MovieChat Forums > Politics > Has anyone here heard of Chris Chan?

Has anyone here heard of Chris Chan?

Just discovered this person thanks to a sordid news story about them that broke a few days ago.

To make a long story short, Chris Chan is a person who was born biologically male, and is living with autism. As a child, Chan became obsessed with characters like Pikachu and Sonic the Hedgehog and created a combined character based on both of them, going on to write and illustrate amateurish comic books while harboring delusions of grandeur. He gathered an internet following through his weird behavior.

Of course, Chris fell victim to trolls and being extremely naive, was coerced into making outrageous statements and performing obscene acts online, usually by trolls who pretended to be women who claimed to be interested in pursuing a relationship. Chris became an internet legend and slowly lost all grip on reality.

About 5 years ago, Chris came out as transgender and now prefers to be known as Christine.

Recently, Christine, who still has male sexual organs, confessed to a troll that Christine was having a sexual (ie. raping) relationship with his, or her, dementia-suffering 80 year old mother, and was promptly reported and arrested.

I have seen a lot of odd, disturbing things in the news in the last few years, but the Chris Chan story is one of the most pathetic and saddening.

That being said, the Chris Chan story is not nearly as surprising as one would like it to be. 20 years ago this stuff would have been beyond belief. Now, it's just one more sign that our society is sick and crumbling very rapidly.

People like Chris Chan are what happens when you push the envelope too far. Chris is the end product of the Progressive Liberal vision.


liberals are fúcking insane, they love destroying normalcy, basic values and common sense. like you say, this is the end product and things are only gonna get worse.


What a sick freak. This is what happens from normalizing mental illness


Sometimes I wonder if transgenderism is just a next stage devolution of humans whose minds are damaged/corrupted/confused/psychotic/warped/dissolutioned/etc. There is a reason why the suicide rate is so high among them and how they 'act'. Like a mix of autism/schizo and trauma. All I know is we're normalizing degeneracy in our society and I am getting more and more convinced that China will be the future due to western societal collapse.

More on Christine Weston Chandler:

Lot of fucked up people in this world with varying degree of degeneracy in autism/schizo.


I'm afraid you are right about China. The West is finished as far as I can see. I just cannot imagine anything happening that would spark a Western resurgence. As a group, we Westerners have been degenerated, weakened, driven to mass neurosis, and taught to hate our own culture for half a century now by our own media and education system. How do you reverse that when there are now several generations who know nothing different than the poison they've been force-fed every day of their lives? Not saying everyone is brainwashed that way, but it seems the large majority and most frighteningly, those in power, are.

Your ideas about transgenderism are interesting too. I believe I have read that in some animal species, the weakest, most ineffectual males will display female behaviors in order to be allowed to avoid being killed by more powerful males. I think this was a phenomenon observed in the rat experiments carried out at NIMH where rats were subjected to extreme overcrowding. The more aggressive male rats formed violent packs who would assault and kill others, and the weaker males basically "came out as trans".
