MovieChat Forums > Politics > What are some blatant lies politicians h...

What are some blatant lies politicians have said throughout history?

So what are some neat and obviously dumb lies someone in our government has told us? Hell, even George Washington probably lied way back when.

Trump is a narcissist, and those kind of people naturally lie, even to themselves. So there's one example.


Iraq has WMDs (meaning nukes). George W. Butch


"I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky". - Bill Clinton

"I didn't even know the reporter was disabled." - Donald Trump about a reporter he previously met who has a clear disability.


In 2017 Dementia Donnie claimed that "the head of the Boy Scouts" had called him to say that his bizarrely political address to the Scouts' National Jamboree was "the greatest speech that was ever made to them," the Boy Scouts confirmed that no call ever happened.

Dementia Donnie was lying about the Boy Scouts.


"I am not a crook." Richard Nixon


“This thing is costing me a fortune, being president,” Trump


How is that a lie?


Dementia Donnie and The Trump Family Crime Foundation actually made a fortune on all the scams on the US taxpayer that the fat tub of shit pulled off.


He made Money hand over fist while President. A few examples:
1) Never put his company in conservatorship. He let his sons handle the day-to-day stuff. However, he was running it the whole time and involved in every major business decision. Although to be truthful, there is actually no requirement for the president to do this. Most do it so they don't appear to have a conflict of interest.
2) He charged the government 144 million over the four years so he could play golf at his own golf courses. Plus, he would not let the Secret Service use their own specially designed carts. They had to rent them from him and for security reasons they had to restrict access to them, so they were being charged 24/7 365 days of the year.
3) He charged the Secret Service to use the facilities at Mara Lago and his New York Tower for his security. Since they had to be close to him, they were required to rent the most expensive accommodations.
4) He didn't refuse his salary. He put it in an interest-bearing account and at the end of the year donated it to charity. He usually donates a lot more than that, so it didn't really change his income.


This was The Trump Family Crime Foundation at work!


"If you like the plan you have, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too. The only change you’ll see are falling costs as our reforms take hold."

Barack Obama June 6th 2009


No Malarkey


Calling Pres. Trump a narcissist is not an example of him lying.

Just this week Joe Biden said that on January 6th law enforcement was "speared, sprayed, stomped on, brutalized. Lives were lost." He said brave law enforcement officers were "subjected to medieval hell for three hours, dripping in blood, surrounded by carnage."
Joe Biden said that he decided to run for office when he heard Pres. Trump call white supremacists "very fine people". Of course, we all know Pres. Trump never said that.
Joe Biden said he never discussed foreign business deals with Hunter. Provably false.
