Pro-Trump Tour Flies Off The Rails Over ‘Demonic Satellites’ and ‘Deep State’ McDonald’s
The far-right “ReAwaken America” gathering in Manheim, Pennsylvania, this weekend wasn’t your typical pro-Trump rally.
It was a whole different level of crazy.
The QAnon-peppered programming frequently flew off the rails Saturday, as speakers took severe issue with everything from McDonald’s being part of the “deep state” to “demonic satellites” controlling the voting system in the United States.
The day’s activities kicked off with a prayer asking for Trump’s eyes to be opened so he could be shown when to “implement divine intervention.”
“You will surround him, Father, with none of this deep-state trash, none of this RINO trash,” the speaker—who led the prayer—yelled as attendees thrust their hands into the air.
Trump supporters wonder why most Americans laugh at them.