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John Bolton Brags About Planning Coups In CNN Interview

Iraq (during Bush W reign), Venezuela and Bolivia (during Trump's reign). Remember, US is not much better. All about power and remaining top dog or trying to as it slowly declines within. Guess we'll see how long the US empire can last as all empires eventually fall and newer ones take its place. Human stupidity is infinite and history loves repeating itself.


Let's all believe he learned to do that on his own and not from others in the past.


He didn't plan shit.


The global order is breaking down, and bad as that order was, it is putting the whole world at risk. I have to admit I'm kind of scared that ALL OF OUR BEST DAYS ARE SOON TO BE BEHIND US.


But Trump is the most evil person ever. Trump would kill you for money. Bolton would do it for power and control. Who is worse?
