MovieChat Forums > Politics > Can elon Musk save us all?

Can elon Musk save us all?

Watch and tell me your thoughts, please? Because I need to know whether to fully support him.


Probably not, but he wants you to buy his $80,000 EV and enjoy free electricity.


Maybe if we continue to funnel billions of dollars to him. He is a huge recipient of taxpayer money, and a lot of positive press.

It takes single-minded determination to make so much money, meaning that billionaires and business people often do not know much about the political system and how it works, and why it is the way it is. All they care about is making whatever they want to do easier and more lucrative.

In the least 100 years they've completely removed any requirement for corporations to serve the public interest, and as such the public interest is not being served and the country is declining in almost all measurable dimensions


He's our last, best hope.


