MovieChat Forums > Politics > Food delivery drivers living on starvati...

Food delivery drivers living on starvation wages in supposedly magical, "socialist" Europe!

Ocado is a posh and trendy food delivery service in the UK, which is exploiting its drivers to the max

Their customers are dumbass middle class people who hate Trump because that's what's trendy, but they dont give a shit bout the people in their own country.


sshhhhhhhh!! don't say the truth! micheal moore made documentaries! in europe everything is perfect! the government give people massages!


And everyone is a sophisticated intellectual and they all prance around quoting Shakespeare to each other!


It sounds like you hate capitalism.


Why what are you offering as an alternative?

Oh yeah, communism, where everyone is poor except some guy smoking a cigar and looking smug in his palace and stupid green outfit.

Oh well, at least you temporarily distracted from the real story for a second (that is, hypocritical European bumpkins not caring about their own, and American basement-dwelling Colbert weirdos such as yourself not having a clue either)


You're arguing with yourself like a deranged bum screaming at his own delusions in the street!

Your right-wing media makes-up lies and propaganda about political opponents and you stupidly believe them and then more stupidly become mad and argue against the lies.

You're literally arguing with yourself!


You're literally arguing with yourself!

No.. I'm... arguing with you?

You just decided to randomly say that I'm "crazy" because I pointed out the realities of Communism

Anyway, leaving aside your usual random made up accusations:

Haha, only illiterate people say "literally" all the time. Have you noticed how Trump's tweets didnt contain "LITERALLY" or the stupid "crying with tears of joy" either... did you notice that?


You are literally arguing with yourself! I'll explain.

Right-wing media and politicians
attach certain words with negative connotations to democrats. These trigger words create an automatic subconscious emotional response, usually negative, among their targeted groups. It's a brainwashing technique.

Angry, hateful and fearful people are easier to manipulate and control which is the reason right-wing media and politicians will keep their viewers/constituents in this constant emotional state.

The majority of democrats don't support communism, but decades of right-wing repetition has left you believing in the lie.

This is the reason I said you are arguing with yourself.

I'm confident that I've been a much more successful capitalist than you. I'm also confident that my taxes are likely supporting many GQPers who are receiving socialists handouts that my taxes paid for including those three stimulus checks.

Finally, I'll add that many "middle-class" people are struggling financially and don't have it as good as you believe.


You're the one complaining about "starvation-wages" in the U.K. which is actually capitalist.

What is YOUR solution to help the drivers?


You're the one complaining about "starvation-wages" in the U.K. which is actually capitalist.

People can starve anywhere, dummy. Can you tell me where it is written that "starvation wages" are something that is exclusively exists in capitalism? Is that only a "fact" in your mind?

What is YOUR solution to help the drivers?

My solution is that Ocado stop being douchebags. The whole point of the original post is that, this is a known thing that is occurring in the UK and the supposedly "nice, sophisticated" people there dont care about it they just shrug their shoulders!


"People can starve anywhere"
"the supposedly "nice, sophisticated" people there dont care about it they just shrug their shoulders!"

But, you're shrugging your shoulders, too.

You have no solution. You don't care are about the drivers. I'm not sure of the purpose for your topic.


But, you're shrugging your shoulders, too.

No, it's the opposite. I;m the one who brought it up in the first place.

Why am I the one who brought attention to this instead of you? You're supposed to be the "liberal". The fact that I brought this up and not you, shows that caring about working people is completely missing from the "liberal" agenda now.

You have no solution.

I said the solution was for Ocado to stop being douchebags. If you think that's not a solution then you're basically admitting it's impossible and unrealistic to expect Trump-hating Eurotrash people to stop being horrible!!

You just said there was "no solution" to stop Europeans being douchebags! HAHAHAH!


Why would douchebags stop being douchebags? Most douchebags don't believe they're douchebags.

Your solution is dumb! I'm sure drivers asked them to stop being douchebags and pay them more which Ocado has ignored.


I thought the UK was towards the bottom of the list when it comes to Democratic-Socialist countries, way below Scandinavia, Germany, etc. (The Iron Lady?)

I think UK has a shit ton more of unwashed immigrants than those countries... correlation?
