Things That REALLY Piss Me Off: Meat-eaters Being Referred to as Vegans
This happens a lot with female models and actresses. The assumption is, 'Oh, they're beautiful and fit. They must be vegan.'
I just saw an article about a wealthy beauty queen that referred to her as vegan. I smelled something fishy (no pun intended) because she was clearly a Republican girl, and they're rarely vegan, even for health reasons, and lo and behold, contrary to the stupid article that suggested she was 'giving tips on vegan diets via her Instagram page', I see that she has made various posts over the last *couple* of years highlighting her diet, which includes *fish and chicken*.
Sorry, but NO. Fish and chicken aren't vegan. They're not even vegetarian. Heck, if she eats chicken, she couldn't even call herself a pescitarian FFS.
As a GENUINE bona fide VEGAN, who hasn't eaten meat for 31 years, and hasn't consumed ANY dairy or any animal-based foods, like honey, for about 13 years, it really pisses me off when I see non-vegans described as vegans.
I know what it's about. It's more simping BS (or, in this case, since the article was a right-wing source, right-wing anti-simping, which, from a left-wing perspective, comes across as simping). It's perpetuating MORE LIES that beautiful blonde women are better than dark swarthy men like me, even though the TRUTH is that I live a VEGAN diet, and I know MANY beautiful blonde bimbos who don't. π
STOP FUCKING SIMPING. I'm fed up with my VIRTUE being undermined due to false narratives and blatant LIES about pretty white women who don't make half the fucking sacrifices I do.
I'm tired of being framed as the 'bad guy' because I'm a white straight man, when the reality is, I live a FAR MORE virtuous and progressive lifestyle than most other people, of any race, gender or sexuality, especially spoiled overprivileged blonde white girls, who are FAR better-off than me, but are simped over due to their gender and their fucking prettiness. π It's WRONG.