Study Finds Children Are Naturally Helpful Unless It Detrimentally Affects Themselves
Initially, I read this report and thought 'No sh*t Sherlock'. Of course people are kind and helpful to others *until* they're detrimentally affected.
Then I realised, hang on a minute, this means children are in fact different than most adults, because there are millions of adults who still continue to vote for political parties that do NOTHING to protect their right to public healthcare, do NOTHING to invest in jobs, do NOTHING to help get poorer and even middle-class kids into colleges and offset debt, and do NOTHING to invest in public services used by practically every individual who isn't a multi-millionaire. Instead, they continue to vote for parties that slash taxes for the highest 1% earners, because their hatred for people *even less well-off* than themselves (including immigrants and POC) far overrides even their own *self*-interest.
So, yes, this study *is* a revelation. It demonstrates that children are far more sophisticated and practical than many adults, because children won't choose to f*ck themselves up in order to deprive someone else.