MovieChat Forums > Politics > Feelings About Individuals Who Exaggerat...

Feelings About Individuals Who Exaggerate Their Ethnic Ancestry/Hardship

I'd particularly like to hear from fellow libs/progressives.

Surely it can't be right to effectively make-up/exaggerate a more marginalised/oppressed background in order to effectively 'escape' one's privilege. Surely it's far more admirable for an individual to acknowledge their personal privilege, rather than do the cowardly thing and point at someone else: "Don't blame/attack me. Him, over there, *he's* the *real bad guy*."


You mean like Democrat Elisabeth Warren whoโ€™s entire career exists because of a lie about her ethnicity.

Notice Democrats have kept quiet about her racist actions. As usual.


That's one of the most obvious examples, yes, but not the only one.

FWIW, I've seen various celebs, both Dem *and* GOP, exaggerate their ethnic ancestry.


That's how George Santos won his election. But he didn't exaggerated so much as outright lie about being both Jewish and "half-black."


I'm sorry if this annoys you, but I'm actually less offended by Santos than I am by Warren.

Santos is, like me Hispanic. He's *already* a member of a minority. Also, a lot of Hispanics do have some relatively recent Black ancestry.

Warren is a fucking *Anglo*. A fucking *WASP*. A blueblood, in some ways. Those people have NO right to claim ethnic ancestry. They are NOT oppressed. The only basis that Warren might be oppressed is as a woman, and from a blue-collar background. But ethnically and racially, she is PRIVILEGED (I.E. WHITE PRIVILEGE ๐Ÿ˜ ). DEAL WITH IT.

Santos, however, whilst wrong to lie about being Jewish and half-Black, is, as I say Hispanic, and so IS *ethnic*.

PS: You're speaking to someone who was bullied at school for 'looking Jewish and/or Black', so to be VERY careful about what you say next. ๐Ÿ˜  Remember, if we can refer to the mistreatment of a non-gay man bullied for being mistaken as gay (which has happened), what's the FUCKING difference in treating the bullying/mistreatment of a gentile white person who's been ATTACKED for being 'Jewish' and/or 'Black' as *anti-Semitic* and/or *racist*. Or do you approve of the way I was treated, and feel people like ME should have no recourse for our ABUSE? ๐Ÿ˜ 

By the way, today many *Jewish* people still say to me "You look Jewish." So, if they think so, maybe they're right. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ Since my mother's family are impoverished sharecroppers who don't have much documented ancestry, who's to say otherwise? YOU?!? ๐Ÿ˜ 
