MovieChat Forums > Politics > If Our Political Parties Were *Truly* Le...

If Our Political Parties Were *Truly* Left-Wing Wouldn't They Be More Popular Among the Plebs...

...who watch sports games, movies and TV shows, than the SUPER-rich people who play professional sports, broadcast, and appear in these films and TV shows, and are paid RICHLY by the poor sods, in mimimum-wage and blue-collar jobs, who watch them?

Back in the day, the Democratic Party and the UK Labour Party were predominantly *working-class* (miners, steelworkers, mechanics, and small business-owners supported them). Roosevelt's policies were for the poor, and you found just as many spoiled rich entertainers who supported the GOP as you did supporting the DNC. Nowadays, it's mostly the *rich* you hear speaking in favour of supposedly 'progressive' policies, and it's the poor, blue-collar plebs you hear badmouthing those policies.

Sorry, but as a *leftist* that doesn't seem right to me. It seems weird, and as a person with a DIAGNOSED mental illness (i.e. an ailment which marginalises me and makes me an OPPRESSED, DO bear that in mind *if* you disagree with me... 😠) it's EXTREMELY hard to deal with this sense of cognitive dissonance.

Progressive parties should be for the POOR. 😠


Well you answered your own question right in the title. The Democratic party's ideological shift away from left-wing policies has been ongoing for decades, ever since Reagan and his counterpart Thatcher in the UK ushered in neoliberalism. The UK Labour Party and Democrats were faced with a choice: continue to fight for the working class, potentially at the cost of losing power, or adopt a new strategy. Both parties chose the latter, unfortuanely this meant abandoning the working class. Under Bill Clinton's Third Way politics, which were a continuation of neoliberalism, the Democrats only differentiated themselves from the Republicans by advocating for select social issues, which still lacked significant divergence (e.g. their opposition to gay rights). As with Tony Blair in the UK, the Democratic party became the party of the educated coastal elites while embracing corporatism. Over the next 30 years, policies such as NAFTA decimated the working class. In addition to that they deregulated Wall St. and media companies which resulted in 6 companies owning and controlling all of our media whose job it is to prop up the corporate state by spewing propaganda literally 24/7. Today, the Democratic party not only fails to assist the working class, but they also disparage them by labeling them as "deplorables." While they claim to support minorities, this rhetoric is used to divide the working class along racial lines, a clever strategy for the oligarchs. Throwing a few crumbs to the poor now and then is typically enough to secure their votes, particularly with charismatic charlatans like Obama.

Fuck the Democrats.


Brilliantly put (although I'm not quite as contemptuous of Obama as you are, and I still believe that the DNC is a better option that the alternative, especially as I support a woman's right to abortion and gay marriage).

What I find sad is how many younger 'progressives' have fallen hook, line and sinker for corporatism (maybe because it's the only type of 'socialism' they've ever known), and will go staunchly to bat for corporations, like Disney, because they do throw them a few crumbs when it comes to issues like diversity and so on, in contrast to smaller businesses that don't have such unified policies, and don't have the same resources to both guarantee these liberal 'niceties' whilst competing with the corporate 'big boys'.

The Third Way has also atomised rights to the extent that a lot of 'liberal'/'left-wing' rhetoric, coming from people who identify as 'feminists' and 'Black rights' activists, is very contemptuous of the poor. Wealth and celebrity is worshipped, and the common man/woman is regarded as an obstacle to progress, rather than a natural ally of *other* marginalised and economically disadfranchised groups.

The implication seems to be, and unfortunate it's a recurrent narrative, particularly within the US, way before Clinton/The Third Way, is that one has to choose between [white] workers (i.e. socioeconomic justice), and women and POC (i.e. social and cultural justice). After all, it was the Democratic Party in the pre-Civil Rights Act South that was both defining itself against big business, whilst, sadly, defining itself *against* Black rights.

And many Republicans who opposed the Confederacy during the Civil War, were not simply motivated in quashing slavery for moral reasons (although, in all fairness, many, like Lincoln, were). Some believed that the South was holding the US back, from an *economic* perspective with its antiquated industrial practices. Obviously, they ended up fighting the right cause for the 'wrong' reasons.


All great points as per usual my friend.

Since we have a slight disagreement about Obama, let me try to persuade you that he is indeed a contemptuous piece of shit.

Even though he ran as a progressive champion of the people, he was a straight up corporatist whose entire cabinet was literally chosen by Citibank (the memo sent by Citibank was leaked to Wikileaks).

He kicked over 5 million families out of their homes while bailing out the big banks and corporations.

He implemented a drone program that killed 90% civilians.

He expanded 2 wars (which he promised to end) into 7 wars, setting the Middle East on fire (for which he was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, WTF???).

Instead of implementing something like Med4All, or at least a public option, like he promised, he implemented a right wing plan straight from the Heritage foundation (previously know as Romney Care). And he did this while the Democrats had complete control over congress. He could have implemented any left wing policy he wanted, but instead he chose to do the bidding of the corporations at the expense of the American people.

Obama is a Charlatan and a war criminal. I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.


Hey this is apropos of nothing but someone is libeling you in this thread:
I don't mean to be like that guy in high school who eggs on people to fight, but I though you should know. I think they should be called out on their bullshit.


Thanks. I'm aware of that guy. I'll just try to ignore them.

What annoys me, isn't the attacks of 'trolling' or 'disinfo', but this idea that I vascillate between two complete opposite extremes (i.e. 'I'm a feminist who hates feiminists') when the truth is, my views are nuanced and complex, which is why I can criticise *some extremists* on the left *without* bad-mouthing feminism or progressivism entirely as a concept.

As I said elsewhere, I have OCD so I struggle with cognitive dissonance. When I disagree with a fellow leftist, it bothers me more from a cognitive POV than when I disagree with a misogynist or a racist (although there seem to be a lot of the latter on this site). So, for instance, I support feminism, but if I see a 'feminist' say "All men are rapists" or "Women are superior to men" it *does* bother me, because I don't accept the former statement (suffice to say, I am not a rapist), and the latter statement isn't in the spirit of the egalitarian feminism that I support.


This is why we vibe. My views are also rather nuanced, which tends to catch people off guard. As a socialist with conservative leanings, I often find myself in the curious position of supporting some conservative ideas while flatly rejecting others. Sadly, many people are hopelessly entrenched in tribalistic partisanship, demanding rigid adherence to orthodoxy and a tidy compartmentalization of individuals into neat little boxes. That's simply not my way. I resist such labels and refuse to be constrained by any particular ideology.

And I also have OCD. It can be a real bitch sometimes. My condolences.
