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Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka Trump subpoenaed in New York probe

New York's attorney general has subpoenaed two of Donald Trump's adult children, Donald Trump Jr and Ivanka Trump, as part of her civil probe into the former U.S. president's business practices and namesake company.

The subpoenas from the office of Attorney General Letitia James were disclosed in a Monday filing with a New York state court in Manhattan.



That commie DA thing.


When are they gonna subpoena that piece of garbage, Maxine Waters, for inciting violence?


None, because nobody rioted because of what Maxine Waters said. No rioter visited Maxine Waters forums talking about doing her bidding, and no Maxine Waters rallies turned into riots.

In fact, that applies to all democratic politicians.


You're full of shit. If you tell someone to commit a crime, that's a crime. Leftist.


Telling people to get in other people's faces isn't telling someone to commit a crime, MAGAt.


You're pathetic. Not only has your side incited WAAAAAYY more violence, they've committed EXPONENTIALLY more. Billion of dollars in damages, not to mention the rapes and murders but you're okay with that. I condemn any and all people who do that, whatever side they're on. You support it if it's your fucked up side.


Lol, "your side."

Trump convinced "your side" to riot by lying to them.

People rioted in 2020 because Chauvin was caught on video killing someone.

Stay mad, MAGAt.


Idiot! So anytime someone is killed, it's okay to riot? Of course it is, if it's for your fucked up side.

I knew you wouldn't address what I said because you ARE part of antifa and a disgrace.


I never condoned violence. Try and look for it, MAGAt, you won't find it.

I knew you wouldn't address what I said because you're too busy drooling on your keyboard.


I've asked you this before and you never answer. A simple yes or no question: Do you condemn all the violence that antifa and BLM committed?


He just admitted to me that they were wrong and that we are right. He still needs to stand by his principles and join me in calling for Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and Water’s impeachments, until then all he’s doing is talking out of his asshole.


He she or it has been talking out of it's asshole on here, for years. A true reprobate.


He’s shown his bias, he’s willing to connect the dots in whatever direction he has to to reach the conclusion he wants. It’s beyond obvious that he has no interest in the truth or what’s right, all he cares about is his cult.


Do you condemn all the violence that antifa and BLM committed?
Of course I do. I've said it many times on here. You're just too ignorant to notice.

Just like you're too ignorant to realize on your own that no riots happened because of what Maxine Waters said. When faced with that, you frantically diverted to something else.



How the hell do you know that, imbecile? ALL your leftist messiah's hate filled rhetoric spurred people on. You saying that just confirms that you're a fringe kook, brainwashed, lying, leftist pawn. You should be ashamed of yourself.


I have been through these talking points with Ultaviolet before and his line of thinking is fallacious at best. He is just connecting the dots in whatever direction he has to to: A) Blame Trump and B) Deflect blame from BLM, Antifa and the DemoKKKrat establishment.

The 2020 riots were far worse than 1/6 and the DemoKKKrat establishment openly encouraged them and didn’t care if innocent people died. 1/6 however was trespassing at it’s worst and it was a mostly peaceful protest which Trump had nothing to do with because he clearly said to march “peacefully and patriotically”. The entire 1/6 commission is just another sham witch hunt designed to score cheap political points which is all the DemoKKKrat cult cares about theses days.


“People rioted in 2020 because Chauvin was caught on video killing someone”

So if those thugs were unable to control their actions, if Chauvin’s actions forced them to riot then they need to be institutionalized because they are a danger to society, we put people who can’t control their actions and are a danger to themselves and others in institutions. Either that or they chose to riot. So which is it?


It doesn't matter if those thugs were "unable to control their actions," they were wrong to riot and were rightfully prosecuted.

But MAGAts like to pretend there were no investigations and all those rioters got away with it even though the arrests and convictions were in the thousands.


Good, now show me you are serious about impeaching Biden, Harris, Schumer, Pelosi, Waters, etc. for their role in inciting those insurrections and then maybe I’ll take you seriously. They all gave their stamp of approval for the Summer 2020 insurrections. Lori Lightfoot should probably be arrested as well.


Again with the stupidity. Show me people rioting because of Biden, Harris, Schumer, Pelosi, Waters, etc.


Biden said “the police are the enemy”, if they are the enemy then there is no choice but to kill them.

Harris said “the riots aren’t going to stop nor should they stop”, then she bailed out violent anarchists who then went on to riot more and some even killed people

Pelosi said “I don’t care, they will do what they do”

Waters told her cult to go harass Trump supporters and get violent


At around 5:43 she makes a terroristic threat


There was an insurrection in Portland after the Rittenhouse Verdict, Maxine Waters has blood on her hands and clearly incited it. They rioted because of Maxine’s rhetoric and honestly if you have a President and a DemoKKKrat cult saying that our society condones “white supremacy” and that they are free to kill whoever they want then there is no choice other than to be violent. Their lies caused insurrections.


You're allowed to say the police are the enemy.
You're allowed to say riots aren't going to stop.
You're allowed to say you don't care.
You're allowed to tell people to get in other's faces.

Nobody is going to charge Trump with a crime for speaking words.

The investigation is about actions that were taken to make January 6th happen.


You are not allowed to make terroristic threats which is exactly what your cult leader said, and you know damn well your cult would have had Trump executed if they could.

Show me you are serious about investigating the 574 riots your cult incited and show me you are serious about impeaching your cult leaders like they impeached Trump then get back to me, little man.

Biden and Harris are directly responsible for every life that was taken during the riots , they are murderers.when you have a president announcing that the cops are the enemy then what other choice is there but to kill them?


Terroristic, lol.

None of the 2020 riots were because of Biden, Harris, Trump, or any politician. They rioted because Chauvin was caught on video murdering a man.


They were all because your cult told them to riot and called the police the "enemy", if you have a president saying the police are the enemy and that our society sanctions white supremacy then there is no choice other than to be violent and to kill people.

Also you've already admitted that BLM and Antifa were in control of their actions so therefore saying they rioted because of Chauvin is a debunked talking point. They rioted because they chose to and because your cult told them to.

As I said show me that you are serious about impeaching Biden and Harris, and forming a commission to make sure that Summer 2020 and Portland "never happen again" then we'll talk about taking you seriously, until then you are nothing more than a partisan DemoKKKrat who is trying to spread lies and misinformation.


BLM and Antifa were in control of their actions, but those actions were swayed by Derek Chauvin killing a man on video.

Capitaol MAGAts were in control of their actions, but those actions were swayed by Trump lying to them that the election was stolen.


Then therefore they own their actions, whatever "swayed" them to do it is irrelevant, even though your cult did tell them to burn cities down. Since your standard is that politicians are responsible for the behavior of their constituents then Biden owns the BLM/Antifa riots and should be impeached and investigated, show me you are serious about it and then we will talk.

WOW, again you just showed that you are willing to connect the dots in the order you need to to reach the conclusion you want:

- The Election is shady and suspicious --> Trump calls it out --> 1/6
- Floyd is killed --> Your cult lies and says its because of racism and tells BLM to go riot --> Summer 2020 riots

The problem is in scenario 2 you are willing to disregard step 2 yet you won't do the same with scenario 1 because it doesn't back up your lies, misinformation and predetermined conclusion. On top of that in scenario 1 you ignore step 1 yet don't do the same in scenario 2.


We've already established they were in the wrong. But what you're saying is beyond retarded. You're saying their own decisions don't matter, George Floyd's death didn't matter, but the obtuse words spoken by Biden and Harris AFTER the riots happened are what mattered even though the riots happened before they said anything.

Good god, man. It's like you've given up on logic.


Then therefore they should all be in jail and your cult leaders should be impeached because they incited riots that you just admitted were "wrong".

Also please don't use the word "retarded", you shouldn't be so harsh to your own kind.

I am the only one between us who thinks George Floyd's life mattered, you are glad he died because you could use his death to perpetuate your lies and false narratives much like how that bitch Pelosi literally thanked him for dying.

Biden and Harris incited the riots and insurrections, they have been lying about "systemic racism" long before Floyd's death, and when you think that the system is rigged against you and that the police are out to kill you there is literally no other option than to be violent and your President owns this. They had multiple chances to tell their cult followers that the narrative about the police and racism were lies but they didn't. They instead incited violence against honorable cops who would put their lives on the line to save your sorry ass if they had to.


I am the only one between us who thinks George Floyd's life mattered, you are glad he died
More lies from the MAGAtard.


Nope, it's actually true, you are glad he died you sadistic libtard.


"but the obtuse words spoken by Biden and Harris AFTER the riots happened are what mattered even though the riots happened before they said anything."

Riots happened AFTER Biden and Harris told their cult followers to burn cities down, even if I grant you that they had nothing to do with the ones that happened before (which I am very much not), they would still own every single riot that happened after and they would still be murderers. If they hadn't told their cult followers to riot then at the very least (if I accept your premise) not as many would have happened and less people would have died. Whether you murder 1 person or 24 people, you are still a murderer.


Riots happened AFTER Biden and Harris told their cult followers to burn cities down
More lies from the MAGAtard.


Nope it's factual information, libtard. Get your head out of your ass, your cult and come back to reality.

Dead cops, AFTER Biden and Harris told their cult followers to kill cops: (EDIT: I am in no way conceding that they are blameless in the riots BEFORE the quotes I showed you, I'm just giving you the benefit of the doubt which you don't even deserve)

They murdered every single cop on this list. Show me you are serious about impeaching and prosecuting both of them and then maybe I'll consider taking you seriously.


Trump on January 6th

We're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them, because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.

"And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country any more."

So if they don't fight, they're not going to have a country.

And those that he was talking to in that exact moment were the people who ended up storming the capitol.

Wow, what are the odds.

But continue being an idiot, MAGAtard.


HAHAHAHAHAHA, is that really the best you can do? The DemoKKKrats have used the word “fight” repeatedly. Trump didn’t literally mean to use your fists you idiot, he didn't literally mean try to "overthrow the government". And he was absolutely right, just look at what Biden is doing to America, he is single-handedly destroying it. Because of Biden we are being invaded by drug dealers and sex traffickers at the border, Americans were left to die in Afghanistan, inflation is through the roof, crime is out of control, etc. Hell Biden doesn't even believe in borders and he is essentially closing the border, that would mean that we don't have a country anymore so therefore Trump was right. Nowhere in that quote did he tell anyone to walk into the building and nowhere did he tell anyone to be violent. Again you are just connecting the dots in the direction you want to because you already decided on the answer you wanted. Biden however did tell BLM to be violent and to kill cops, Harris did tell BLM to be violent and to continue rioting and people died as a result. Biden and Harris are murderers and you should join me in calling for their impeachments and prosecutions, but you are too much of a coward to stand up for what's right.

Trump had a legitimate reason to be concerned about the election, it was beyond shady and suspicious and it sounds like you are trying to infringe on his right to free speech, apparently if he’s concerned about the election results he’s supposed to just shut up and accept it, yet if Killary Clinton is she is allowed to make up lies and conspiracy theories and even write a book about it, yeah your moral outrage once again is wearing incredibly thin by this point, you don’t mean what you’re saying, you are a partisan hack. Also when your premise is dependent upon "what are the odds", you are now appealing to your own ignorance and you are trying to shift your burden of proof onto me which is a dishonest debate tactic at the very least, not to mention those are both logical fallacies.


Looks like Demokkkrats love the word “fight” and guess what happened as a result: BLM burned down cities and murdered people, whoopsie

They didn’t say to be “peaceful and patriotic” either. They told BLM to be violent, to kill cops, to victimize innocent people and to torch government buildings. Trump however was clearly only in favor of peaceful protests and most of the protestors were peaceful. However if I granted you (which I'm not) that this was a "violent attempt to overthrow the government , the people in the crowd would have clearly disobeyed him as Trump clearly said to be "peaceful and patriotic".

BLM on the other hand did exactly what the Demokkkrat cult told them to do. Demokkkrats have told their cult followers that our society is going to condone white supremacy and is going to allow cops to kill anyone they want to as long as they are black, when you believe that there is no other choice other than to be violent and to kill cops.

So we are now back to where we started, show me you are serious about about doing the right thing by impeaching Biden, Harris and every other Demokkkrat in that video and then maybe I’ll take you seriously.


Liar. What about all the cases New York didn't prosecute because ALL their prosecutors were too busy going after Trump?


Not to mention KKKamala bailed out the violent thugs.

Due to the DemoKKKrats crime has risen, people have died because of their lies and because they only care about politics.


I'd be willing to bet that this horror show, ultracommie was out there rioting and looting with the rest of it's komrades.


It wouldn’t surprise me if he was the one who murdered David Dorn.


Over 574 riots/insurrections during Summer 2020 where dozens of people were killed, thousands of cops were assaulted/put in the hospital and there were billions of dollars of damage. Sure she wasn’t the only DemoKKKrat who incited the violence but she was one of them, she was even caught on tape telling her cult to go harass Trump supporters and she also told them to be violent.

Trump on the other hand did not incite the one incident that your cult has been bitching and moaning about for a year, he clearly said march “peacefully and patriotically” and if those words offend you so much then you need to grow up or go see a therapist.


They rioted specifically because of what he said. Nobody rioted because of what Biden, Harris, Schumer, Pelosi or Waters said.

People rioted in 2020 because Chauvin was caught on video killing someone.


They “rioted” because he said “march peacefully and patriotically”??? No actually they did the complete opposite of what he said you idiot.

They rioted because they chose to riot and because the DemoKKKrat cult sanctioned it and said it was OK to riot. If Chauvin killing someone causes them to riot then you should be demanding that they be institutionalized, until you do that your outrage over Trump means nothing.


They rioted because he said democrats stole the election and are all communists.

You want Biden and Harris impeached for their words even though none of the radicals rioted because of those words.

Yet you excuse Trump's words that convinced radicals to "unsteal" the election, because you're one of the radicals who believes it was stolen.



First of all it wasn’t a riot, secondly they didn’t do what he said to do so it obviously had nothing to do with him, shit for brains

Biden and Harris should be impeached. After they tell their cult to riot they own everything that happens after the fact.

It’s a false equivalence to say 1/6 is anywhere near the level of summer 2020, one was a largely peaceful protest that got a little out of hand , the other was a direct assault on our society and your cult owns every death, every assault, every piece of property damage.

And lol, if they really wanted to unsteal the election they would have brought guns you idiot.


The capitol MAGAts didn't need guns. They just needed to be smarter than Eugene Goodman. Luckily they weren't. He lead them away from all the unarmed politicians. A close call that could've easily gone the other way.

Again, nobody rioted because of what Biden or Harris said. They rioted because Chauvin was caught on video murdering a man.

Capitol MAGAts rioted because Trump lied that the election was stolen. Trump yelled Fire in a theater when there was no fire, causing some to break windows and trample on others.

But that's not what the investigation about. It's not about words. It's about finding actual organizers of the riot, and finding measures that were taken to enable it.


LOL so you're telling me they planned to take over the government and not bring guns? Worst coup ever and yes they would need guns because they would realize that if worst came to worst the military would come in and remove them with their guns. You are grasping here numb nuts.

As we have already established a video of someone kneeling on someone else doesn't make anyone riot, they rioted because they chose to and because Biden and Harris sanctioned it and gave their stamp of approval.

MAGA never rioted, they got out of line with one largely peaceful protest and that's it, but you've been bitching and moaning about it for a year because as always you want to politicize it. If you gave a damn about our democracy you would have said something the 574 previous times when your cult incited violence, rioting and insurrections. Your cult yelled fire in a crowded theater, bomb on a plane, gun in a school hundreds of times before Trump ever said "march peacefully and patriotically". Also funny enough your cult lied about a stolen election for 4 straight years prior to 2021. Again your morals take a complete 180 when the tables are turned.

We should be taking measures to make sure Summer 2020 never happens again but your cult doesn't care because it helped them politically. You are a blind hater hypocrite, your moral outrage and your standards fluctuate based on what's best for perpetuating your lies and false narratives.


The capitol MAGAts planned to physically assault Mike Pence to prevent him from finalizing the count because they knew Bannon's "Green Bay Sweep" involved delaying that count. By the time they made their way through the building, Pence was nowhere to be found, but the count was delayed and that's when Trump told them to go home. But unexpectedly, Congress reconvened later on and did the count, thwarting Bannon's Green Bay Sweep. Haha, suck it MAGAtards!

The 2020 rioters rioted because Chauvin's actions convinced them there was unfair treatment from the authority. You're damn right a video can cause a riot. It happened before with Rodney King. This one went further though because the guy actually died on video. Plus, covid restrictions meant less cops, and less cops means more unrest.


More lies perpetuated by your cult, if they truly wanted to "take over the government" they would have been armed, fists don't stand a huge chance against guns you idiot.

Even you admitted that Trump told them to "go home", that proves that the 1/6 commission and the second fake impeachments were partisan witch hunts (as if we didn't already know that).

Then they are very stupid because the data doesn't back up that claim. Blacks are 3 times more likely to be in gangs yet whites are shot by the cops almost twice as often as blacks are. Regardless of what their reasons were you do not have the right to murder over 20 people, hospitalized thousands of cops, block the entrance to hospitals, burn down government buildings, etc. Your cult told them that the cops wanted to kill black people and that's why they rioted. Your president said the cops were the enemy and if thats the case then there's no other option but to kill them. Biden owns every single dead cop after he made that comment.


The capitol MAGAts planned to physically assault Mike Pence to prevent him from finalizing the count because they knew Bannon's "Green Bay Sweep" involved delaying that count. By the time they made their way through the building, Pence was nowhere to be found, but the count was delayed and that's when Trump told them to go home. But unexpectedly, Congress reconvened later on and did the count, thwarting Bannon's Green Bay Sweep.

The 2020 rioters rioted because Chauvin's actions convinced them there was unfair treatment from the authority. You're damn right a video can cause a riot. It happened before with Rodney King. This one went further though because the guy actually died on video. Plus, covid restrictions meant less cops, and less cops means more unrest.


And what would happen next? Security would step in, arrest them and the process would continue. That is if what you're saying is true and it's obviously a lie your cult spoonfed you. It was a mostly peaceful protest against an obviously shady and suspicious election that your cult told the country to just shut up and accept the results of. Comically ironic BTW considering they had a completely different attitude from 2016-2020.

You keep saying that yet I've already debunked it, you admitted they were in control of their actions, therefore they rioted because they chose to, they own their own actions, however your cult is also responsible because they clearly incited the riots and I have shown you multiple videos proving it.

"Plus, covid restrictions meant less cops, and less cops means more unrest."

The unrest was caused by "defunding the police", and your cult telling it's followers to go kill them. Biden owns the death of every single cop after he called them "the enemy", and the motherfucker should be in jail for it. He's literally a murderer.


Bannon, Navarro and Trump needed Pence to refuse to finalize the count, but Pence wouldn't go along with it. The capitol MAGAts were told by Trump and Bannon that the whole thing hinged on Pence. If Pence is solid on finalizing the count, the only other option left is for him to be killed so he can't finalize it.

Trump and Bannon didn't tell anybody to kill Pence, but they didn't need to. MAGAts knew Pence was the linchpin for the whole thing. So they stormed the capitol to stop him.


Yet Trump didn't tell them to "assault Pence", he said "march peacefully and patriotically" so even if I believe you (which I am far from) they didn't do what Trump said to which means that the 2nd fake impeachment, and the 1/6 commission were frauds, partisan witch hunts and serious misallocations of government resources which means the people who voted for the 2nd fake impeachment and those behind the 1/6 commission need to be prosecuted. Also if they wanted to force Pence to "refuse the count" then they would have brought guns, they didn't because that wasn't the intention, the intention was to peacefully voice their concerns that the DemoKKKrats told them to shut up about.

Biden and Harris however did tell BLM and Antifa to burn cities, torch government buildings, block the entrances to hospitals and kill cops. They both should be in federal prison not to mention impeached, show me you are serious about doing that and then maybe I'll take you seriously. Until then you are just a libtard partisan hack.


It doesn't matter what Trump didn't say. What matters is he lied in an attempt to get tens of millions of people to believe it, and then vaguely told people at the capitol to do... something... to get Pence to change his mind. They improvised. I wonder why.


He said there was voter fraud and there was. Whether or not it was enough to change the outcome is irrelevant. He said "march peacefully and patriotically" they didn't do that, therefore Trump had nothing to do with it, unlike the BLM/Antifa riots that President Motherfucker and Vice President Willie Brown's Girlfriend are directly responsible for. Whether they incited the first riot or not is irrelevant, they own the first riot because they had been lying after the police and racism for years and they had plenty of opportunities to correct the record and shut down the false narrative, they didn't. They also own everything that happened after they told their cult followers to burn cities down. The riots probably would have dissipated shortly after the first one had it not been for your cult leaders and their lies. Even if I grant you your entire premise Biden and Harris are still responsible for every single cop that has died after the fact and they should still be impeached and prosecuted. Biden and Harris are the ones who killed David Dorn and the dozens of other innocent victims of the BLM/Antifa Insurrections.


He said there was voter fraud and there was.
More lies from the MAGAtard.


No there is confirmed voter fraud libtard.

Police Officers killed in 2021:

Biden and Harris are responsible for every single one of their deaths. These even happened AFTER they told their cult followers to go kill cops.


Why do you keep defending this one term, twice impeached, social media banned conman asshole? Shut up and go to bed!


Why do you keep defending your radical, racist, Marxist, anti-American cult? Shut up and go crawl back into your mothers tits and beg for breast milk.


You’re such an idiot.


You’re a brainless libtard DemoKKKrat cultist.


Lock them up and throw away the 🔑


Damn right!


Whatever happened with Junior, where Dad wrote up Junior's answers to the Mueller investigation, regarding that meeting with those Russians in Trump Tower?

Bannon said there was "zero" chance that Trump Jr. "did not walk these jumos up to his father's office on the 26th floor," the report says, adding that he called the meeting "treasonous" and "unpatriotic."


Oh yeah.
