‘Babe’ star James Cromwell superglues hand to Starbucks counter
Fair warning: This one gets a bit sticky.
Incensed by the “senseless upcharge” at Starbucks for nondairy milk, “Succession” and “Babe” actor James Cromwell and other members of PETA, where he serves as an honorary director, staged a protest Tuesday at a Midtown Manhattan location of the coffee chain.
If anyone wanted him to leave, they were out of luck as he — along with another protester — superglued his hand to the counter in what can best be described as a “glue-in.” PETA live-streamed the protest, which quickly began trending on social media, where the stunt was met with a menagerie of praise and (mostly “Babe”) jokes.
If God didn't want us to eat cows and drink their milk then he wouldn't have made them taste so delicious.