Why Are We Harsher Towards So-called 'Incels' Than We Are to Men Who Cheat on Their Wives?
It makes NO sense.
It's 100% like hating on people who are homeless and poor instead of people who are wealthy tax-cheats.
You're actually punching down at people with nothing, and letting people who are GREEDY and ENTITLED off the hook?
Is it because society is based on BULLYING, and because we treat the 'beautiful people' who are the ones attractive and rich enough to have affairs, like gods, whilst hating on the poor and 'ugly'?
Sorry, but this is the OPPOSITE of 'PROGRESSIVISM'. It's actually right-wing conservatism (i.e. attacking those with nothing, whilst worshipping those with everything).
DO BETTER. And if you have more hate for 'incels' than you do for CHEATERS, YOU ARE *NOT* a leftist. Far *FAR* from it. ๐