MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why did the GOP reject a bill to help ve...

Why did the GOP reject a bill to help veterans exposed to toxins?

Why do Republicans throw veterans out on the streets?

Back from Iraq - and suddenly out on the streets
NEW YORK – Veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts are now showing up in the nation's homeless shelters.


Common pyssies what's your answer to this?


If you are going to troll, its needs to be more subtle.


Just an FYI this idiot says that Al Qaeda doesn’t exist, Bush caused 9/11 so he’d have an excuse to kill Muslims. He’s definitely a Trump supporter trolling trying to make Libtards look crazy, they don’t need any help from him.


Because ALL THE MONEY, EVERY PENNY has to go to the Republicans' global aristocratic/oligarch masters ... absolutely nothing is for the people - Republicans hate the people and treat them like ignorant slaves.




The premier went to them to discuss it further.
