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David Brooks just said on PBS NewsHour that 59% of Republicans must believe election was stolen

Oct 8th, 2021 PBS NewsHour excerpt:

Brooks cited a poll that said 59% of Republicans believe that subscribing to the idea that the election was stolen is an important part of being a Republican. I don't know what poll he was referring to, but it was probably not a wacko poll. Brooks is a pretty moderate Conservative.

No wonder Republicans were so worried there are internment camps being built for them and their guns would be taken away ... it may come down to that, or a Trump coronation as King Fatf--k the Orange.

Earlier in that broadcast they talked about the extent that Donald Trump went to try to coerce Mike Pence into tearing down democracy, or to fire the acting attorney general to appoint someone who would call the election illegal.

This orange Anti-American AntiChrist needs to get very familiar with the inside of a prison, and one far enough away from his nutso followers that they will not try to spring him. Guantanamo?


100% of democrats believe the 2016 election was stolen, hence why we got the Mueller Report, but now there is no investigation into the supposed chicanery that dementia Joe was complaining about and Hillary said not to accept the results of the election. Nancy saggy boobs McGee tried for 4 years to get rid of Trump but she couldnt do it, until the election.

its not who votes in a election, its who counts the votes...

still waiting for that Mueller Report style investigation into the cheating and colluding by dementia Joe.


> 100% of democrats believe the 2016 election was stolen

Not true, but it is true that Democrats resent - and with good reason - the antiquated Electoral College that gives Rhode Island, the Dakotas or Wyoming with virtually no one living there as much as a say in an election as 3 million people more who voted for Hillary.

Hey, but that's OK, don't worry about those pesky facts ... just spew out more lies and call Biden demented.


still bitter about that loss huh? Trump won fair and square and didnt have to cheat to win unlike dementia Joe, if the dems dont like the antiquated Electoral College, then they need to change it, stop complaining and just fix it....

dems bitched and whined about the Electoral College for 4 years sayin how unfair it was, their salty tears is what caused the Ocean levels to rise.

enjoy your demented pres as he ruins America...if one falls then we all fall...


Someone like you who can pack one sentence with about 6 lies .... you're just not worth listening to or talking to.


no, you just hate facts, liberals always hate facts, I came to this conclusion many years ago where I would present a truth, but it was always dismissed as fake news or never acknowledged...

you just complained about the legitimacy of the electoral college and now you have nothing to say? why dont you write your congressperson and tell them to change it? you can start a campaign on Twitter or Facebook.

we are all Americans and whether a democrat or republican destroys the Country, it affects all of us, the collapse of America will not discriminate.

how is that build back better working for ya?


Of course they do. Most of them believe in QAnon and just over five years ago, most of the GOP didn't believe Obama was an American citizen.

Any birthers on the board care to comment?


I wonder if these people who think these strange thoughts are real. I think they might all be phantom accounts on the Internet controlled from Koch-financed Mercer and Bannon troll farms. I don't put anything past them at this point.
