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Taliban Beat & Torture Journalists And Protestors

"Taliban fighters have been accused of beating and detaining journalists for covering protests in the Afghan capital Kabul, raising questions over the group’s promises on media freedom.

Two reporters for the Etilaatroz newspaper – Taqi Daryabi and Nematullah Naqdi – were detained by the Taliban while covering a women’s protest in the west of Kabul on Wednesday morning.

Two other journalists from the newspaper – Aber Shaygan and Lutfali Sultani – rushed to the police station along with the newspaper editor, Kadhim Karimi, to inquire about the whereabouts of their colleagues.

But the moment they reached the police station, they say, Taliban fighters pushed and slapped them and confiscated all their belongings, including mobile phones.

The three men were taken into a small holding cell with 15 people in it, two of whom were reporters with Reuters and Turkey’s Anadolu Agency, Shaygan said.

It was while they were in holding that the three heard reports of the disturbing abuse suffered by Daryabi, 22, and Naqdi, 28, who were being held in separate rooms.

“We could hear their screams and cries through the walls,” the cellmates said of the piercing cries. “The cellmates had even heard the sounds of women crying from pain.”

Pictures posted by the newspaper online filled in the rest of the story. They showed clear physical evidence of the floggings and beatings with cables both men were subject to. Daryabi’s lower back, upper legs, and face were covered with deep red lesions. Naqdi’s left arm, upper back, upper legs, and face were also covered in red welts.

“They were beaten so bad, they couldn’t walk. They were hit with guns, they were kicked, they were whipped with cables, they were slapped,” Shaygan said.

He said the violence was so brutal that Naqdi and Daryabi had lost consciousness from the pain.

But it was not just journalists who seemed to meet this fate. Shaygan said a male protester was escorted into their cell by Taliban guards, clearly looking as if he too had been abused.

“He could barely walk, one of the other cellmates had to get up and help him in,” said Shaygan.

Though all five men were released after several hours in detention, Shaygan said they were issued a stern warning from a Taliban official before leaving: “What these protesters were doing is illegal and by covering such things, you all broke the law. We will let you go this time, but next time you won’t be let out so easily.”

At the time, protests were not outlawed but, within hours, the Taliban issued a decree saying any protests, along with their slogans, must be approved 24 hours prior by the Ministry of Justice.

Those claims of illegality by the official struck Shaygan and his colleagues as going directly against statements the Taliban have made about freedom of the press in their “Islamic Emirate”.

Amnesty International has decried the reports of violence and intimidation against the press.

Shaygan has been working with Etilaatroz, which is renowned for its investigative reporting, for four years. He says recent weeks have shown that the Taliban have “two faces,” one the leadership projects to the outside world and the one the Afghan people face on a daily basis on the streets."


You can give Thanks to Biden. Maybe you can rub his hairy legs. 🙄


Trump signed the Surrender Agreement. No surprise considering he's a 4x draft dodger.

Continue to defend your cult leader! Pray to his golden image.,fl_lossy/t_JD_ArticleMainImageFaceDetect/472066


Don't forget this...

The Taliban has accused the United States of violating the peace deal the two signed in 2020, for keeping its new interior minister Sirrajudin Haqqani on the US terror list.

The new minister, who is part of the Haqqani Network, had been accused of attacks on US forces in Afghanistan during the 20 years of war. The US has a $5m bounty for Haqqani. He also remains on a United Nations terror list.

Lol... Trump negotiated on this? If true, no wonder he granted clemency to 2 people who pleaded guilty in the special counsel’s Russia inquiry, 4 Blackwater guards convicted in connection with the killing of Iraqi civilians and 3 corrupt former Republican members of Congress. Surprised no one is talking about pardoning a terrorist with a million+ bounty.


The Taliban has repeatedly broken the Surrender Agreement. I'm going to assume that the U.S. isn't making waves now because there are still Americans and allies there.

The West would be dumb to give terrorists any funds.

Democrats are horrible at public relations and getting their messages out.


I think they already do via so-called 'humanitarianism' needs. Won't be surprised if it's already being abused since the Taliban control the flow of goods and funds once it gets dropped off.

Leads right back to what I mentioned on Pakistan, how the US gives these so called 'humanitarianism' or Terrorism funds in the millions to billions. I still don't get how Pakistan is a western ally (was before) when they take Chinese money and have closer ties to China than the west.


There should be stipulations and not a carte blanche.

Pakistan is a western ally because they're capitalist? That appears to be the only qualification.


thats your dementia Joe, and rub my hairy legs too!


Your cult leader Trump invited the Taliban for lunch at Camp David to sign a Surrender Agreement. He forced the Afghan president to release 500 Taliban terrorists from prison. He withdrew American troops in order for the Taliban to gain territory.

Trump is the best friend the Taliban ever had!

Continue to pray to your false god Trump:,fl_lossy/t_JD_ArticleMainImageFaceDetect/472066


thanks for talking about Trump and not that other guy who has dementia, TDS is a horrible thing to have...


Thanks for reminding me about how lazy and inept your cult leader Trump was. All he did was tweet, watch Fox, golf and incite violence.

Biden works and is repairing the damage your cult leader did. Your mindless parroting of an ageist right-wing talking point shows how easy you are to manipulate.


sure, enjoy those forced vaccinations...and be sure to donate half your paycheck to the refugees and the immigrants...


I already donate half my check to slacker red states. How about GQPers pulling your own weight?

BTW, how did you spend the socialist stimulus check I paid for, freeloader?


i got a tankless water heater, thanks for your support...


You're welcome.


Hahahahahahahahahahaha! You're so full of shit!!


Were they cops?


MTV Cribs - The Taliban


dang thats crazy, why were the lights always going on and off and its weird to see people still eat with their hands...


Congratulations! This is the first time you linked to something worthwhile without a conspiracy theory or propaganda.


You haven't linked 1 so guess I got you beat


So trump was a taliban? It figures.
