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Texas' 6 week abortion ban takes effect after Supreme Court inaction.

The American Taliban get their way again.


(CNN)A controversial Texas law that bars abortions at six weeks went into effect early Wednesday morning after the Supreme Court and a federal appeals court failed to rule on pending emergency requests brought by abortion providers.

The lack of judicial intervention means that the law -- which is one of the strictest in the nation and bans abortion before many people know they are pregnant -- goes into force absent further court intervention.

The law allows private citizens to bring civil suits against anyone who assists a pregnant person seeking an abortion in violation of the ban.

No other six-week ban has been allowed to go into effect -- even briefly.

"What ultimately happens to this law remains to be seen," said CNN Supreme Court analyst and University of Texas Law School professor Steve Vladeck, "but now through their inaction the justices have let the tightest abortion restriction since Roe v. Wade be enforced for at least some period of time."

The case comes as the justices are poised in the upcoming term to rule on the constitutionality of a Mississippi law that bars abortion at 15 weeks.

Under the Texas law, abortion is prohibited when a fetal heartbeat is detected, which is often before a woman knows she is pregnant. There is no exception for rape or incest, although there is an exemption for "medical emergencies."

Abortion providers asked the justices to block the ban while legal challenges played out because they argued that if it were allowed to go into effect it would "immediately and catastrophically reduce abortion access in Texas," ultimately forcing many abortion clinics to close.

Texas' 6-week abortion ban lets private citizens sue in an unprecedented legal approach

They argued if the law were allowed to take effect it would have the impact of "barring care for at least 85% of Texas abortion patients" and would mean that lawsuits could be filed against a broad range of people including a person who drives their friend to obtain an abortion, someone who provides financial assistance and even to a member of the clergy who assists a patient.

Two hours before the ban was set to go into effect, one of the clinics -- Whole Woman's Health -- reported that it was providing abortions. "Our waiting rooms are filled with patients," the clinic tweeted, adding that "anti-abortion protestors are outside, shining lights on the parking ...we are under surveillance." In another tweet, the clinic said, "This is what abortion care looks like. Human Rights warriors."

The Supreme Court's failure to respond prompted a furious backlash from supporters of abortion rights just after the law went into effect.

"Access to almost all abortion has just been cut off for millions of people, the impact will be immediate and devastating," the ACLU said in a tweet.

Novel legal strategy

In the novel legal strategy, the state Legislature designed the law to prevent government officials from directly enforcing it. The move was meant to make it much more difficult to bring a pre-enforcement challenge because there are not the usual government officials to hold accountable in court.

Instead, the law allows private citizens -- anywhere in the country -- to bring civil suits against anyone who assists a pregnant person seeking an abortion in violation of the ban.

Opponents say the law is part of a new wave of laws put forward by states hostile to abortion rights and will inspire other states to follow suit.

Lawyers for Texas officials urged the justices to allow the law to go into effect, saying that the clinics had not shown that they will be "personally harmed by a bill that may never be enforced against them."

The case comes as the justices have already agreed to consider a Mississippi law during their upcoming term that bars most abortions at 15 weeks. Supporters of abortion rights say the Mississippi and Texas laws are a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 opinion legalizing abortion nationwide prior to viability, which can occur at around 24 weeks of pregnancy.

The clinics initially filed suit not only against Texas Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton, but state judges and clerks in Texas with the jurisdiction to enforce the law. They also targeted Mark Lee Dickson who serves as the director of Right to Life East Texas.

In briefs, the providers said that patients "who can scrape together resources" will be forced to attempt to leave the state, and others will be forced to "remain pregnant against their will."


People should be allowed to kill the kid even after birth as long as they are in the care of the hospital and doctor.


I seriously hope you're joking...


More than 6 weeks is needed to con a guy to marry you.


18 year retroactive law. Kid misbehavess up to their 18th birthday? Abort.


It's called Post Birth Abortion.

There are actual proponents of this idea. NO SHIT.


Why do these religious conservatives want morons to reproduce? I want people to opt out if they aren't responsible enough to have a kid. The kid is probably going to have health issues if they are born to a mom who abuses drugs. According to the link below, children without fathers are twice as likely to be incarcerated.

The only good news is that a kid can be aborted after several months so they can hopefully resolve the situation in the next couple of months.


Republican thinking is archaic thinking. They need morons because their propaganda machine is up and tuned to the moron wavelength. The reason we see two or three times, and probably a lot more people joining the Republican party has been in direct correlation to the rise of Right-Wing Media, and of all the thousands of hours of programming a day all over the country and the world any rational person who believes in real American values only has only to tune into any random 5 minutes to know BS it is and that it is based on lies ... lies, that only morons would believe and only after constant repetition and being lied to and told it is the norm. Only morons are so easily manipulated.


Says the biggest propagandist on this site LOL

Brux Koresh Captain of the Covidiots


Don't get too far out there is outer space you might get to a point where you cannot ever return to reality.


"Why do these religious conservatives want morons to reproduce?"

We just want them to use a condom instead of throwing everyone into this fcking moral dilemma over when does life start and when is it creepy to kill an infant.


Condoms can tear every once in a while and not everyone uses that method of birth control. Some people also don't like condoms due to latex allergies and they also aren't always comfortable. Contraception methods are never 100% so there are situations where accidental pregnancies occur.

I just think it's a problem when kids are born and they are not wanted by their parents. They could be adopted and end up in a good family but most kids are not adopted. A lot of pregnancies end in miscarriages anyway so it doesn't make sense to force irresponsible women to carry a child to term.


I don't think anyone should be forced to give their body or the genetic line of descent of their body to someone else.


"Contraception methods are never 100% so there are situations where accidental pregnancies occur. "

A very small percentage happen that way. If people don't like contraception, don't have sex. I think the abortion law will be good because it will introduce a little personal responsibility back into communities who have tossed it out the window a long time ago.
"It doesn't make sense to force irresponsible women to carry a child to term."
It doesn't make sense to keep doing what we're doing, if they want an abortion tie their tubes while they are at it.


A woman is fertile for 30 years. No contraception is 100% effective. Unplanned pregnancies are very common at 45%.

Abortion bans don't stop abortions since middle-income and rich will have them anyway. You're only forcing poor women to carry an unwanted baby which taxpayers will support.


All I can say about this is that it is a complete and total indictment of the Right-Wing, and their operations to deconstruct and remake the law in their own image to make their own corruptions legal and the law work against anyone they may not like or that can challenge their tyrannical, and built on corruption, rule. This Supreme Court corruption will lead directly to the end of this era of America and towards an Orwellian-Brave-New_World attempt to engineer a slave state for the many while imposing a superficial layer of FOX News BS over the top of it. The problem is that everyone knows, and no one will stand up for this, but there will be no legal or political authority to turn to - so it must take the form of a rebellion. The Republican party is the American Taliban, and they impose their will by money (illegal), corruption, intimidation, violence and media manipulation.

The problem is that the tear down when they are finally toppled like a dictatorial elites are eventually, is the waste, and the vulnerability it creates leaving a power vacuum in the rest of the world that China can more easily exploit and fill. Republicans are the anti-American toxic party that want to convince Americans that democracy doesn't work. More democracy always makes things better for countries that renounce slavery and respect human rights. You can see this both intuitively and by the numbers when you look across the world.


Human rights, does the unborn baby have any human rights babykiller?


There is no such thing as an unborn baby until many months into a pregnancy when a viable delivery is possible. A baby by definition is a born human being that can be held, fed, cared for, interacted with, perceives the real world with open eyes and sensory experiences of the real world. A baby has a personality, it can learn, it can be loved, it learns from other people and its environment. We call human embryos undergoing development fetuses.


I FoOkInG LoVe ScIeNcE


Unborn babies shouldn't have human rights since they haven't been born yet. When do you think life begins? Are there any situations when you would permit an abortion? Medical emergencies? Disabled kid?


Rape, Incest, carrying to term will kill the mother or the child will be severely disabled. Abortion shouldn't be because people didn't practice safe sex or having a kid will ruin a woman's figure it should be used in rare circumstances

Do you think a heartbeat constitutes life? Look at the meme I posted to Brux do you think that constitutes life?


That's fair. I'm glad you make some exceptions. A lot of the experts say that life begins at 22-24 weeks so I could see laws forbidding abortions shortly after or around that time. Some obese women don't even know that they are pregnant so there could be an exception for stupid fat chicks.

I personally believe that a child should be raised by at least one parent who wants them. They could be given up for adoption BUT most kids end up in foster homes. Being a parent is usually a 18+ year commitment and people shouldn't be forced to have children if they are not 100% sure.


There's plan B or the morning after pill. I'm in favor of that

Stupid Fat Chicks as you describe love shooting out kids for welfare money. You ever been down to your local SSI or Food Stamp office? Might enlighten you


The ethical dilemma with abortion stems from whether or not metaphysical personhood is a necessary component for moral personhood. If we take Kant's view, believing that a person must have the actualized capacity to think rationally in order to fall under such a category, then we can certainly justify the abortion of fetuses and participate in embryonic research.

If, however, we believe that mere sentience or membership in the species of homo sapiens is sufficient for metaphysical personhood, then abortion, in all stages, becomes difficult to justify. When ethicists argue the moral position of embryos or human fetuses, they do so by explaining the intrinsic value of biological humanity. To such proponents, metaphysical personhood is viewed as the apex of moral dignity.

Arguably, "we can say that the fact that the fetus will develop into an adult human being that was once that fetus (if the fetus develops normally) establishes the fetus’ right to life" (Stone, 1987). According to anti-abortion philosopher Francis Beckwith, "a human being at every stage of her development is never a potential person; she is always a person with potential even if that potential is never actualized due to premature death or the result of the absence or deformity of a physical state of nature necessary to actualize that potential."


The Texas abortion ban makes no exception in cases of rape or incest.


Don't care, you shitlibs were happy to report conservatives for Jan 6th. You shitlibs were happy to shame unvaxxed people and separate them from society

Shoe is on the other foot now and you expect people to care?

LOL go fuck yourself


You just proved yourself an American Taliban who hates women. I'm not surprised.

Of course, you would support anti-American behavior from your fellow death cultists like killing 600,000+ Americans by not vaccinating or wearing masks and beating up cops and shacking the Capitol.



You have proven yourself time and time again to be a racist communist with 0 self awareness and 0 critical thinking skills

Don't want kids? Use birth control or keep your stank legs closed


Continue to rant! Your incel hostility is showing.


Continue to be retarded! Your cat lady hostility is showing.


>> Unborn babies shouldn't have human rights since they haven't been born yet.

No one ever said embryos, whatever you want to call them should not have some consideration as human life. The abortion question is a political one to the government. This is about saddling women with children they cannot take care of. If the government forces itself to get involved, then they should pay for the cost of the child through adulthood.

Forcing women to give up their babies because they cannot take care of them is institutional slavery.

This decision should not be up to the government, it should be between the woman and her doctor.

I'd agree that very late term pregnancies need special consideration ... the problem is that the thought and logic that goes into these laws is driven by stupid people who do not understand the science and romanticize the issue taking it personally - which is fine for their personal decisions, but not to force on others.


My position is that embryos should not be considered human life. I'm okay using stem cells from embryos to do research if it benefits society through medical research. I don't approve of using embryo stem cells for cosmetics or other commercial purposes.

Based on my limited research, embryos become fetuses at 11 weeks. The webmd link below shows pictures of the baby at each week of pregnancy so it's quite fascinating. I don't think anybody should complain about a first trimester abortion (13 weeks) since it doesn't really look like a baby to me. It gets a little dicy after that. It looks like most babies can be removed easily up to weeks 14-16. After that, they have to operate and it gets messy.

Another thing to consider is the high rate of miscarriages. It's silly to deny women an abortion when a lot of them will suffer miscarriages anyway.


The determination should be something based around brain activity. Now they base it absurdly on heartbeat which is not right. The cells that will make up the heart, when there is an actual heart that exists start pulsing very early in the pregnancy, when they are just a mass of cells, and there is no brain yet.

I don't know how I'd feel if the law told a woman she had waited too long to have an abortion and the fetus is viable, so they will go in and retrieve the fetus and let it develop outside her body. To me that seems like a violation of her body, even if the fetus is viable. I don't think it is right to take a genetic line that is someones genetic heritage and give it to others to raise and control. Who knows what will happen with that adoptive family, and it is in theory an infinite line of biological descent.

If the woman wants to end this fetus I think she should have the right.


Just to be perfectly clear, abortion is NOT a crime in Texas, even with this law. Jewish lawyers are making out like bandits.

Jesus is smiling somewhere.


There is a ban on abortions when a heartbeat is detected and that appears to be six weeks. While there are no criminal penalties associated with abortions, private citizens can sue anybody who assisted with an abortion for $10K. I don't see how a person can have standing to sue for another person's abortion.


MINIMUM $10k. Plus attorneys fees. I don't know what the criteria are for demanding more than $10k... a white baby?

Also, no government official may initiate the action. So even the purest Southern Baptist who might be a City Manager, or a Zoning officer, is powerless.


If the majority of the voters want it then it should stand. If you don’t like it leave the state. Texas has every right to defend its state from the moral degeneracy of the radical left.


Not when it inculcates the real and true moral degeneracy from the radical right.


Dude, that is not how the USA works.

You're going to want these protections when you're under the Mongol's heel.


Majority of voters are pro-choice.

They don't accurately represent their state because of voter suppression and gerrymandering:


LOL a Twitter poll is your source? I'm sure that's accurate


There is no twitter poll. It's a news video of the governor and legislators who supported the Texas abortion ban. The imagery is very revealing.


So when is Texas going to implement this "citizen bounty" law to businesses that employ illegal aliens? Landlords that rent to illegal aliens? Banks that lend to illegal aliens?

Makes ya thimk...


One day someone will explain to me the Left's fetish with murdering babies.

PS. I don't need a god to tell me that murdering babies is wrong.


So being against child murder equates you to the Taliban? What the hell is wrong with you?

Also I thought with the whole forced vaccine campaign the DemoKKKrats are on I thought the government did have the right to tell you what to do with your body? (Despite the fact that it’s not just the woman’s body).

Also that rings incredibly hollow coming from the side that literally just armed the Taliban with 80 billion dollars of military weaponry.
