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Larry Elder

I just thought I would ask, are there any liberals on here who are proud of this article by the LA Times calling him the "black face of white supremacy":


Progressives are the most racist people on the planet. They are keeping racism alive and well


This LA Times article is proof that the left is racist. I don’t know how these people live with themselves, they seem pretty miserable.


I voted for him, guess I'm a racist white supremacist for voting for a black guy


Only a backward ass f-ck libtard would connect the dots the reach that conclusion.


What is Larry Elder's plan to tank real estate prices?

He also has a radio commercial that lists out grievances like "highest income tax, highest sales tax, highest home prices..."

And I also heard some other right wing commentator whine about "high home prices."

I'd like to live in Malibu but you know what? I can't afford to live in Malibu.

WTF is it with these new "conservatives?"


So you agree that he’s the “black face of white supremacy” what the hell is wrong with you?


I don't know if I would call any of these Republicans "white supremacists." None of them are saying peep about illegal aliens. Which to me is sort of refreshing that they aren't even bothering with the charade they've been pushing for the last 40+ years.

And none of them are talking about the stupid statewide rent control law that passed before the pandemic.


So now you’re in favor of illegal immigration. Please tell me more , libtard……


What does Larry Elder think the price of a house should be? What does he think the price of a can of Coke should be? What does he think the price of an hour of my labor should be?

"Conservatives" used to have some basic common sense back in the day.


I see you are again dodging every point I make, typical debate tactics of the libtards.

And even if Larry Elder has some faults there's no way he will be any worse than Gavin Newsom who allowed BLM thugs to dance on top of an ambulance that was trying to load wounded police officers.

Also you never answered my OP: Are you proud of the LA Times calling him "The black face of white supremacy"?


All these Republicans are good with gay marriage, too.

Is Larry Elder's plan to tank real estate prices, to tear down estates in Mission Viejo and Pacific Palisades to build multifamily apartment buildings? Even if they're not low income, those homeowners didn't buy those properties to live next to a bunch of apartments.

Or is he just running his fucking mouth?


Are you proud of someone at the LA Times calling him the “ black face of white supremacy”?


Vagrancy is another problem. I have a solution: We build vagrant prisons. Only for vagrants, no one else. Get them off the streets, give them meds, maybe outsource them to temporary work agencies until they get on their feet. Maybe prison isn't really the right term, someplace where their freedoms are curtailed and earned back sooner, or later, depending on the inmate.

And we can build these prisons on all the CSU universities.

But that's not gonna get Fontana rednecks into beach houses in Newport.


Cowardly libtard remains a cowardly libtard.


Of course he's proud otherwise he'd say he isn't, just like all the other loony leftists here (brux, Komrade Keelai, snepts, triumphwhatever, etc., etc.) will never disavow all the antifa and BML violence because they're all for it.


The left is absolutely pathetic. Their moral outrage is dictated by what skin color you are and what political party you align with.


Elder could be a lot worse, as we have seen with the rump Supreme Court appointments.
A lot of good can be undone with the wrong jerk in power.


Exactly like Gavin Newsom. Hopefully Californians do the right thing and fire the son of a bitch. Although my prediction is that they will stop counting in the middle of the night then tomorrow morning they will magically discover hundreds of thousands of ballots all for Gavin Newsom.

Also you never answered my question, I guess you’re afraid to.


I have absolutely no interest in treating you like you have anything useful to contribute or engage or your level. I don't even know what your questions are, that's how much thought I give your ugly posts.


I accept your concession . Also my question was in the OP, learn how to read numb nuts


better than democrats...


... oooh


That's an opinion column! (So it is not the LA Times calling him that, in case you don't know how the editorial page of a newspaper works.)


And do you condone that rhetoric? That was literally the question I asked in the OP


I made a simple factual statement. Instead of trying to provoke a moviechat-style debate, why don't you edit your post so that it is accurate (should say: "this editorial in the LA Times" instead of "this article by the LA Times.")
Oh who am I trying to kid?! You rwnjs don't have the conscience or grace to admit an error, you'll just go on attacking, because kicking "the other" is what you like to do, and you can't ever, ever turn the other cheek but would rather follow your orange baboonista leader who never met an opponent he wouldn't insult.


I see you are too much of a coward to answer the question, typical libtard

Whether it’s an article or editorial is besides the point, someone called Larry Elder the “Black face of white supremacy” and you are too much of a coward to denounce it so instead you are looking for excuses to deflect the conversation anywhere else.

I am also now justified in calling you a racist


Oh, now it's "someone called..." I can't stop chuckling at that!


Still too much of a coward to denounce racism in your own cult. I guess racism only matters to you when you can exploit it for your own purposes. You are such a disgrace , your cult leader Biden is a disgrace


You are so obsessed with cults because you want people to believe you aren't part of one, and you are unconsciously embarrassed by it. You are owned by the alt-cons but you can't bear the thought of being a tool for them. Good luck with that.


There’s no such thing as a right wing cult, there is very much a libtard Demokkkrat cult and why shouldn’t I be concerned? They somehow have actual power and are making policies. People should have been this concerned when Hitler was rising to power


You are the typical whatever-the-hell you represent.
You don't care about human values or human decency, you just want to score points with the Ugly Crowd.
Obfuscate all you want, it's as plain as the nose on your face. You want to spread hate and distrust, so own it.


Not at all, I’m just an objective observer giving you the unbiased truth. I’m sorry reality is so upsetting to you but that’s your own damn problem. Maybe you should seek counseling?


If you represent unbiased truth, then the sky is black and the grass is purple. Constant lying and standing around saying, Just Telling the Truth. And say other people are brain washed? Good god ! Can you even hold down a job?


You are brainwashed that’s an objective fact , I however and fair and objective unlike your hate cult


Larry Elder can't even do basic math...

"Recall candidate Larry Elder says sex ed ‘has no role in school’ in message to Rocklin church"

California voters are not Mississippi voters. They don't want prayer in schools, bible study in schools, sodomites thrown in jail, etc. This is why the GOP has one, like, three statewide races in the last 26 years.

Someone should tell Larry Elder that for every 1 megachurch voter he fires up to vote, he will fire up 2 Democrats/Independents.

And seriously? Kids are at least 17 years old in the spring semester of their senior year of high school. They can't have a health class that includes sex education?


So that justifies calling him the “black face of white supremacy “

I guess since Biden thinks guys in wheelchairs can stand up I can call him whatever I want


I don't know why this wasn't a headline story in my MSNnews feed

In a series of tweets Thursday afternoon, L.A.-based anti-abortion activist Lila Rose announced that she was endorsing Elder’s campaign after speaking with the radio host and his campaign and receiving assurances that he would take several hard-right steps to curb abortion rights in California. According to Rose’s tweets, Elder pledged to use line-item veto power to cut all abortion funding, to veto any legislation that expands rights or access to abortion, to appoint anti-abortion judges and regulators, and to drop the charges against the individuals who created a fake company so they could secretly record Planned Parenthood employees.


He's the black face of Republican cynicism. He's against reproductive rights, gay rights, and a minimum wage--things that any candidate would get pilloried for here in California, but republikkkans thought his being a black guy would give him some cover. Now that is real racism!


Thanks for proving my point that the Demokkkrats are the actual racists. Just imagine I said the same thing about Barack Hussein Obama, you would be foaming at the mouth.


Yeah, it's hard to tell those blackies apart, ain't it?


Now you’re putting words in my mouth which is another sign that you can defend the hate in your own cult


Nobody proved your point except yourself that you are an ugly person, hateful to the core and willing to brook any boundary to be a shitty person. Good luck


Flaming insults prove that you are too much of a chickenshit to denounce the blatant racism in your own cult. So pathetic.


No, I will happily denounce racism and everything else YOUR CULT stands for. Wake up and smell the coffee - you are on the wrong side of everything that is right about this country and making Sophist arguments that you think give you credibility but is arguing for the enjoyment of being a stick in the eye of everything that is good and Christian in the world.


Lol you just admitted your double standard, you’ll only denounce racism when the other side does it, that’s what I’ve been saying the whole time. You don’t care about racism all you want to do is get as many political points as you can for your cult.

Also appealing to Christianity is pointless as I am atheist


I've read a few news stories that describe Larry Elder as a "libertarian." Do libertarians rage about sex education in schools? Abortion? Gay Marriage?

But I haven't seen a news story where Larry Elder calls Larry Elder a "libertarian."

"I'm a Republican. I voted for the standard-bearer in 2020. I'll vote for the standard-bearer in 2024, no matter who he or she is. I don't understand why that's so surprising to people."


Answer the question libtard


Eff your stupid questions. Nobody gives a crap about your dumb ass questions. Walk up to a mirror and ask yourself questions. No one else cares.


I guess that means you done condone the racist attacks from your cult. You are a disgrace


"Libertarian" is camouflage for Everyone For Himself, it's Chaos, grab the goodies while you can.
Capitalism in all it's glory. Get it while you can and let the suckers suffer.


Thom Hartmann used to say that Libertarians were Republicans who wanted to get high. I don't remember where on the spectrum Libertarians are for "fiscally conservative, socially liberal." No doubt they're either very rich or very young (or both) so they probably don't want public education, period, with or without Jesus. I would think Libertarians would be for reproductive rights.


Sounds dead on accurate to me. Why? Always trying to use racial stuff to trap Liberals ... seems like a game only dim-wits would not get very tired of very quickly.


Real classy , and you know damn well if that were said about any black liberal you’d be throwing a temper tantrum


I don't know that at all. How is it you think your twisted brain can make accurate perceptions of people who don't know? The answer is ... you can't, and it's all about making up trolling arguments. That must be the highest best use of your time I guess.


Just watch the libtard fake news, just about everything is racist that is unless it’s against a black conservative then its open season. Get your head out of the sand and break away from your cult.


So you spend your time watching "libtard fake news"?
jeezus krist, don't you have better things to do with your time?
I don't need to watch faux news and it's affiliates to know it's garbage.
Go plant some roses or radishes or something.
Try to feel good about yourself.


Just because you know what the fake news is saying doesn’t mean that you spend your life watching it. Nice try though.


Here is Larry Elder's Campaign Page

Nothing on illegal aliens. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

Illegal immigration hurts job opportunities and wages for Americans, especially urban Black and Brown Americans. Immigration has been a strength of the United States, but it must happen legally.

Not long ago, almost everyone understood the harm of illegal immigration: “Those who enter the country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the rule of law, and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law. We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected … circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.” These are the words of then-Sen. Barack Obama in 2005.

Through no fault of their own, Californians who are seeking entry-level jobs — especially those from the inner cities — are being undercut by illegal labor.

The pandemic has served as a reminder of our state’s limited resources, such as ICU capacity and hospital beds (just to name two). We cannot prioritize illegal immigrants over California taxpayers. Even Democrat Harry Reid asked from the Senate floor in 1993, “If making it easy to be an illegal alien isn’t enough, how about offering an award to be an illegal immigrant? No sane country would do that, right?”

Yet Gov. Newsom has offered several such awards: He has paved the way for illegal immigrants to receive stimulus payments, state-funded health-care services, and driver’s licenses, and he made our state a sanctuary for any illegal border-crosser — at the expense of all Californians.


Why doesn't Larry put this in his campaign site?


So do you agree with calling him the “black face of white supremacy”?


Also nothing on his site about the wholesale slaughter of the unborn... high real estate prices are more important to him...


Tell you what, answer the question in the OP then we’ll talk , seeing how that is the purpose of this thread


will the 50,000 + plus homeless also be receiving stimulus payments, state-funded health-care services? will they be provided shelter and jobs? Newson recently cleared out all the homeless on Venice beach, where did they all go? out of sight out of mind right?


blah blah blah the only thing I care about is sex education in schools. and abortion.


c'mon brobeans...


Ok chillidog is definitely trolling


There's another ad where some bitch-boy millennial snowflake [DEMOCRAT!] is complaining that he lost his job TWICE because of Newsome's pandemic lockdowns, and he wants to know how Newsome spent $500 billion.

I do not have the job today that I had when I was 19 years old. I'm older, and I have skills and experience and maturity. Me, and others like me, haven't been fired twice or more in the last year and a half.

Also, I know that $500 billion over almost 3 years is about $160 billion a year. I think if California were its own country its GDP would be top 8 in the world or something like that. So that money goes for schools, police, firemen, highways, etc.

But maybe Larry Elder's figured if he can cobble enough megachurch voters and bitch-boy millennial snowflakes and SEIU battle axes and hags, he'll be governor come Wednesday.


Actually, the oldest millennials are 40 now, this bitch might be a Zoomer, he looks 25 tops. The better campaign message would be that this kid doesn't know about state government and budgets because public schools are crap (assuming this kid is real and not Devin Nunez's nephew). OTOH that message doesn't work if Larry Elder's solution is to spend more money giving vouchers to parents sending their kids to private "Jesus Academies."


Are you going to denounce your cult attempting to pelt him with eggs and calling him the “black face of white supremacy “?


What happened to "Bob and Alice," or whatever they called that couple in the anti-Hillarycare commercials, with a middle-aged couple sitting at the kitchen table with a mountain of bills? People identify with that, not with some brat wearing black pants and a black t-shirt (that he probably could have bought at Sears for $20 but he went to some hipster place and paid $100) whining about how he can't ride his skateboard in the grocery store.


Do you condone the left attempting to pelt him with eggs and calling him the "blackface of white supremacy"?


What the hell are you talking about?!?


Read the OP , kid


Don't see anything about getting pelted with eggs but I guess there is a subtext somewhere.


A woman in a gorilla mask threw eggs at him, something the libtard fake news won’t report on


I think we all have to admit that this was the worst campaign ever in California.


Not as bad as Hillary Clinton’s


So I'm trying to watch football and I'm seeing these TV commercials for Larry Elder showcasing three overweight minority women that look like they work at the Department of Motor Vehicles.

WTF is up with the GOP in California?


Are you proud of your cult attempting to pelt him with eggs and calling him the “black face of white supremacy “?


You need to nudge your needle.


Get out of your cult numb nuts


Quit being so obdurate. It's not a good look.

Unless you are being paid, then it makes total sense.


You demokkkrat cultists are some pretty messed up individuals, you need to be in an institution.


We are in an institution and you are Nurse Ratched.


Yeah I own you, I agree


In California you can get your ballot in any one of, like, 23 languages.

These three sows can say "I'm on my break" in all 23.

Whatever happened to the polished business people in GOP ads, with the thousand-dollar suit, the two-thousand dollar teeth, and the four-thousand dollar tits? The Amway, Avon, Mary Kay and Primemerica success stories? Democrats are the ones who always have the heifers who shop at Marshall's.
