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Enjoying Those High Gas Prices Trump Gave us?

Trump ended the price war between the Russians and the Saudis leading to our high gas prices today. He ordered the Saudis to cut oil supply, causing a rise in the prices, or lose U.S. Military support.

Trump’s oil deal: How the Saudi-Russia price war ended | Fortune

Special Report: Trump told Saudi: Cut oil supply or lose U.S. military support - sources


Gas was $2.19 when Trump left office.
You are out of your league.
Go back to Y.Chat and feed your need for attention with like minded individuals.
There are tons of ‘bellicose’ slugs that have (something) to rant about, like you.

That’s Y.Chat...go home!


As soon as Trump took office, gas prices started to rise. Gas prices were $1.68 a gallon on January 20, 2015 under Obama. They only went up after Trump took office.

You are out of your league. Go back to some chat BS and feed your need for attention with like minded individuals. There are tons of ignorant slugs that have something to rant about, like you.

Media Goes Silent as Gas Prices Fall After Obama Crack Down On Oil Speculation

Gasoline prices could be the cheapest for any fall since Obama was first elected

Gas prices were $1.68 a gallon on January 20, 2015


More fantasyland, alternate universe bullshit.


Keep drinking the koolaid. You're so ignorant and brainwashed you don't know your arse from a hole in the ground. Here are the facts repeated:

As soon as Trump took office, gas prices started to rise. Gas prices were $1.68 a gallon on January 20, 2015 under Obama. They only went up after Trump took office.

You are out of your league. Go back to some chat BS and feed your need for attention with like minded individuals. There are tons of ignorant slugs that have something to rant about, like you.

Media Goes Silent as Gas Prices Fall After Obama Crack Down On Oil Speculation

Gasoline prices could be the cheapest for any fall since Obama was first elected

Gas prices were $1.68 a gallon on January 20, 2015


Truth Social waits for you


Truth Social is just one more of Trump's spectacular failures.


LOL like Putin's ground invasion. Can we stick Republicans in between the fire of Russians and Ukrainians? It would solve a lot of problems.


True colors shown. Only fringe kook leftist wish death on those they disagree with.


If liberals didn’t work so hard to silence conservatives, it wouldn’t even be necessary. What are you so afraid of?


I'm not afraid of anything. The reality is Truth Social so far is a failure and doesn't look like it has any chance to success. It's got nothing to with liberals vs. conservatives.


Then why do liberals work so hard to silence conservatives??? You're afraid of something. In this country, people aren't supposed to be afraid of opposing views. It has EVERYTHING to do with liberals vs conservatives. The liberal media, supported by big tech, has spent the last six years repeating lie after lie about Trump, until fools like you believe it. Why? Because they represent the establishment. That swamp Trump promised to drain. You literally vote for and support the swamp. The dirty old political establishment that seeks only to perpetuate itself at YOUR expense.


Liberals don't silence conservatives. Liberals barely have a voice if any. The media is almost 100% corporate which means they are conservative. You don't hear any news about the war in Yemen nor any news about how speculators are causing gas prices to rise. verdict: all the voices you hear are conservative.


You are such a nutjob. Gas prices did indeed go up under Trump... but not by much, and Covid had a lot to do with it. Biden and the democrats just increased those prices even much more to fuel their agendas, whatever that may be.


You're just ignorant, mostly. Stupid people always call smart people crazy.

Biden and Democrats DID NOT increase the oil prices. If anything Biden is the first president to release the strategic petroleum reserve in years that have been keeping the prices at bay for the last few months.
US Clears Second-Largest Ever Loan of Oil From Strategic Reserve

Jan 25, 2022 ... The · The awards are a part of a plan announced in November by President Joe Biden to release 50 million barrels from the SPR

The deals Trump made with the Saudis did and the Saudis are helping drive them up as well as the speculators.

Saudi prince warns of 'unimaginable' oil prices
Date 30.09.2019
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has called for global action against Iran, warning of "unimaginably high" oil prices otherwise.

Saudi crown prince plays the oil card in quest for U.S. recognition

Keep lobbing the bullshit my way and I'll keep kicking your arse.


Well, Biden hasn't really been doing a great of keeping them down? I assumed this already happened?


Ah, the ole, piss down your back and tell you it's raining approach.

If you don't think the media is liberal, you are part of the problem. Which was obvious already. Like I said, fantasyland.




Yawn you're clearly a sock account spouting the same deranged mental gymnastics bs as keelaid etc.

Do you wake up in the middle of the night screaming "TRUMP!"? LOL


The reason for the high price are all the restrictions on domestic oil and gas production the Drooler-in-Chief put in place after getting elected.

Get rid of the restrictions and domestic production will rebound nicely.

Don't like gas prices? Thank a Democrat.




There are no restrictions. We already produce what we need.

The prices are high here because of basic economics. People need oil, and the cost of oil overseas is way up. So our gas companies look at that price, and that's what they sell it for. Because capitalism.


anti big government conservatives in my country are saying Canada should produce and sell its own oil to Canadians.

they basically want a communist command economy when convenient


Yeah its weird.


You. Are. An. Idiot.
