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7 Truths About Immigration, from one of the greats - Robert Reich. Please spread the truth.

7 Truths About Immigration in under 70 seconds. | Robert Reich
1.) Record high of 70% of Americans say immigration is a good thing for the country.
2.) America needs more immigrants, not fewer because our population is rapidly aging.
3.) Historically immigrants have contributed more in taxes than they have taken in public assistance. (How can you even get public assistance anyway? We live in an every man for themselves swim or sink society where it is socialism for the rich)
4.) Immigrant do not take jobs away from native born Americans. On the contrary their spending creates more jobs. They are bringing money into the USA. We aren't just talking about the refugees here. Resettlement costs a lot of money. Outside money coming in buying houses, cars, furniture etc.
5.)Fact: undocumented immigrants create less crime than native born citizens (my guess is because they like to hide under the radar.)
6.) Violent crime rates in the US are actually at historic lows with the homicide rate back to where it was during the early 1960s. Hard to believe but statistics say it is true.
7.) Illegal border crossings have been declining since 2014 (Obama). There's no surge in illegal immigration. The rightist media, because that's what they are, have just been hyping it up more.

And all you rightist dickheads that insult me and try to argue with me. I am just spreading the truth. Stop shooting the messenger! The only thing I have to offer is the truth.

"So you want to know what it is? It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. That you are a slave that has been born into bondage. Unfortunately no one can be told what the matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. This is your last chance.
You take the blue pill and you wake up in your bed and you can believe whatever it is you want to believe. You take the red pill and I'll show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I have to offer you is the truth. Nothing more."
This is why so many of you struggle with what I am telling you. You've been brainwashed all your lives and cannot know without going somewhere, without traveling and going to see for yourself. I've traveled a lot so I have seen the real world and the matrix for what it is.
Morpheus. Blue pill or red pill.


That YouTube clip is at least 3 years old, and a lot has changed since then, so there's that.


No one cares about Robert Reich.

Here's what people really want to know:

What kind of sweetheart deal did those scumbags get who got busted in Mississippi hiring all those illegal aliens in their chicken processing plants in 2019?

They settled for something before Biden was inaugurated.


"7.) Illegal border crossings have been declining since 2014 (Obama). There's no surge in illegal immigration. The rightist media, because that's what they are, have just been hyping it up more."

Try reading something written this year, chief:

It’s Back to the 1990s Along the Southern U.S. Border

As jobs go unfilled in America, single adults are driving an increase in illegal crossings. Some are trying multiple times.

"2.) America needs more immigrants, not fewer because our population is rapidly aging."

LOL, what does this even mean?! I'm going to ignore that fact that it's debatable whether a country "needs" more people, but why does it have to be immigrants? Is this like a quota?


Reich is a kook who supports a universal income for every american! this is a level of communism and stupidity that even chavez and kim jung un wouldn't have dared trying to sell.

everytime i read your comments i'm more and more convinced that you're a republican lampooning the typical looney liberal with this rubbish ironically.


Robert Reich is a nutjob.

Not wasting my time on him.


My investment newspaper mentioned those truths and a few others. Immigrants begin many businesses and they increase the GDP.

The GOP supported immigration before they became the GQP.


We all need to join that champion of the working class on this issue, Lindsay Graham, because he's a stinking sack of shit on every issue in the world except immigration.
