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Howard Stern the MISOGYNIST: A Message to Keelai

And any BRAINDEAD simp suffering from amnesia who is trying to gaslight GENUINE leftists and feminist-supporters, like myself, that Howard Stern is some sort of 'feminist'... 🙄🤦‍♂️

"Americans have a well-known capacity for amnesia when it comes to their heroes, but The Howard Stern Show never stinted on displays of what is widely regarded as rape culture. This included hours upon hours of discussions in which Stern verbally dissected the bodies of famous women, told rape jokes, ran interviews with Playboy bunnies in which he’d ask about their sexual experiences with other women as well as provide graphic descriptions of his own fantasies of bedding them...

...And how to ever explain away that moment in 1992 — the year of the Rodney King beating, when racial tension in the country was running extremely high — when Stern “joked” on air to Geraldo Rivera that “the closest I came to making love to a black woman was [when] I masturbated to a picture of Aunt Jemima … I did it right on her kerchief."

I went to see Stern’s autobiographical film, Private Parts, with some teenage boys when it came out in 1997. I had been interviewing them for a series of articles I did for New York magazine, and they told me that Howard Stern was one of their heroes. As they sat there guffawing along with Stern’s sexist humor — “having a good time,” as Stern says — I understood a little better where they were getting the idea that their own degrading attitudes towards girls and women were OK. (And not just OK, but what would get you money and power and fame, or at least infamy) Those same kids are now in their late 30s, and some of them are raising daughters. If they raise these girls to know that they deserve respect in this world, it won’t be thanks to Howard Stern."

HOW DARE the likes of Keelai and other MORONS, like Lena Dunham and some DICKHEAD therapist, called 'Dr' Sarah Sarkis, claim that Stern is a 'feminist'.

Such talk demeans REAL feminists, and significantly lowers the bar in terms of the behaviour we should expect from men, when it comes to their conduct towards women.

Then again, these are the types of people who will happily dismiss the CREDIBLE rape and sexual harassment allegations against a NOTORIOUS PREDATOR like Bill Clinton, because, hey, he happens to belong to the 'right' party (i.e. the one that was founded to uphold slavery, and was aligned with the KKK and segregation for MANY decades...)

These are the types of TDS morons who believe that 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend', whilst ironically ignoring the FACT that many of their HEROES were good friends with Trump for many years (fwiw, I despise Trump with a passion, but I will NOT give a pass to the HYPOCRITES, like Stern, and like the Clintons, who were his close friends, and now expect us to suffer from collective amnesia; remember, folks, Trump was a registered DEMOCRAT throughout the 00s. Things aren't as black and white, as simpletons, like a certain braindead DNC shill, would have us believe). 😠

But TRUE leftists and progressives, who stand by our principles, do thankfully exist.
