MovieChat Forums > Politics > No-one Respects Trans Rights More Than M...

No-one Respects Trans Rights More Than Me, BUT Ezra is a Man's Name, Audrey is a Woman's Name

My ass these people are 'trans' or 'non-binary'.

They're like the rapists who claim to be 'women' in order to access a woman's prison.

They're NOT really trans, and any genuine supporter of trans and non-binary rights, like myself, should distance ourselves from these Rachel Dolezal-like GRIFTERS.😠

*Elliot* Page is *genuinely* trans. He changed his name upon fully coming out as a man. These GRIFTERS and FRAUDS who use gendered names like Ezra (i.e. male) and Audrey (i.e. female) are making a joke out of GENUINE trans people, and the trans and TRA community should be looking after their own back rather than defending and supporting people who are FRAUDS and dragging down the whole trans community with their VIOLENT BULLSHIT.

FUCK these people. The vast majority of decent, law-abiding, non-violent, GOOD trans and non-binary people should DISTANCE themselves from the FRAUDS, GRIFTERS, and BAD FAITH LIARS. 😠

Stop being so 'honourable' that you end up hurting *yourselves*.
