MovieChat Forums > Politics > FACT: An alert by a drug sniffing dog is...

FACT: An alert by a drug sniffing dog is not probable cause for a search.

This cold hard fact is not about what the law says about it being probable cause, it is about it logically not being probable cause. Now you may begin the futile attempts to prove me wrong.


If you don't have anything to hide then what are you worried about?


Those that would give up their freedom for safety deserve neither. It is not about that it is about the principle of the matter.


All Americans have given up freedoms for safety. All laws restrict freedoms. You use to be able to smoke in a doctor's office and now you can't even smoke in a bar. You use to be able to ride a horse to the market, church, or local saloon and now only the Amish people can do it. You use to be able to ride in a car without a seatbelt and now you're required by law at all times to have one on your chest and one on your face. You use to be able to smoke a joint at a park bought from your local drug dealer and now they make you buy it in a store at 25% tax. Just like Braveheart, if you ask for too much freedom they'll cut your dick off.


FACT: People should only have to give up their freedom if it affects other people's safety, not their own safety. Prove me wrong.


Said by every dictator in history.
