Assistant district attorneys must also now keep in mind the “impacts of incarceration,” including whether it really does increase public safety, potential future barriers to convicts involving housing and employment, the financial cost of prison and the racial disparities over who gets time, Bragg instructed.
I don't understand this restorative justice nonsense. Some people need to be locked up so they don't kill somebody. There are evil people in this world who will NOT be rehabilitated.
The one person killed two people in the 1960's and he killed a third lady upon release in their eighties and in a wheelchair. The killer should have been executed back in the sixties. These murderers sometimes sit on death row for thirty years.
Yes, it has. Ignore the NY Post rhetoric and lies.
The subject is about bail reform. People, including, nonviolent misdemeanors and crimes, are forced to stay in jail for months waiting for their trial which jeopardizes their jobs, family situation and housing situation. A recent report which was released stated positive results since bail reform was enacted.
Most people don't understand that the threat of jail is used by prosecutors to force plea deals even when a person is innocent. They're also threatened with long sentences unless they plead guilty even if innocent. The majority of people don't go to trial. They're just threatened by prosecutors.
Scenario: Bubbathegut is arrested for car theft. You're innocent, but it's mistaken identity. Prosecutor will throw you in jail for 8 months until your trial. You'll lose your job, can't pay your mortgage/rent, lose your health insurance and your kids won't have your parenting. That's our F-ed up "justice" system. Pardon my French.
I support violent criminals going to prison. But, not minor crap like smoking a joint that creates more instability and poverty.
In other words not only can these thugs present their “Get Out of Jail” free card; they also have been given carte blanche to do whatever crime they want to commit without compunction.😳 Way to go New York City! The city run by idiots who need to be tarred & feathered. I hope this Assistant D.A. is one of the first victims from a perpetrator he didn’t charge as the law is stated. What a 💩 hole place to live.
I have a feeling the sale of firearms by the usually law abiding folks is going to skyrocket. 👏🏻👏🏻
Not so says the anti-Trumpers! They would keep going after him and every day there would be a new accusation. Hells Bells! If they could put him on trial in Nuremberg for war crimes they would do it. 🙄 I truly believe their hatred for him is so intense they would set themselves on fire protesting as “The Burning Monk” did over Vietnam’s government. The Democrat lemmings could not tolerate another Trump administration.