MovieChat Forums > Politics > Biden Supreme Court nominee wants lenien...

Biden Supreme Court nominee wants lenient child porn laws and sex offender laws.

According to Hanity.


Of course according to Biden: "If you don't want to sit on my lap you ain't a kid!"


Can you provide a source or at least a little context?



If she truly believes sex offender registries are unconstitutional, then I can't support her, however I guess it doesn't matter because she's getting confirmed.


We really need to repeal the 4th Amendment. Bunch of libtard snowflakes 400 years ago, we're smarter than they were. Just trust cops


according to Hanity, who heard it on Carlsons show, who heard it on Shapiros show, who first heard it from "true patriot front for freedom news".

I am of course joking but making the point that this is how right wing media operates a lot of the time.

reminds me about the story of Trudeau going around by right wingers clapping he lost his teaching job because of an affair with a young student. well when you tried to go and find the initial sources.

it was two fringe right wing sites that just bounced off each other. quoting one another as "reported by" LOL. like yelling "hello" is an echo chamber and hearing the echo and saying it confirms there is somone else there


Well since they are gonna go after her about Sex offenders, I feel like Matt Gaetz should ask the first question on behalf of the GOP.
