MovieChat Forums > Politics > Is the Death Penalty morally wrong?

Is the Death Penalty morally wrong?

Why or why not?


I do think that there are people that do deserve to be put down. That being said, everyone does have a right to a fair trial.

I doubt there are many people lamenting Ted Bundy’s death.


How about that recent case with the school shooter in Parkland, Florida where he killed 17 people? Yet the jury gave him life in prison.

If you are going to have a DP at all then that would've been the textbook case to have it. I'm shocked the young man didn't get the DP.


Usually, if Karma comes a calling, the other inmates will dish out the deserved punishment. It’s also not as pretty as an IV dripping the good stuff into the arm. Many years back a sub-human, murdered his bitch girlfriend’s little boy while she watched. The method of murder was to grab the pitiful child’s ankles and use him as a toilet plunger. Up & Down! Up & Down, slamming the child’s head against the porcelain toilet bowl until the child succumbed.😭 Just for wetting his training pants!

What gets me, in most of these child abuser/murderer cases they take the lifeless child to a hospital! 🙇🏼‍♀️ what for? Just to concoct a plan in order to save themselves! He got life, she only got 8 years if I’m correct. True justice was served to the pos by those who were serving time…lifers. Their method? Up & Down! Up and Down! Slamming his head against the sides of the toilet bowl until it split open! 👏🏻👏🏻 Most of these type cases are perpetrated by live-in boyfriends.

While the IV is dripping into the pos wouldn’t it be great if his or her victims materialized only to be seen by the murderer. The victims would appear as they were left by the murderer. In Bundy’s and Danny Rollings cases…the victims would be holding their heads! Some who were executed have screamed towards the end. Hmm? 🤔 Maybe, just maybe they had visitors

In the movie “Ghost” evil doers in life went to hell and became Shadow Figures or Wraiths. Their job was to collect the evil souls of others as soon as they died and take them to Hell! 👏🏻👏🏻


"Prison Justice" is probably rare though and more glamorized in the media. In the Parkland school shooter case, he will probably be in solitary due to the notoriety of his case to ever receive true "Prison Justice".


It would be interesting to know just how rare “Prison Justice” is. It may occur more than we are told. True, most of those who commit heinous crimes are kept in solitary confinement away from the general population. But, lifers can usually find away to get to them especially if the victim was a child who was raped and murdered. All it takes is one or two guards who “forgot” to do something. :-)


No, but the track record of innocent people being exonerated after death is concerning.... It should be used more sparingly. Example: Nikolas Cruz and the Boston Marathon Bomber. There is zero reason to keep people like that alive.


I'm shocked the jury never gave NC the DP though. Why have a death penalty at all if that wasn't a good case for it? It was clearly premeditated and he planned that shit for months. He was on video bragging that he wanted to kill "at least 20 people". I don't understand....


It is morally wrong because it is occasionally used on people innocent of the charge that lead to the death penalty.


What about clear cut cases like that school shooter in Florida that killed 17 people?


All well and good, but not all cases that end in executions are that clear cut, surely. The problem with the death penalty is that it can't be taken back if it's later discovered the executed person did not deserve it. If we could guarantee that 100% of all people that have ever been executed under the law were deserving of it, that's fine. But we can't.


It's only morally wrong when you put to death an actual innocent person, that's it. Personally I wouldn't put to death someone that didn't have absolute evidence (video of the deed). Many times the justice system has put completely innocent people in jail until later evidence acquits them but they've served decades jail time.
