MovieChat Forums > Politics > Kamala Harris Mistakenly Pays Tribute to...

Kamala Harris Mistakenly Pays Tribute to the Communist Vietnamese Who Shot Down and Captured John McCain

Kamala Harris visited Vietnam this week and in an apparent faux pas she laid flowers at a site that celebrated the shooting down of pilot, and late Sen. John McCain.

Apparently, Harris mistook the site that celebrated the Vietnamese civilians who captured McCain and handed him over to the communist government as their prisoner, for a memorial to the late senator.

Why she would believe that a nation that was fighting against the United States would erect a memorial for a man who fought against them is unknown.


Greatest man ever doesn't like losers who get captured by the enemy.


“John McCain is the figure pictured there with his hands up. This does not commemorate John McCain it celebrates his capture and the soldiers who captured him lmfaoooo,” one Twitter user said.


Apparently, Kammy is just as brain-dead as Joe.

Don't these people have handlers (or keepers) watching/advising them? 😲

It's a scary world.🙄


If Trump did that, they'd be celebrating this. He did say he doesn't like losers that were captured. Ah, the hypocrisy in the end ^^. Just goes to show as long as they arne't dead, politics away.


This is what you get with a VP who slept her way to the top


heels up kamelatoe
