No sir that is not how science works. But definition if you just choose a subjective opinion to believe that does not make it science. Science does not care about your subjective beliefs. I see you did not watch the video
You don't know how anything works. First and foremost, "science" is not infallible. If it were, no drugs would ever be pulled from the market. Secondly, if you do not think that any scientific study can be manipulated into the desired result, you're more ignorant and naive than I thought. There is plenty of "science" on both sides.
Where did I say its infallible? Science deals with the best information we have and makes tentative theories based on them, subject to change.
Yes sir, thousands of scientific studies , billions of covid tests, the study of the virus RNA, the 30 million dead. are all just manipulated numbers and fake! a massive global conspiracy involving literally tens of millions of medical professionals.
there isn't plenty of science on both sides sir. Its why you cannot give me a single scientific or medical institution that agrees with you!
You operate under the delusion that is infallible, whether you actually said that or not. Else you might actually entertain the possibility that what you believe is untrue.
I am not obligated to provide YOU with some sort of 3rd party evidence to support my opinion. You're the Googler, Google it. Since you have no thoughts of your own.
No I do not. at all. as I explained my understanding of it clearly.
no I require evidence that the current studies and evidence is wrong.
this is a fallacy of the "what if"/ you don't provide facts, just say "what if you are wrong!" and give that equal weight to the best evidence.
Actually you are sir. its called a burden of proof! it is akin to me saying goblins exist! naturally you would want evidence. and I respond with " Do your own research! google it yourself!"
I cannot find evidence for something that has no evidence.
You have no thoughts of your own. Do you understand the difference between having an exchange where two or more people share their opinion and this thing that you're doing? You're doing what you're doing because you have no thoughts or opinion of your own. You're either too young or lack the intellect. Either way, I'm not spending any time out of my day to give you links to support my opinion, which has been formed over 30yrs of adulthood, which you are going to refute anyway.
I have really given no opinion either way. I will do so now. There is no conclusive evidence either way. I think it is important that we take measures to decrease pollution but I do not believe it to be the crisis that you idiots make it out to be. It doesn't matter if it is or isn't. Until you can get shitholes like China and India to clean up their act, Americans and Europeans are pissing in the wind with their efforts to reduce pollution. So direct your effort in that direction or STFU.
What I have a real problem with is the absolute junk, bullshit "science" that said it was a good idea to litter the west with windmills and cover fields with solar panels. All failed leftist experiments that you never own up to.
I have a real problem with the "junk science" that concluded that lead birdshot was poisoning the California condor into extinction and pushed for laws to be passed banning lead bullet ammunition.
So-called "science" is used for political gain by dumbasses like yourself every day.
"believe my unsupported assertions or else you have no thoughts of your own!"
good one sir!
so if I believe something hard enough its true? im not making it out to be anything, tis what the models show. and the clear last 100 years of increasing temperature and climate extremes.
" Until you can get shitholes like China and India to clean up their act, Americans and Europeans are pissing in the wind with their efforts to reduce pollution. So direct your effort in that direction or STFU."
you seem to be conflating general toxic pollution with carbon and climate change! nice try sir!
"What I have a real problem with is the absolute junk, bullshit "science" that said it was a good idea to litter the west with windmills and cover fields with solar panels. All failed leftist experiments that you never own up to. "
more vague allusions to vague science. I love when you do that! who needs studies!
"So-called "science" is used for political gain by dumbasses like yourself every day."
yes my personal political gain by.... I make so much money due to global warming by...
I am sorry you do not like the findings by the scientists. This clearly upsets you. it does not make it untrue.
if you could stop being such an emotional feelings driven mess on every topic, and stick to the facts, evidence and studies you would be better off! you wouldn't look so imbecilic! and you would have a leg to stand on!
but you do not even know what the burden of proof is. so your intellectual prowess and ability to support your assertions is suspect.
You didn't watch the video
You didn't address anything in it
You didn't provide any evidence. when asked for it you told me to go find your evidence for you
You got angry I believe facts, and don't make everything emotional and feelings based like yourself
Our results confirm, as has been found in numerous other previous studies of this question, that there is no significant scientific debate among experts about whether or not climate change is human-caused. This issue has been comprehensively settled, and the reality of ACC is no more in contention among scientists than is plate tectonics or evolution. The tiny number of papers that have been published during our time period which disagree with this overwhelming scientific consensus have had no discernible impact, presumably because they do not provide any convincing evidence to refute the hypothesis that—in the words of IPCC AR5—'it is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century' [12], and, most recently in IPCC AR6—'it is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land' [13].
Our finding is that the broadly-defined scientific consensus likely far exceeds 99% regarding the role of anthropogenic GHG emissions in modern climate change, and may even be as high as 99.9%. Of course, the prevalence of mis/disinformation about the role of GHG emissions in modern climate change is unlikely to be driven purely by genuine scientific illiteracy or lack of understanding [14]. Even so, in our view it remains important to continue to inform society on the state of the evidence. According to the IPCC AR6 summary and many other previous studies, mitigating future warming requires urgent efforts to eliminate fossil fuels combustion and other major sources of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Our study helps confirm that there is no remaining scientific uncertainty about the urgency and gravity of this task.
The other day I was looking at the formation called devils mountain.
The mountain used in close encounters of the 3rd kind.
Scientists say at one time the surrounding land was level with the top of devils mountain and with no human interaction, the surrounding area eroded away.
In many fresh water rivers in upsate NY you can find shark teeth. How did shark teeth get in fresh water rivers?
Million years ago the river use to be a huge salt water sea? Where did the sea go?
What would liberal climate change warriors do if they saw a see disappearing?
Who would they blame ?
How much money and effort would they use to try and stop a natural occurence?
Bottom line is the United states cannot get any more green. It's now up to the rest of the world to catch up.
Because the liberal Democrats believe if the u.s goes 100% green energy that it will magically clean the enitre world
Scientists say at one time the surrounding land was level with the top of devils mountain and with no human interaction, the surrounding area eroded away.
In many fresh water rivers in upsate NY you can find shark teeth. How did shark teeth get in fresh water rivers?
it took about 1 second of research to find that there was a massive inland sea in the United States...
years ago the river use to be a huge salt water sea? Where did the sea go
so plate techtonics and geology is an unknown scientific field to you? its incredibly well studied and backed up y incredible amounts of evidence. essentially you are using an argument from ignorance. "I do not know so therefore its not true" where did they go?
"during the Cretaceous period, the ancient Farallon and Kula tectonic plates were in the process of subducting beneath the North American Plate. ... Eventually, the seaway closed off at the end of the Cretaceous and gradually disappeared due to regional uplift and mountain-building on the western side of North America."
amazing what you can do when you spend the barest amount of time doing basic research! you can actually provide evidence rather than spouting off feelings and ignorance.
what would liberal climate change warriors do if they saw a see disappearing?
Who would they blame ?
How much money and effort would they use to try and stop a natural occurence?
sorry you don't seem to have an argument. so there cannot be man made effects because there are natural ones too? the holes in the ozone due to CFC's can't be addressed because in billions of years the cooling and slowing of our molten core may also lead to ozone damage?
Bottom line is the United states cannot get any more green. It's now up to the rest of the world to catch up.
Because the liberal Democrats believe if the u.s goes 100% green energy that it will magically clean the enitre world
20% of US energy is still produced by coal burning. sorry the US can't get more green?
you didn't address anything in the video, you brought up arguments from ignorance. and demonstrated you do not even have the most rudimentary understanding of science, how it works, or basic well supported theories.
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Plate tectonics and volcano eruptions have caused the environment to change in the past.
Caused the ozone layer to change
Without human interaction.
There are much bigger violators to the environment then the u.s.
Could you imagine the uproar there would be today if a sea was rapidly disappearing? How much effort there would be to stop it.
How much blame there would be.
tectonics and volcano eruptions have caused the environment to change in the past.
and still do? what is your point? you acted confused that the sea could disappear. I gave you the answer. why bring up a topic and act confused
caused the ozone layer to change
Without human interaction.
yes it is almost like both human intervention AND natural processes can change things. What a revolutionary concept!
There are much bigger violators to the environment then the u.s.
yes its called GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE. not US localized climate change. what is your point? None of this changes that humans are contributing to it
Could you imagine the uproar there would be today if a sea was rapidly disappearing? How much effort there would be to stop it.
How much blame there would be.
What the hell are you talking about?
#1 it wasn't rapid
#2 rivers, lakes and seas are changing. these processes take place over hundreds of thousands and millions of years
#3 things are naturally changing currently due to geological processes. no liberal is up in arms because we cannot stop them and they are happening slowly.
thats the point. Man made climate change accelerating these 100k year processes to a few hundred years.
Liberals cant handle such natural events today...
you're extreme ignorance and elementary understanding of the topic is showing.
I am honestly flabbergasted by the amount of hogwash written in such a small amount of space.
its just nonstop conflation, ignorance and general dull wittedness.
this is why we have science class. but you either missed them or absorbed nothing. You may have well have wrote
"I don't have a basic understanding of science, and anything I don't know can't be true. and I am going to conflate a natural 100k-million year process with a short term massive man made affect, act like they are the same to trivialize it, then talk about "the libs"
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how do you stop a natural occurrence like a sea drying out?
Today liberals are measuring sea levels in years and say any such occurence is the fault of humans.
So you want to prevent a natural occurence from happening sooner then later?
by definition it is not natural if humans are contributing to it and making it happen rapidly.
anymore than our ozone depleting due to our use of CFC's was natural just because "the ozone will deplete in billions of years when our molten core cools"
should we have continued to use CFC's and putting holes in our ozone?
sir are you dimwitted or just not reading what I write? legitimate query?
thats why when asked for evidence you told me to go find your evidence for you! this is literally the foundation of supporting an argument. Imagine scientists and thesis papers were just published with conclusions only. and when the other scientists peer reviewing it or academics looking it over said "sir? where is your evidence", the person said "you go find it for me!"
I cannot truly believe anyone is this mentally sedate and simple
"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."
Devils rock is a volcanic intrusion. Once solidified it would be considerably harder then the rocks it was forced through. Over time the process of erosion will remove the softer rock.
I would imagine the sharks teeth have weathered out of the sediments they were originally deposited it. Sharks teeth generally make good fossils and near were I live can be found weathering out of the Triassic shales on the beach.
The river did not used to be a huge salt water sea - perhaps it flows where a sea once stood. You should look at a paleo-geographic map of the USA and read a little about tectonics and isostatic adjustment.
We're not likely to see a sea disappearing as a result of climate change - we'll actually be building walls to keep it away.
The USA is second only to China in the amount of pollution it produces - I suspect it could get a little bit greener.
I learned this guy doesn't understand even the barest amount of geology nor wants to. he just keeps repeating his script no matter how much I rebut his nonsense. he is deadset on conflating a natural million year process with a man made effect.