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Right-Wing Men and Militant Female Feminists Are in Cahoots

The likes of Jordan Peterson, and other misogynist wankers, who wish to maintain the patriarchy, along with militant (and often anti-trans) feminists, are in cahoots (just as extreme left-wingers and extreme right-wingers, and just as militant Christians and militant Muslims, are often feeding one another's extremism).

Both groups have an insidious mission which is to uphold the patriarchy, and continue to frame men as the de facto 'bad guys' and women as the 'innocent victims'. Men who are vegan/vegetarian and involved in voluntary and caring work, are dismissed by both groups as 'weak' and 'undesirable', and yet militant women continue to complain about 'macho men' (whilsy continuing to date them, if they're straight, or at least insidiously promote them).

Why is this? Could it be because women wish to see themselves as the superior sex, and so, by framing men as brainless, Neanderthal pigs who favour war, self-interest, cruelty and bigotry, they get to play the 'sweet, innocent victims'? 😠

I know that any man who points out this TRUISM, will be dismissed as a bitter 'incel' or a 'MRA', but I refuse to be GASLIT anymore by this collusion of misogynist patriarchs, like Peterson and Andrew Tate (who, I'll remind everyone, is a biracial Muslim...), and militant feminists who have an interest in a binary approach to sex/gender, where the men are the baddies and the women are the goodies (and anyone who complains is a 'misogynist' *sigh*).

Thank Fuck for the trans community, who are destroying this moronic, simplistic (and covertly anti-male) narrative, which a few snakeoil salesman types, like the braindead Peterson, Tate and the like of Donald Trump, are keen to uphold.

Sorry boys, but some of us MEN have progressed beyond playground level macho BULLSHIT. We have brains, we have hearts, we have soul, we have empathy, we have compassion, we refuse to abuse women, we refuse to kill animals for food or sport, and we refuse to be framed as the 'bad guys'.

And sorry ladies that you don't get to demonise 'all men', as you'd like, although, I know you won't date good men, and will continue to date abusers, and if any of us reasonably point this out, you'll call us 'misogynist incels'. But the truth is, we've (or, at least, *I've*) seen through your lies and gaslighting, even if you're going to keep me in the ghetto for refusing to play the part you've assigned me (i.e. the 'evil man').

Yes, I *AM* a man. NOT a trans women (although I'm 100% in support of trans women!) or even binary. But I am a straight cis man who's showing all the extremists, whatever their gender/sex, that MEN don't have to be the reactionary, thuggish, sex-obsessed, meat-eating pigs you want to pigeonhole us as. Sorry, not sorry. 😠






Male Feminists are pussies. You've fallen for Cultural Marxism (the Cult)!


I'm not a 'Cultural Marxist', or a 'Marxist' of any sort. I simply believe, as any decent human-being should, in equality and mutual respect. Women and men should have the same rights, and we need to clamp down on male-on-female violence.


Wow ! You should turn professional !


Good lord....just go away, troll.


You're not in charge here. Who the hell do you think you are, telling me to 'just go away'? 😠


I wonder if Peterson and the likes had it right all along... Rise of incels and crazy testosterone filled men going on shooter rampages.


The US needs to remove guns from society.

In Europe we have angry, militant people, but most of them don't go on mass shooting sprees.
