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ABC affiliate on FB asks for reports of unvaxxed people dying ..People respond in droves about the vaxx causing harm or death


I responded. Like every other poster on the site, I said 'I knew a doctor' who got the vaccine and his left hand grew twice the size it was originally! Now he had to give up his practice, since he's a proctologist. Trumpers jumped all over that one, and say that's why they're not getting vaccinated. A few even said they know the proctologist I am talking about - they saw his left hand! Such gullible Trumpers. They beleieve everything if it supports their conspiracies. Yet, their responses are priceless - I can't stop laughing. I'm going to have to post a few more horror stories.

Thanks for the link !


So you go on a thread where people who have been disenfranchised and harmed and willfully post false info to "own conservatives"

And you even have your full name next to these posts. Way to doxx yourself


No, I went on a thread where people have willfully posted false info and QAnon conspiracy theories to 'own liberals' and scare their gullible fellow Trumpers to believe everything they say. Some even share it on other platforms, don't they ? (Again, thank you for that and sharing the link!). Now do you get it ?

So I added to it, and got plenty of gullible Trumpers and QAnons believing what I post, since they have a history of believing everything that's anti-liberal, without checking the validity of it (you can thank Trump for that). It's a fun experiment - so thanks again for sharing this link !

Who said I use my full name next to these posts ?
