MovieChat Forums > Politics > Some people here get understanding of op...

Some people here get understanding of opponents from Hollywood film not reality

Apparently a non judgemental objective observation by CNN has set off some people whose understanding of bad guys comes from Hollywood films.

where the bad guys have to wear black, sit in dark rooms, mumble their words ominously, are never nice and only laugh ominously and can never experience joy. They walk over, punch a woman in the face then bomb an orphanage.

by this understanding histories favourite (and rightfully so) villains, the nazis, were never friendly. just ask British POWs especially officers or their families about that.

it makes sense given the jovial and euphoric nature of winning the war so fast that the Taliban could both chant death to america AND be friendly.

imagine hypothetically Americans did the same. in one day if we killed Osama, beat al Qaeda and were in the streets celebrating saying "we kill you basterd!". would these people not be friendly?

NO one is saying the Taliban is good or making judgement calls on their beliefs. crazy I know that a human being (no matter how horrendous and extreme) can feel joy and be friendly at times.

welcome to reality. I know it doesnt line up with the newest action movie you've seen but thats how it is

one person did praise the Taliban in American politics. can you guess which party?

"The Taliban are the only people building back better."


Apparently a non judgemental objective observation by CNN....


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sooooo in others words. as usual. you have no good argument to add..

so the Taliban can never be friendly? they have to grimace all the time and can never be in a celebratory mood?

hey remember when you claimed a peer reviewed study was fraudulent with no evidence! then you claimed vaccines dont work unless 100% effective! and I showed you how one of the worlds most effective vaccines the MMR vaccine isnt 100% effective and also needs booster shots :)

remember when you ran away. hey do that again :)


i get what you're doing now! you're playing the part of a loony leftist! saying stupid things, like a charcter! I wasn't so sure! but yeah! i get it now! pretty good! very funny!


sooo no rebuttal.. good try kid. as usual you faceplant, shit your pants then declare victory


i admire your comedy! i really do. hahahahaa it's pretty good!


one person did praise the Taliban though

republican Lauren Boebert

"The Taliban are the only people building back better."



Apparently a non judgemental objective observation by CNN



if CNN reported on a photo of hitler smiling you'd claim they were backing nazi ideology. try again :)


Reality is here, waiting for you.


sooo you have nothing like the sad guy above :)

one person did praise the Taliban though

republican Lauren Boebert

"The Taliban are the only people building back better."

uhhh oh


Truth, logic and common sense are wasted on you reprobates.


Yes just repeat that you have "logic and truth" on your side and it becomes true!

while never actually presenting any.

so you agree with Lauren? wow


I have no idea what she's talking about or the context.


I gave you the link. the comment speaks for itself. good try though :0 you are slimier than a worm farm


I read the link. Again, I have no idea of the context. I'm not going to weigh in without know the facts, unlike you. Orange man bad.


"they are acting friendly" OMG CNNN IS HORRIBLE!!!!

"The Taliban are the only people building back better."

"This is fine"


AGAIN, I don't know the context. Maybe she was being sarcastic. If not, I wholeheartedly disagree.

By the way, you still haven't answered my question: You said there are other countries that are better places to live. Why are you still here?



CNN -"they seem friendly"

conservatives - "omg CNN IS THE WORST!!! why do they love the Taliban!!!! how dare anyone defend this!!!

Lauren Boebert -"The Taliban are the only people building back better."

also conservatives "I dont know the context"

if only you could apply the same logic to both situations. but you are a partisan extremist who will defend your team no matter how silly.

ohhhh yes you did run away./

should I explain for the 6th times how staying on topic and conversations work? I can explain it like you are mentally at a grade 4 level since you didnt seem to get it the fist 6 times. does that work for you kid?


If saying I ran away makes you feel better, then go with that.

Now, clean slate: Why are you still here?

I know you're not going to answer.

By the way, I said that if she meant what she said, I wholeheartedly disagree so even not knowing the context, I still gave you my position.


no no no no child. No. apparently simplifying and reexplaining didnt work. so I shall do so again :)

you made your argument
I said things that countered said argument. you now must defend that. you do not change the subject. no clean slate. you defend argument. simple enough for you?

awwww little child is still confused. if you refuse to accept this I shall explain it again :)


Translation: I talk out of my ass and when called on it, I will refuse, even under pain of death, to answer and expose my lying, hypocrisy and ass-talking.

I'm done with you.


u made your argument
I said things that countered said argument. you now must defend that. you do not change the subject. no clean slate. you defend argument. simple enough for you?

go away kid, you cant discuss like an adult


See above post. Adults don't dodge simple questions, multiple times.


so why did you dodge an entire multipoint post to change the subject? awww you will grow up one day


You're still dodging and if you had any cognitive function, you'd know I didn't dodge anything.

Just answer the damn question, junior (you never will).


no YOU DODGED kid. awwww what a sad coward who cant address my points. take the L kid


Just answer the damn question, junior (you never will). Coward.


you first coward haha


Just answer the damn question, junior (you never will). Coward.


so you cant address my points coward? I dont reward children having fits


That's a really lame diversion but whatever. What question specifically, do you want me to answer and don't point me to any posts or links. Ask your question.


wait wait wait.

me asking you to address my response to what you said is a diversion?

you avoiding me staying on topic and my response to try and sideline is not a diversion though?

Hahaha you need diapers. I assumed you were a kid now im thinking a baby


Just as I knew. You are doing everything you can to dodge my question and now you're cornered again. You don't care in the least about me answering anything. You're in full defense mode. Bugger off.


hahahahah you arent good at trolling kid :)

asking for you to address my point is "dodging"

changing the subject because you are afraid is perfectly fine

why thank you for shitting your pants intellectually


Dream on, loser.


You have conceded the debate. you cannot address my arguement. thank you for that kid


Really? Where did I do that? You're in full damage control mode now and it's pathetic. Enjoy your welfare and free government stuff while it lasts.


You are a pathetic boot licker. Seeing you get destroyed is hilarious.


Eat ass, you delusional simpleton.


should I explain like a 10 year old how discussions work? like how when I address your point and offer counter points and arguments, you have to address that not change the subject.

I can explain it in even simpler childlike terms if you want??


Who made you the rule maker? People can change the subject any time they damn well please. I don't know if you ever leave your hovel but it happens ALL THE TIME in real life.


because thats how conversation and debate is...... or else it would just be random disconnected stream of consciousness. with one constantly trying to derail the convo because they cant defend their points.

if you expect somone to engage with you and answer your questions or points, you should respond to theirs as well.

yes it does happen, and people end the conversation because one isnt a grown adult. you are a child. should explain it again?


You're a complete retard.


bye kiddo! lear to have a conversation like an adult!


I'll "lear" that. Thanx. Idiot.


Acting friendly while chanting Death to America

How fucking stupid are you?


Loki is a conservative, he's playing like a role, saying dumb things as a way of mocking liberals. he's one of us.


yes we know you have nothing so you repeat this.

remember when I thoroughly destroyed and embarrassed you on vaccines? and you ran away? like a dog with his tail between his legs


i did it myself back in the day! saying dumb liberal things on boards, pretending to be a liberal, as a way of mocking them, it's funny.


I know dumb like "prove your assertions" and "provide evidence" and "present facts that are logically connected"

so dumb.. so liberal.

hey remember when you claimed a 5000 person peer reviewed study was all fabricated without any evidence




yaaa so no evidence about this fraudulent study right?


Remember when you claimed scientist disputing the vaxx narrative wasn't science? You member that Loki?

Good times



you should leave, this is child abuse. you've gotten a bad beating intellectually


The delusion is strong in this idiot. You know what they say about people who proclaim victory...


welcome to ignore :) you and your gf Rhonda graves belong there together


Ignore is for pussies which you clearly are.


Apparently a non judgemental objective observation by CNN

