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Will Joe Biden ever hold another press conference??

Joe Biden's press conference last week was an unmitigated DISASTER. He basically gave Putin permission to invade Ukraine as long as it wasn't a really big invasion. His handlers then had to come out and do cleanup in hopes of avoiding a major world conflict. That was only Joe Biden's second press conference in a year and it basically confirmed that he is cognitively unable to hold office (something most Americans knew back in 2020, that's why they had to change how the election is run to get him into the White House). He still has three more years in office. He will be expected to do more press conferences. Can he?? Was last week's press conference Joe Biden's last?


more than likely, but he still has the SOTU coming up. they might cancel it or pre-tape it. if he does do it, you know its going to be a cringe-fest with lots of yelling and c'mon man.

the scary part is that we possibly have 3 more years of this clown.


Hopefully he starts screaming about how he only cares about "Who counts the Votes!" during the SOTU.

That is batshit crazy stuff that the democrats aren't supposed to be saying out loud. He can't remember to wipe his ass but he can remember a quote from Stalin 100 years ago.


He's still supposed to do the State of the Union Address on March 1st. I'll bet he doesn't say a single coherent sentence and shits his pants.


this is going to be dementia joe while he is talking. Nancy will be on bed pan duty.


Oh such a good boy.🤣


The State of the Union is entirely different from a press conference as it is a speech that is written by speech-writers. Even in last week's presser Biden had a list of reporter's that were "okayed" by his handlers to call on. Things went to hell in a hand-basket when Biden decided to extend the press conference and call on reporters who had not been "approved".
