The Latest Idiocy From Perjury Taylor Greene
'Trying to make a point about a national baby formula shortage, as well as high-profile California shoplifting incidents, Greene tweeted a picture of a can of baby formula with a security sensor taped on it.
"If this was California you could steal baby formula up to $900 worth with no consequences, but in Georgia where we respect law and order, there are now security censors [sic] on the very few cans of baby formula that can be found." she wrote
Regardless of whether you believe California's Prop. 47 is good or bad policy, it's indisputable that Greene's tweet has a glaring omission: Georgia actually has an even higher felony theft threshold than California. According to the Prison Policy Initiative, Georgia lawmakers increased their state's felony theft threshold from $500 to $1,500 in 2012. It's among the highest thresholds in the country, and if one believes California's threshold is too high, they are logically committed to believing Georgia's is too high as well.'