Have You Read The Entire US Constitution?
shareHave you? No.
shareI wanted to read the French constitution and reread the American to refresh my memory and compare.
Now, I'm on a roll, therefore I'll read a couple of other constitutions, too! I want to compare strong democracies, tyrannies, communists, theocracies, and itty bitty countries like Tuvalu which only has a population of 11,900, but a 100+ page constitution. Go figure!
Great, now you can work on learning the difference between a pure democracy and a republic.
shareI already know and have addressed it repeatedly on MC. But, I bet you don't know. Can you define both in a sentence?
Keeliar is a dumbass Googler who doesn't know that we do not live in a democracy but a constitutional republic.
Did I pass?
No. You failed. You didn't define democracy nor republic in a sentence. I'll give you another chance.
I'm feeling generous, therefore I'll give you a big hint. Even a tyranny like North Korea and Communist Cuba are republics. Even Nazi Germany was a republic.
OK, ball is in your court.
Dang, I thought for sure I had that one.
shareContext is everything. The Founding Fathers lived in the 1700s when kings ruled Europe. Most people were impoverished and malnourished. Kings sent men to fight and die in wars and kept the wealth for themselves and aristocrats. People were also heavily taxed and had no say in anything.
Then, people in America pushed back and rejected their monarchy which was a major thing to do back then.
Republic only means a government that's not a monarchy. It's not a big deal now, but in the 1700s it was.
Democracy means ruled by the people (instead of a king who didn't really care about the people). The people live a better life when they can decide how government is run and make decisions based on the best interest of everyone.
Most governments are republics including tyrannies. But, it's our democracy that continues to inspire most of the world.
"The United States is a representative democracy and its people play an important role in the governing process. Our government is based on several fundamental values including freedom, individual rights, equality, and opportunity."
That's likely a question on the citizenship test.
I read it backwards, Satanic style.
shareI read it right to left to appease our Islamic overlords.
shareI own the Satanic Bible and read it. Ironically, it's the only bible I have read in its entirety because it's so short. Nope, it's not really about devil worship.
shareI've read the Satanic Bible of course. It's really about libertarianism, sorta like Ayn Rand with horns. 🤣
shareIt's not political. Christianity and other religions tend to consider being human to be sinful and expect people to feel guilty about sex, nudity, pleasure, desires, etc.. The Satanic Bible says that's wrong and celebrates being human.
shareNah, it's the virtue of selfishness. I agree with some points and disagree with others.
Do you agree with all of these?:
Nine Satanic Commandments
Satan represents indulgence, not abstinence!
Satan personifies the essence of life instead of unrealizable spiritual dreams.
Satan represents undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deception!
Satan represents mercy for those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on flatterers!
Satan represents revenge, and does not turn the other cheek after a blow!
Satan represents responsibility to those in charge instead of being involved with spiritual vampires.
Satan presents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often even worse than those who walk on four legs; an animal that due to its “divine, spiritual and intellectual development” has become the most dangerous of all animals!
Satan personifies all so-called sins because they lead to physical, mental and emotional satisfaction!
Satan has been the best friend of the Church at all times, supporting her business all these years!
"LaVey published "The Satanic Bible," a collection of Nietzschean philosophies and repudiations of Christian teachings: "Hate your enemies with a whole heart, and if a man smite you on one cheek, SMASH him on the other"; "Say unto thine own heart, I am mine own redeemer' "; "There is no heaven of glory bright, and no hell where sinners roast.""
He was trying to trigger Christians who have issues with humanness. He's just a guy who wrote a book which I read out of curiosity. I don't take him nor the book seriously.
Well I only disagree when you say LaVey was not serious. He meant what he said and his philosophy is echoed by many in the "how to get ahead in business" and "looking out for number one" crowd.
That's also 9 points on how to survive in prison and I've been there. It's cutthroat but very practical.
"I don't take him nor the book seriously."
Nope, I didn't write that LeVey wasn't serious.
I take him seriously. His ideas have been influential. Like you said he drew on Nietszche. But he also had important influences such as Ayn Rand and Aleister Crowley.
LaVey stole and reworded ""Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" from Crowley. He also stole the mock devil jazz from him.
I'm not American but I've read the US Constitution and was surprised to find that technically slavery hasn't been abolished.
The 13th Amendment says: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
I've always thought that slavery was abolished without exception, but this Amendment gives the impression that you can still enslave someone as punishment for a crime... Though no judge in this day would ever sentence someone to slavery, this amendment implies that a judge is well within his constitutional right to do so. I guess this is the loophole that allows the US prison system to use inmates for labor in manufacturing underwear and toys for cents an hour.
That was done on purpose. After slavery, vagrancy laws were created to enslave black people, again. Some laws made it illegal for black men to work for themselves, while forcing them to work for a white person at very low wages. If they refused to sign an exploitative work contract, then they could be arrested for not having a job and forced to work for free which was the purpose of those laws.
I believe the U.S. is the only westernized country to use prisoners for free labor.
I've always been interested in rule of law aka the magna carta and how it shaped the US constitution.
It was the Iroquois Confederacy which shaped our Constitution.
European-Americans like Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and James Madison knew only the monarchy system before they discovered brand new concepts when meeting with the Native-Americans for treaties. They advocated for copying the Iroquois Federation system of five independent governing nations joining together to form one larger government (the Iroquois Confederation) which became our thirteen independent states forming the larger United States.
Caucus were held and originated with them and is from an Algonquian word. Iroquois leaders, unlike European kings, considered themselves equal to everyone as well as all men, women and children could voice their concerns with leaders. Their system of government was democratic and egalitarian which was inspirational to the Founding Fathers and rest of the world. Separation of powers, removing an unfit leader, two branches of legislature and other democratic concepts came from the Iroquois Confederacy.
People also shared resources unlike in Europe where most people lived in poverty while the king and nobility kept most resources for themselves.
Imagine coming from a society where monarchy is the norm and seeing democracy in action for the first time!
The Senate formally recognized the Iroquois Confederacy of Nations for their contribution to the US Constitution: