Western Media Ukraine Racism Treatment and Coverage - Russia justifies killing children (Was Putin right on Neo-Nazi's?)
-Black people being removed from evacuation trains
-Ukrainian fighters dipping bullets in pigs blood to kill Russian Muslim soldiers
-American journalists claiming "Ukraine is civilized" unlike "Iraq & Afghanistan"
Matt Frei loses his cool after Russian justifies dead children saying if America can kill children in Iraq and Afghanistan, so can Russia.
They kinda have a point?
-No stoning of gays or throwing them off of rooftops
-No honor killing
-No beating up wife/wives because the man is in charge of the house and must be obeyed
-No beheadings
-No forced marriage
-No child wife
-Not much jihad
-No religion that says to kill you if you try to leave
-Can draw their prophet/messenger
-Compatible with more or less Europe