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Trump admits he may not run in 2024 for health reasons

Our fit and robust former one-term twice impeached president said in an interview that he may not run in 2024 due to 'health reasons'.

In an interview with Real Clear Politics last week, the twice-impeached president answered the question of why he may not run in 2024.

“Well, one reason could be your health. You get a call from your doctor and that’s the end of that,” he said. “That stuff happens; you hope it doesn’t. I just had a medical, just had great result. You never know, there are many things can happen; politics is a crazy world. It is a big commitment of you, your children, your wife and your family.”

Omarosa Manigault Newman, his former White House adviser, said she hopes he would 'come clean' about his health.

"I think going into 2024, I'm really more concerned about the fact that Donald Trump hasn't come forward and talked about his health," she told MSNBC on Sunday. "I don't know if he will even be healthy enough to run in 2024. I think he needs to come clean to the American people about where he is on that before deciding to get into a very stressful and strenuous race for the White House."


We need a younger President once 2024 gets here so I prefer DeSantis.


Trump with DeSantis as VP = 12 years to MAGA


DeSantis will be in jail before 2024.


LOL sure he will any day now right? Like Trump


For what? Are going to say his Covid response was criminal? Some of the blue state governors belong in jail for that.


Trump is just trying to rile people up. He's obviously not going to run again because his fragile ego can't handle another loss. Republicans need someone new, exciting and most importantly someone who won't make us a laughing stock on the world stage. I'd personally like to see Nikki Halley run.


"someone who won't make us a laughing stock on the world stage." Joe Biden?????


I doubt Biden will run in 2024. He's too old and knows it, however he at least seems to garner more respect from world leaders compared to Trump.


No, the narcissistic reality TV star
