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Trump Woke Up and Went on a 60-Post, QAnon-Fueled Social Media Spree

Former President Donald Trump spent Tuesday morning feverishly sharing content from supporters on his social media platform Truth Social, posting or re-posting more than 60 times since early Tuesday morning, including content from QAnon accounts and the far-right message board 4chan.

It looks like Trump is doing everything he can not to get reelected.


How can anyone think this was a good idea


He's living rent-free in your empty heads. Seriously, some of you need to get a life. Especially yatzo.


I have a rather rewarding life, thank you. My dislike of Trump started long before he was president. He's not a good man and he only cares about himself. How anyone can support this buffoon is beyond me. Thankfully Trump will never be president again and his idiot supporters will slink back to where they came from.


It's such a pathetic and transparent whine, isn't it? They basically can't defend the piece of garbage they are following, so they have this weak assed "argument" about everyone who points out how stupid, traitorous, phony or criminal he is must be "obsessed" with him.

But that's the best these losers can do.


Exactly! Trump's minions constantly criticize Biden but as soon as someone posts something negative about Trump then they go nuts claiming Trump lives in their heads rent free and suffer from TDS. Trump's acolytes are huge hippocrates.


Republicans know that if he runs he will lose again and bring all the old divisiveness and lies up ... because if he wins there will be more than ample evidence coming to light about how Republicans have rigged the electoral system that they would rather apply to Ron DeSantis.
