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Critical Race Theory Explained

Brilliant analysis!


Explaining CRT is no easy thing even for people who have a good bit of knowledge about it. So to ask the question of the average guy in the street and on camera was pointless. What kind of a response were you expecting ?


Wrong! I already easily defined it in another post.

You're fighting against something and you don't know what it is. That makes you a mindless follower.

That "average guy" in the video is against CRT, yet he is too stupid to know what it is. Another mindless follower.

Don't get upset when I call all of you cultists since that's your behavior.


Racist bastard.


I agree that you are.


Fuck you racist bastard.


CRT essentially says that American laws and American cultural expectations are tailored for White people since they were created by Whites. What I find very interesting is that essentially admits Blacks and Whites are inherently different. That coming from the same people that constantly scream how race is only skin deep.


Wrong! You're another mindless dolt who can't define it.


It doesn't come from me. It comes from Coleman Hughes. If you disagree with this explanation, then please enlighten me how Coleman is wrong and what is the right definition.


"Coleman Cruz Hughes is an American writer and podcast host."

LOL! I had to google this guy. Never heard of him.

I hope you're not implying that a random black guy is a CRT expert only because he's black. That would make you a bigot.

"That coming from the same people that constantly scream how race is only skin deep."

You're saying a random black guy speaks for ALL black people. Do I need to point out your bigotry? You're very self-unaware.


He is not a random Black guy. He is a philosophy student who is very interested in racial issues and morality. He has studied CRT extensively and explained it's basic premise in his videos. You still failed to explain what is CRT and how is Hughes misrepresenting it. I'm waiting.

I never said Hughes represents all Black people. And why do all Black people have to be represented when it comes to explaining CRT: He's just an individual I trust the most most because he is not biased and open minded.


He's a random black guy with only an opinion. He's irrelevant.

You're a white nationalist, therefore the only truth you care about is white supremacist ideology.


Did you read what I sad. He's not just a random Black guy. If he's wrong then explain how. You said my original post about CRT is incorrect, yet after 3 replies you still didn't say how.

My ideology is irrelevant so is yours. You still have to judge arguments based on their merit.


You're a white supremacist, therefore your ideology is irrelevant.


You're a white supremacist, therefore your ideology is relevant.

Finally Keelai gets it right !


Thanks for the heads-up! You finally made yourself useful.

Are you admitting that you're a white supremacist?


What is your definition of a white supremacist ?


I'm not any kind of supremacist. I believe individuals should be judged by their character. And even if I was it would not make it irrelevant. You just using excuses because you can't argue with my points.


Don't bother argueing or replying to our resident racist.




LOL! Typical response. The idiots are fighting against CRT, but have no idea what it is.

Proof positive that they're mindless followers.


Critical Race Theory is the part of history white conservatives don't want their kids to hear about for fear of making them feel bad.


Why should they feel bad about their ancestors having created the greatest civilisation the world has ever seen, by orders of magnitude ?


Quasimodo, ultraviolet doesn’t care about anyone except himself, he wants to fight a fake battle so he can appear to be the virtuous hero who is standing up for the oppressed against the oppressors even though he can’t adequately justify the oppressed/oppressors even existing. Libtards do this often, they want things to complain about all so they can feel good about themselves when in reality it only exposes their own insecurities and their own prejudices. It’s not about helping anyone, it’s not about battling injustices, it’s all about public perception and self worth. It’s utterly pathetic.


Doesn't seem like you thought that one through.

The unpleasant part of American history does not mean all of American history.

And if you're trying to say the unpleasant part of history, such as slavery, is responsible for creating the greatest civilization, then that achievement would not apply only to white conservatives.

I'm very clearly talking about the specific part of history that white conservatives do not want repeated to their kids, for fear of making their kids feel bad about their race.


What you lack is the proper historical perspective. You are judging past societies by today's standards and that leads you to make errors. Slavery was an ugly historical fact in those days and down through history. There were few beg pardons then when money was to be made and there was no welfare state. In time slavery was acknowledged to be an evil and it was done away with.


I'm not judging anything as anything. I'm saying conservatives are so afraid of CRT that their desire to remove it has extended to the removal of teaching some US's history because it makes their kids feel bad.


And what part of history would that be? Segregation? Slavery? The Civil Rights movement? Because those things are literally taught in every states curriculum and there is literally no one fighting against teaching them.

Also you saying that “WHITE conservatives” have a problem actually exposes your own racist views, not that there was ever any doubt.

What people have a problem with (call it CRT, or whatever you want) is teachers teaching that America is by default racist, that white people are by default oppressors and that black people are by default victims merely because of their race. They are against teachers separating white kids and black kids and teaching white kids that they should be ashamed of who they are because they are white, teachers forcing students to take “privilege walks”, etc. and yes those things have happened.


CRT is the result of the failures of the Civil Rights movement. The Civil Rights movement didn't produce the results liberals had thought it would. Black income is still lower than White income, Black crime rates are still high, Black school performance is still significantly lagging, Black mean wealth is still very low....etc. But instead of admitting that if not genetic at least cultural reasons are behind these Black failures (such as intellectuals like Thomas Sowell propose), the liberals doubled down on their failed ideas. It's still White people's fault that Blacks are failing. That's what CRT is. Blame White people for other group's problems.
