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Logically Speaking: Incels Are the True Male Feminists

For all the demonisation we see of men who aren't having sex, think about it...

Not a day goes by when we don't hear a high-profile woman, some of whom are relatively rich and powerful, and thus, one would hope and think more protected and sheltered than the rest of us, talk about a terrible sexual experience (e.g. rape). As a consequence, FEMINIST straight men, like myself, are in part scared and anxious about sex. Why? Because we quite reasonably associate male heterosexuality with ABUSE.

As a FEMINIST, I don't want to be an abuser, and so I am naturally wary of sex, for fear of being one of the many millions of men who are, if we take every woman's word for it, rapists.

Why would a FEMINIST male like myself want to be a rapist?

FWIW, I've seen feminist-identifying men serve the 'correct narrative' by outing themselves as rapists (Morgan Spurlock comes to mind...Joss Whedon is another self-identifying 'feminist' who made a career simping for women, whilst ACTUALLY abusing them in real-life...and in the past I came across male feminist bloggers lecturing the rest of us on feminism/treating women with repect, who went on to admit that they had a history of hitting women... πŸ™„πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ), but, sorry, there are some things where "Mea culpa. Mea culpa" doesn't cut it. I'd rather NOT be a fucking rapist than serve the 'right narrative'. I'd rather remain the type of feminist who DOESN'T rape, assault, hit, molest, harass or prey on women. 'Weirdly' enough, I always assumed that's what a male feminist should be (i.e. someone who DOESN'T harm women). I haven't done so, so far, and I'll be damned if I ever do. I may be a lot of things (bad and good), but one thing I REFUSE to be, is a man who hurts women, especially not physically or sexually.

Anyway, back to my original point, there are plenty of men who like and enjoy sex, who choose not to, only because of the fear and anxiety they feel about being one of the millions of men who clearly have committed rape (etc) according to the accounts. Although these men are making a choice not to have sex, arguably they are 'incels' because they feel compelled to make that choice, not because they are asexual or unattracted to women, but simply because they're genuinely scared of doing something wrong.

Like I say, there are so many horror stories about heterosexual encounters, is it any wonder some FEMINIST men refuse to be a part of it. And thus, LOGICALLY, the *most* FEMINIST men are (non-misogynist) 'incels'.
