "like a faggot" I mean EXACTLY like a faggot.
2. Your illogical vaguness is designed to let you avoid.
3. I lost you. I said nothing of time limits. The vast majority of indians here, died of diseases. NO rights violated. They got sick and died of natural causes.
What the fuck are you even talking about? What is your point about the fucking INDIANS?
Again keep it classy big guy. I do not stoop to the levels of people like you by using words like that.
No you ducking and dodging does this.
Not talking about the ones who died of natural causes. I am talking about the ones who got killed. You knew this you are being deliberately deceptive. Want to answer the question now and stop being deceptive? Were the ones who were killed rights violated?
1. No. I will not treat you with civility you do not earn. You act the jerk, I will treat you accordingly.
2. Shove your shit talk up your ass.
3. Not being deceptive. Just answering the question you actually asked. So, we are not talkinga bout teh vast majority of Indians, but just the ones that died by violence?
Got it.
Answer: Depends. Some of them had it coming. Plenty of cross border raids, that justified strong responses. Others not so much.
Next point. Keeping in mind that the vast majority just died of natural causes. Starting to wonder how long till the money shot.
I have not resorted to rude insults like that. That is you.
Lol classy. More ducking and dodging.
You are being deceptive. I am talking about the ones who were killed.
That is not an answer. So lets hear you answer it again. Until then we will not be moving forward. Are rights limited to a time period we are going back to square one.
1. That would be relevant, if I accused you of name calling, you retard.
2. FUck you.
3. I am not being deceptive, you asked a question, I answered truthfully. Most of the indians in question died of natural causes.
4. You asked if some had their rights denied, I said some of them yes, some of them no. That's an answer. I have no idea what this "time limit" shit is about. It has nothing to do with any point I made. Dumbass.
I am taking the higher path. I do not use hateful insults like you. I leave that for people like you.
Lol keep it classy.
I asked if the ones who were killed rights were violated. You knew I was referring to the ones who were physically killed by people not illness. That was deception from you.
So the ones rights that were violated was that ok?
1. you are an ass.
2. I will treat you as you deserve based on your actions.
3. You seem to be working on using the dead indians as justifications for denying modern Americans theri rights. Thus, the facct that the vast majority of said indians died of natural causes, is clearly relevant.
4. "ok"? No, it was not. Sooooo, next dot now please. How is this relevant?
Why because I will not stoop to your level?
Again keep it classy.
Nope I am making sure you respect all human rights not just your group.
So then why is that conveniently forgotten about throughout history then?
1.Here you are being an asshole, by pretending I have not explained that already.
2. Fuck you.
3. Said the ass that is trying to deny American normal human rights.
4. Wait. There was no connecting that dot to your current position of denyhing the right of self determination to modern Americans. You just sort of established that something bad happened to some indians some time ago, and ... then nothing. Is that really all you have?
Your explanation gives you no excuse to use language like that.
Lol classy as I said.
Not trying to deny anybody anything. You want to deny people rights who have addictions.
Answer the question. It all connects but you need to quit ducking and dodging.
1. I "excuse" nothing.
2. Thanks, dick.
3. Sure you are. You want to deny modern Americans the Right to Self Determination.
4. It was not forgotten. Fags whine about it ALL THE TIME. Sooooo, what is the fucking point that justifies your position?
shareYeah you are excusing your rude and juvenile behavior.
You are welcome. Just thought I would help you out.
No I just do not see the world in black and white like you do. I realize there are gray areas in this world.
Fags whine about it? This indicates how you feel. It is showing how you only care when your groups rights are violated. You do not care if other people's rights are violated.
3. Your position is that Americans do not have the right to self determination. But you won't say why.
4. I am not the topic. YOU are supposed to be explaining your position as to how some dead indians from the past mean that Americans today don't have the right to self determination. (remember, vast majority dead of natural causes)
It seems that as we worked though this, connecting the dots, that you realized that your position is retarded as fuck and you are now trying desperately to change the subject, because you realize that you cannot support your racist and anti-American position but you are too much of a pussy to admit it.
My position shows what hypocrites people like you are. You only care about if your group's rights are being violated. See this is the beautiful thing you claim to be about rights of the people. The drug war causes more harm to this country than immigration does. Yet you support the drug war. However if someone supports illegal immigration it is a problem and you call them anti-American. You have to love the double standard. The drug war violates people's rights constantly.
If they did not have that right then you shouldn't expect people to feel sympathy for your cause. Again remember you support the drug war also. That undercuts your claim about wanting what is best for the country as well.
My position stands. The drug war causes more harm than immigration does. I have the stats and numbers to prove that also.
1. YOur position is a denial of the Right of Self Determination of Americans. You talk a lot of shit and try to bring in other, irrelevant shit, but the end result is, that there is no moral or legal or ethical justification for your position.
2. If who did not have what right? WTF are you even talking about? THe dead indians? You have no explained anything about how some dead indians justify your position. Are you really so retarded that you didn't notice that you failed to do that?
3. I understand why you would want to change the subject. You have clearly realized that your reasoning, was fucking retard, and thus you want to drop that thread of discussion. You will demonstrate that, by NOT continuing it, and focusing all your effort at talking about other retarded shit.
Moral and ethical actually. Is it right to tear apart families just because they are here illegally? Legally speaking you can do that. There is an old saying though, just because you can do something does not mean you should. Also since you support deporting people that means the people who hired them also deserve to be punished as well right? I mean after all that is illegal paying people under the table correct? Especially if they are criminals. That means tons of companies need to go down legally as well. You support them being taken down also correct?
You said the ones who were killed rights were violated correct? Notice how that is all you do and move on? How would you like it if people said yeah it was wrong and then said anyway next topic. Would you like that?
My point stands the drug war causes more harm than immigration. You can't refute that no matter how hard you try and I think it is awesome.
1. And there you go again. You lost the discussion about Americans not having the RIGHT to do this, and instead of having the balls to admit it, you are being a pussy and pivoting to a different argument. And if i address that, and crush it, as I would, becuase it is just as retarded as your other argument, then you would pivot again, with some snide, faggot comment about dead indians. You are a standard, dishonest lefty hack.
2. I said that the vast majority were killed by disease. Of the few that were NOT, some of them had their rights violated by the act of their being killed. Move on? I directly asked you how this relates to our current discussion and your respons was to try to change the subject. I am still on it. YOU are the one trying to pivot now, that it is time to actually state your real position. FAG.
3. Irrelevant attempt to change the subject. Dismissed.
Ok lets play your game they do not have the right to do it. Then that also means corporations who hire them need to be held accountable as well. If we are going there then we go full force not these half measures like you are attempting to do.
Because okay they are violating rights. So then you want them deported okay then go and get that law passed to get them deported. I am not going to support doing that to another human being in good faith simply because a law was broken. I realize that sometimes laws are not always just and fair. I also think it is easy to take that cavalier stance when you are not in their position. You have a job, stability, shelter and food in your stomach every night. Some of those people are living in very harsh environments and leave not to cause problems but to live a better life. If I am in a place where my children are in danger I would not let the law stop me from breaking it if it meant a better life for my family. Is stealing wrong yes. Would I steal in my current position? No but if it meant stealing to feed my family yes I would do it in an instant.
Nope the point stands.
ARE YOU ADMITTING that Americans have the RIGHT to decide who enters our nation or not?
Nope you are not bypassing my post above. Respond to what I said or we are not moving further.
shareAre there gray areas in life yes or no? Stealing is wrong correct? Say your kid had an illness that was killing them. They have one day left to live. Say there is a drug that cost over 12 million dollars to obtain. This drug will cure your child and they will not die. Obviously in one day you have no way of making 12 million dollars. Would you steal it? Or would you just go well it is too much money and it is against the law to steal therefore I will simply let my child die? I am posing a scenario here. Stop looking at things as if it is always in black and white. I myself am would do everything I could to save my child's life even if it meant breaking a law.
shareYou are the one pivoting between two different arguments, one that we, the US does nto have the right to ban them, and then a more general argument that it is a bad policy for many claimed reasons.
I'm happy to argue either. BUt you want to argue BOTH, so that you can avoid being pinned down.
We have just went over your ANTI HUMAN RIGHT argument, and you realized that it was fucking retarded, and you dropped it and now want to change the argument to something else.
I'm happy to do that, but first, admit that your previous line of reasoning, about US not having the Right of Self Determination, because Indians, was a stupid fag argument and you are dropping it.
I never said the US did not have the right to ban them. Those words never left my mouth. I simply do not support them banning them. I was pointing out how you only care about human rights when it is your group. So no lets not try and be deceptive here.
You attempted to lie about what I said. So I do not believe you are happy to argue either.
No I still stand by it. Do not lie about what I said. Remember what I said earlier? Just because you can do something does not mean you should.
Nope it was a way to showcase how much of a hypocrite you are. So nope I stand by everything I have said. Do not be deceptive. You continue being deceptive and I will do the same in return.
You never SAID it, because saying it clearly would reveal what a retarded argument it is.
But you constantly IMPLY it, by whining about dead indians as though that somehow justifies your denial of human rights TODAY.
Clearly and without faggot weasel words, admit that AMERICANS have the Right of Self Determination and thus the right to decide who does or DOES not get to enter our nation, and then I will be happy to deal with your other "reasons" honestly and seriously.
And you already are not "standing by it". You just dropped it, after we discussed the vast number of indians that died of natural causes and the far smaller number that died of unjust violence.
At NO point, despite my repeated requests, did you "connect the dots" between some dead Indians, and your support of denying Americans human rights.
So, can the shit talk. Have the balls to admit that THAT argument was...weak ass shit, and I'll be happy to move on to your other arguments against "banning" certain immigrants.
So you lied about me saying that then. I never said we did not have the right to do that. I simply do not support doing it. Just because you can do something does not mean you should. Also your lie is noted and consider it dismissed.
I mentioned the dead Indians because it showcased exactly how you operate. You imply that a law is always just and fair. Law does not come before morality. You attempted to ridicule and slam me for questioning a law.
First what will be happening is you will be owning up to lying about what I said. You lied which shows your argument is weak. I caught you in a lie which I find hilarious. Liars never prosper. The childish insults showcase your true character as well. You I project are some powerless miserable human with no power in the real world. I bet over ten bucks you do not have stones to talk like that to anyone in real life. So you can drop that behavior. You know you only say that crap behind a keyboard. I do not say anything on here I would not say in real life. I do not use the word retard or faggot because I find those insults petty and juvenile. I walk a higher path than folks like you. Sit down grow up and get some class.
Nope I am standing by it. Just because you can do something does not mean you should. Let that sink into to your small brain.
I did actually. You are fine with other people's rights being violated which is why you also believe in the drug war. The drug war violates people's rights.
Lets see how you proceed. You gonna own up to lying or being a weasel? Make me actually respect a conservative. Or you can bury your head in the sand and be the ignorant person you truly are. So what is it going to be? Again tread carefully and keep it classy. You will be showcasing some respect. You continue to insult and not be classy it will prove my point further.
Now you are just spamming shit cause you know you lost the argument.
1. Word games about whether or not you said specific words. CAN YOU BE ANY MORE OF A PUSSY?
2. Then instead of stating that we have the right, you start talking shit about "just because you can, doesn't mean you should". Which is filler shit. What type of retard has to say something that stupid?
3. You talked about dead indians, because you were using them to imply that the US somehow does NOT have the right to decide who enters our country. But when I gave you a chance, hell, held your stupid hand so you could connect the dots, how that fucking worked, IT FELL APART IMMEDIATELY, and you don't have the balls to admit it.
4. Then some more rambling stupid ass shit. I'm done with you. FUCK OFF.
Your lie is noted and dismissed. I never said we did not have the right to do it.
You ever heard that saying before? Just because you can get someone arrested does not mean you should. I could get my neighbor arrested for smoking marijuana does it mean I should? People like you think a law is always just and fair.
Nope it was a way to showcase how hypocritical you are. We are living on stolen land. You can't fight that. It illustrated your behavior. It did not need to do anything else. That was my whole point of bringing it up.
YOU DROPPED YOUR OWN ARGUMENT, when I gave you a chance to explain, and now you are pretending that did not happen.
You repeatedly state that just because you CAN do something, deosn't mean you should.
Then you mention teh dead indias.
Wait, that's not an argument that you shouldn't do it, that is an argument that you do not have the moral RIGHT to do it.
Which you, SORT OF, implicitly admitted that we DO have the right.
You keep jumping back and forth DISHONESTLY AND HYPOCRITICALLY.
And, you are an ass about it.
LOL Just out of curiosity, what did you "report" me FOR?
You are not going to dismiss and deny your lie. I never once claimed we did not have the right to do it. Do not attempt to walk back what you claimed I said.
I do say that because it is true.
Indians not Indias.
Nope it is showcasing you only care about rights of your people. You care nothing about the rights of others. It was showcasing your hypocrisy.
Again you are attempting to gaslight and take away from your lie.
Once you own up to lying I will gladly share why you were reported. How about that?
I addressed you not "claiming" or "saying" it. Repeating that idiocy is you trolling.
You saying "hypocrisy" is retarded, when I am tryhing to get you to make sense of your own position. So far, you haven't even clearly told me the REASONS for your position so I can address them. DEAD INDIANS are irrelevant yet you keep bringing them up.
You saying "stolen land" is ANOTHER attempt by YOU to IMPLY that we as Americans do NOT have the same right to self determination as every other people in the world.
You IMPLY that, your position is clearly based on that, yet you know thaat it is a FALSE position, so you use shit talk to avoid defending yyour positon honestly.
YOu are a troll. I suspect you hope that you can gin up the rudeness so that you can get me banned. Such is the only way people like you, can "win" a debate.
You are cowardly trolls.
So then that was a lie from you then. That is a concession. Good you learned something.
I feel hypocrisy paints a nice picture as to how someone behaves.
Nope it is calling out a truth you can't refute. We live on stolen land. Just keep that in mind.
No I just do not support using law as a shield for being self righteous like you do.
No I simply do not believe in insulting people like you do. Quit insulting people.
NOthign you said, addressed anythhing I said. So...
YOu got nothing to say?
Meanwhile in teh real world, we Americans can and should have immigration and job policies to benefit AMERICAN workers.
BAN ALL IMMIGRATION (except some marriage exception) and deport all illegals.
Me addressing your lie is addressing what you said.
Then that means the folks who hired them should all be charged with crimes as well.
"As well"?
That implies that you accept that they should be deported.
Words have meaning you know. THey are not just shit for to spew out there. As you have been doing.
Yep but I am also making sure you are being consistent with your logic. So that means you want all the people who hired them charged with crimes as well correct?
shareOf course. With the larger employers getting hit the hardest.
Odd. So we are in agreement on policy. Which begs teh question, why were you such an ass, bringing up unrelated shit like dead indians?
Good I do not have time for people who are not consistent with logic. Many people only want to punish immigrants and let the people who hire them skate by as if nothing happened.
It was a way to showcase your hypocrisy. I do not support deporting immigrants. I do not have to agree with something simply because it is a policy. I go back to my golden rule, just because you can do something does not mean you should. It is okay to lock someone up for smoking marijuana according to the law should I support that because it is a law?
The way you assumed "hypocrisy" on my part, was just you being a faggot and a shit talker.
The way you lied about my claim and stance was you being deceptive.
shareYou are a dishoenst troll. Possibly a sock puppet for moviefan. Welcome to ignore you asshole.
shareKeep on ignoring level headed people so you can live in delusion. I am proud to say I never sunk to your level. I do not wish you ill will or anything like that. You do need to get educated though. Keep it classy big guy.
shareThere is a worker shortage in New York like in many parts of the country. 84,000 new tax-paying workers would be welcome by all New Yorkers!
"New York’s Difficulty in Filling Job Vacancies Has Hurt City Services
Of the 15 agencies with the highest worker vacancy rates, nine have failed to meet performance targets, according to the city comptroller."
Reps hate migrants and blacks, so your false concern fools no one!
New York has about 70,000 homeless people they should get jobs.
shareNope. Most chronic homeless have serious mental and substance abuse issues which means they need professional supportive treatment and services along with stable living circumstances.
Another issue is the lack of affordable housing. A minimum wage job will not pay for $2,000 to $5,000 monthly rents for a regular apartment.
Too many politicians are in bed with real estate developers which harms average people.
I already stated a great solution would be for the government, both federal and local, to create their own construction companies and build housing on government property. It would be cheaper and efficient.
Government won't do it because too much housing, especially affordable, would mean their rich developer donors would make less profit - law of supply and demand.
Let's discuss how American-style capitalism doesn't work for most who financially struggle. The Nordic and Canadian models are better for average American folks.
>Nope. Most chronic homeless have serious mental and substance abuse issues which means they need professional supportive treatment and services along with stable living circumstances.
As a result of NYC crap health services.
>Another issue is the lack of affordable housing. A minimum wage job will not pay for $2,000 to $5,000 monthly rents for a regular apartment.
which means immigrants can't afford it either.
>Too many politicians are in bed with real estate developers which harms average people.
And cheap imported labor doesn't harm average people?
>Let's discuss how American-style capitalism doesn't work for most who financially struggle. The Nordic and Canadian models are better for average American folks.
Let's do that then, as neither Canada nor Nordic countries rely on cheap imported labor to function as an economy.
"As a result of NYC crap health services."
No, mental illness, addictions and homelessness don't come from health services.
Actually, NYC has better health services than most of the country. But, there needs to be more substance abuse & mental health services and affordable housing.
"which means immigrants can't afford it either."
Many immigrants move in with relatives who are already in the U.S.. Or government provides shelter.
"And cheap imported labor doesn't harm average people?"
No. Immigrants add to the economy because they disproportionately start businesses and hire people as well as have children who do well. Studies have proven this.
They want to work. New York wants them to work. No reason to prevent it.
"Let's do that then, as neither Canada nor Nordic countries rely on cheap imported labor to function as an economy."
You're wrong. Canada, Germany and many Nordic countries have a much higher immigration rate than the U.S. because immigration helps their economy.
"No, mental illness, addictions and homelessness don't come from health services."
OK, lack of then. but you then go on to say,
"Actually, NYC has better health services than most of the country. But, there needs to be more substance abuse & mental health services and affordable housing."
All of which should prioritize the people already living there, not for immigrants (especially the affordable housing)
"Many immigrants move in with relatives who are already in the U.S.. Or government provides shelter."
Oh get real. who built NY in the first place? Thousands and thousands of Irish and Italians didn't cross the Atlantic only to arrive and immediately relied on Mexicans to do all the work.
"No. Immigrants add to the economy because they disproportionately start businesses and hire people as well as have children who do well. Studies have proven this." Yes the USA is pretty much built on immigration having displaced all the indigenous people.
"They want to work. New York wants them to work. No reason to prevent it."
Why can't someone already unemployed in the USA do it?
"You're wrong. Canada, Germany and many Nordic countries have a much higher immigration rate than the U.S. because immigration helps their economy."
Oh dear. First of all try searching for European immigration crisis. Secondly, if immigrants help the economy why can't they stay in their own country and help that grow? Finally, Germany tried a mass immigration policy across Europe about 80 years ago without any help from foreign workers.
"OK, lack of then"
No, not from lack.
"All of which should prioritize the people already living there, not for immigrants (especially the affordable housing)"
A 56% drop in immigration is hampering New York’s recovery
Although the 56% net drop is in line with the rest of the U.S., in New York City, 38% of the population is foreign-born, compared with 14% nationwide. Slower immigration could stunt the city's population growth. Without international immigrants, more New Yorkers leave or die than move here or are born each year.
Immigration helps the economy!
Immigrants comprise 37.2 percent of the city’s population but 44.2 percent of the labor force.
Over three-quarters (77.5 percent) of undocumented immigrants are in the labor force compared to the city’s U.S. born population (64.9 percent).
"who built NY in the first place?"
The Dutch and African-Americans built New York. But, technically the Dutch were illegal since no Native-American gave them permission to immigrate. (Africans had no choice.)
Spaniards (and Africans) were in Florida, Georgia, Carolinas, Texas and other parts of the U.S. before any other Europeans:
"Why can't someone already unemployed in the USA do it?"
Americans don't want those jobs.
As a result of demographic change, Germany will become increasingly dependent on immigration to secure its pool of skilled labour and stabilise its economic performance.
Immigrants are already making an important contribution in this respect. In 2019, for example, almost every sixth person in skilled employment had not been born on German soil and one in twenty had entered the country since 2007.
Immigrants play a vital role in Canada’s economy. Officials granted over 645,000 temporary work permits to foreigners in the first ten months of 2022, nearly four times the previous year’s total.
The government has put forth an ambitious plan to welcome five hundred thousand immigrants each year by 2025.