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NRA Conference for Gun Nuts in Houston on May 27-29

Good news! Gun nuts can attend their NRA Conference right after attending young children's funerals. How convenient for you!

From the NRA website:

"Join us in 2022 for the 151st NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Houston, TX. Put on your best walking shoes and spend the day exploring products from every major firearm company in the country.

You can book the hunt of a lifetime in our exclusive outfitter section and view priceless of firearms in the gun collector area. You’ll also see an amazing array of knives, wildlife art, shooting accessories, hunting gear, ATVs, and much more! Bring the whole family, because, with more than 650,000 square feet of exhibit space, there’s something for everyone.

The NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits is open to all NRA members and their immediate families (spouse and children under 18 years old) and is FREE to attend."

Gun nuts arm criminals, crazies and kiddies!


87% increase in gun killings this year. A bunch of that is the democrats letting killers out on bail so they can kill again though.
As killings tied to defendants out on bond rise in Houston, crime data reveals a crisis in courts.


Gun killings. Gun nuts arm criminals, crazies and kiddies.


And it's the safest, most polite congregation of tens of thousands of people you'll ever attend. What can we read into that? Maybe it's not the "gun nuts" that are the problem.


After the last week you can still say that gun nuts are not a problem? I think you've got a problem.


Show me once instance where a law abiding gun owner shot a bunch of innocent people. The problem is not guns or the people who own them. It's murderers.


Both 18-year-old mass murderers, Buffalo & kiddie school killer, legally obtained their guns and shot innocent people.

Once again, gun nuts defend gun nut killers! How predictable!


I know this is difficult for you to understand but people who guy a firearm with the express purpose of committing mass murder, are not "law abiding gun owners".

If guns are the problem, why is the NRA convention so peaceful and friendly?


Then, gun nuts shouldn't allow criminals to LEGALLY BUY guns!

Repeat after me... Gun nuts arm criminals, crazies and kiddies.

BTW, the NRA doesn't allow guns onto their premises.


"Then, gun nuts shouldn't allow criminals to LEGALLY BUY guns!

Repeat after me... Gun nuts arm criminals, crazies and kiddies."

Repeat after me, Keelai is a liar.


CaigyC, there are now medical procedures that can be performed to attempt to reverse some of the damage you suffered at "birth."


NRA conference is banning guns:



You're a real idiot. The NRA isn't "banning guns". The fucking Secret Service is not allowing weapons into the auditorium where a former president is speaking.

In fact the NRA encourages people to carry at the annual meetings and people very often do. Been there, done that. You might know this, if you knew anything at all. I used to be friends with people who work at the Fairfax headquarters and write for their magazines. I'd spend all weekend at the convention. You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about but I'm sure it sounds good to your dumbass friends.


Why does Trump need Secret Service? He should be perfectly safe with so many gun-owners around him.


He would be if there weren't so many leftwing terrorists with an agenda. In fact, when I was at the NRA show in Nashville, I passed Don Jr on the show floor. He had Secret Service with him but he was on the floor.


If America didn't have Black people, crime would be a lot lower and so there would be much less "gun nuts" who feel they need guns to protect themselves. Canada and UK...few Black people, strict gun laws. US many Black people, loose gun laws. Coincidence?


White people kidnapped black people and brought them to America.

You're a gun nut defending gun nut killers. Very typical behavior.


That's not true. Black people were already slaves in Africa. Whites just transported them to another location. More Blacks immigrated to America that were ever brought as slaves.

When have I defended this killer?


Sell any guns to kiddie killers or fellow white supremacists lately, gun nut?


Never held a gun in my life. It's illegal to poses here and I don't mind it that way.


"If America didn't have Black people..."

Nevertheless, white people kidnapped black people and brought them to America.

Gun nut culture has nothing to do black people.


That's not true. Black people were already slaves in Africa. 40% of Africa's population was slaves before the arrival of Whites. Whites just transported them to another location. More Blacks immigrated to America that were ever brought as slaves.

It has everything to do with Black people. How do you then explain the US is the only Western country with such gun laws?


Your racist diatribe is irrelevant. Whites slaughtered the Indigenous people and then kidnapped Africans. Any European unhappy with diversity can always go back.


Since we're talking about slaughter of indigenous people how come nobody ever talks about slaughter of pygmies in Central Africa by West African Blacks? They were almost completely eradicated and even today they're treated like shit

Still today Pygmies enslaved and treated like pets by Bantus:

For the last time, Whites didn't kidnap anyone. Blacks were already slaves for hundreds of years. Blacks were kidnaped by other Blacks. White colonial powers stopped slavery in Africa.

If American Whites returned to Europe, Black and brown people would be following them.


You're all over the place. Whites kidnapped Africans and brought them to the Americas. Period. Case closed.


No, it's not case closed. There were no Whites going on in Africa hunting Africans. They wouldn't last a day. Africans practiced slavery themselves for centuries. Encyclopaedia Britannica estimates that around 42% of West and Central Africa's population was slaves before European colonization. Had Whites not bought existing slaves from other Africans, they would have been slaves even longer all until British and French ended slavery in Africa. Blacks owe Whites gratitude for freeing them from slavery.


Europeans left Europe, killed native Americans and kidnapped Africans.


They did not kidnap Africans. They moved existing slaves into another location where they were treated better (the average Black slave worked less hours per day than free White farmer), gained higher literacy rate than the world average and were ultimately freed. Had they not been transported, they would have continued to be slaves in Africa until the British and the French banned slavery there.

Native Americans mostly died due to diseases like Europeans died due to bubonic plague that came from Asia. It wasn't a genocide. This video debunks it thoroughly.


That's stupid! You know nothing about history. Most Africans were free.

Free Africans were kidnapped and enslaved like Kunta.

Europeans killed native Americans with guns, disease, genocide and slavery.

You're a Slav! Other Europeans should've used your ancestors.


Not true. 41.6% of Central and West Africa's population were slaves according to encyclopaedia Britannica BEFORE the Whites colonized Africa.

The supply of slaves used to be inelastic which means that the demand for slaves in the US did not increase the supply in Africa, meaning that Whites probably did not cause any person to become slaves who already wasn't one.

Kinta Kunte is a fictional character from a TV show. The author of this show admitted that the scenes where White people were capturing slaves probably didn't happen and that he used them to give Black people some mythology.

In the movie Amistad with Anthony Hopkins, it is portrayed correctly where it shows AFRICANS capturing other Africans.

There was no genocide of Native Americans, they died mostly due to diseases. Funny how nobody blames Asians for bringing the Black death to Europe which killed 1/3 of Europeans.

In any case if Europeans are supposed to have guilt about what happened to the Native Americans, the Arabs should have guilt about that they did to Berbers, the Aryans about what they did to Dravidians, The West Africans about what they did to pygmies etc. Arabs enslaved one million Europeans, and they don't have any guilt and neither do Turks. None of these peoples have any guilt.

Europeans are the only race in the whole world which are self critical. Turks aren't self critical, Arabs aren't self critical, Africans aren't self critical, Japanese aren't self critical, no Native American tribe is self critical, Chinese aren't self critical, Indians aren't self critical. But instead of complaining to any of these peoples who definitely have historical blood on their hands and don't have any guilt, you DO complain about White people who DO have have regret and self criticism. Utter hypocrisy.


Gang Member Accused Of Murdering Police Sergeant While Out On Bond Gets Released On Bond Again


You are such a disgusting, POS. You revel in things like this. You are no better than the shooter.


Will you take 5 minutes of silence at your NRA conference in Texas this weekend, Gunnutio?


You are such a disgusting, POS. You revel in things like this. You are no better than the shooter.


BTW, you STILL sound like a hysterical, bitter, angry WOMAN!


Two back-to-back posts!
YOU are a hysterical, bitter, angry GUN NUT!


Gun Nut? As usual, you assign FALSE labels to people to DEFLECT from the fact that YOU are a despicable human being, and a complete waste of space and oxygen.


YOU still are a hysterical, bitter, angry GUN NUT!


You should have seen the tantrum Gubbio threw when he found out that he could not use his food stamps to buy guns & ammo!


I heard your mother accepts food stamps as payment.


Was that at a seance you heard that?


Yes, she was very proud of the fact!


Only gullible fools are taken in by seances. The dead do not communicate with the living.
Only gullible fools believe in Fat Donnie's lies.
Looks like you met the gullible fool criteria at least twice. I hope you didn't pay much to get in on that seance action and I hope Fat Donnie didn't sucker you out of too much of your food stamp money for a donation.


So immature-ttj, Please grow up, or go sit at the Kiddie's table.


Kiddies not safe at the table because of gun nuts like yourself.


You are like a dog with a bone; a true sign of your psychosis!


Gubbio, don't be angry that you cannot use your food stamps to buy edible underwear for your boyfriend to wear.


Gubbio will suggest food stamps for guns and ammo at the NRA conference this weekend.


When Gubbio found out that he couldn't use his food stamps to buy edible underwear for his boyfriend to wear, he was so mad he wanted to go on a mass shooting rampage!


You still haven't denied reveling in this tragedy, because it fits your political agenda. You love it!


You're still defending the gun nuts.


I defend no one. Point it out. You are doing what you usually do; deciding who/what people are, then dumping on them.

You still haven't denied reveling in this tragedy, because it fits your political agenda. You love it!


Another in the LONG lists of Keeloids lies. Put up or shut up, liar.


Oh the irony.


Guns are banned during Trump's upcoming speech at the NRA conference

Former President Donald Trump is scheduled to speak at the National Rifle Association's Annual Leadership Forum on Friday. But audience members at the group's annual meeting, being held this year in Houston, won't be able to carry guns during his address.

The conference is going ahead in the shadow of Tuesday's mass shooting at a Uvalde, Texas, elementary school that killed at least 21 people — including 19 students.

According to the NRA, the Secret Service is taking control of the hall during Trump's speech and is prohibiting attendees from having firearms, firearms accessories and knives. Ammunition, laser pointers, pepper spray, toy guns, backpacks and other items also won't be allowed.

The Secret Service will search attendees with magnetometers before they enter the hall, the NRA said.

This isn't the first time firearms have been off-limits during a part of the gun group's annual convention. In 2018 a similar prohibition was put in place during a speech by then-Vice President Mike Pence.

The Secret Service told NPR in a statement at the time that the agency has the "authority to preclude firearms from entering sites visited by our protectees, including those located in open-carry states."

In 1999, after the mass shooting at Columbine High School that left 13 people dead, the NRA considered canceling its annual convention scheduled for a few days later in Denver but ultimately decided to go ahead with the event.


Great post pointing out what a bunch of cowardly hypocrites the NRA, Fat Donnie and the other gun nuts are!


You're a real idiot. The NRA isn't "banning guns". The fucking Secret Service is not allowing weapons into the auditorium where a former president is speaking.

In fact the NRA encourages people to carry at the annual meetings and people very often do. Been there, done that. You might know this, if you knew anything at all. I used to be friends with people who work at the Fairfax headquarters and write for their magazines. I'd spend all weekend at the convention. You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about but I'm sure it sounds good to your dumbass friends.


Blah, blah! The guns aren't safe which is the reason they are banned at your upcoming NRA Conference.


Keep repeating the lie.

The truth is that the Secret Service is not going to allow weapons in the same room with a former president. It would be this way no matter what the venue or who the former president is.


Why not? Guns don't kill. Remember?


I don't know, ask JFK. Your effort at turning this into some sort of hypocrisy is comical.


Didn't the NRA file for bankruptcy before? How are they still existing? I thought they were losing money or something.


That is a story the homo press made up to get you to read it and maybe buy some of the junk they advertise.


Attend the NRA Conference where you can pretend to care about slaughtered school kiddies. Thoughts and prayers.


They're the MSM boogeyman. Guns Owners of America is far more popular and finally getting some attention. They also aren't soft on guns like the NRA has been.


Gun nuts continue to celebrate killing kiddies!


And keeloid continues to lie incessantly.
