Facts on Cuba's human rights violations are nothing compared to the crimes of U.S. allies, which the media overlooks.
I don't support Cuba, nor communism and sure as hell would not want to live there but as an IR major I get tired of the propagandistic bullshit being spewed by ignorant Americans towing the government line. Because ignorance really pisses me the fuck off. Think of me like Hemingway or Teddy Roosevelt. They'd take a shot gun to your ignorance.
Fidel Castro's Cuba was accused of numerous human rights abuses — while the crimes of U.S. allies are barely mentioned
Cuba's human rights violations are nothing compared to the crimes of U.S. allies, which the media largely overlooks. [Because our media is "Liberal" right?! Ha yeah right - biggest myth in the land.]
For starters, it is the definition of hypocrisy for such criticisms to come from the United States, which for more than 50 years waged a campaign of terror against Cuba. The United States' own human rights abuses have ranged from carrying out at least 638 assassination attempts to training and harboring of right-wing terrorists, as well as staging an outright military invasion and torturing detainees at Guantánamo Bay.
U.S. politicians' talk of human rights in Cuba is ludicrous considering our government's history of supporting far-right death squads throughout Latin America, extremist paramilitaries that have waged horrific campaigns of terror against civilians in countries like Nicaragua, murdering, torturing and raping men, women and children.
Even more outrageous is the utter silence on the exponentially worse crimes of numerous American allies. Cuba certainly does not have a perfect human rights record. But what country does? Where are the U.S. politicians condemning the much more egregious crimes of our allies?
Since Castro's death, there has been a torrent of articles published about Cuba's abuses. Where are all the think pieces on Saudi Arabia, a close U.S. ally and one of the most oppressive regimes in the world? This is a theocratic absolute monarchy that carries out mass executions of dissidents, beheads drug dealers, systematically subjugates women and has supported extremist groups like al-Qaida and ISIS and yet receives glowing support from the U.S.
A double standard is clear when one considers the extreme human rights abuses committed by America's friends. Such abuses are not just overlooked; they are often outright justified.
This double standard is reflected in the media.
When King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia died in 2015, the Western media systematically whitewashed his horrific crimes against humanity, risibly portraying him as a "shrewd" and "cautious" "reformer." This is the same media that demonized Fidel Castro for "defying" the U.S. and standing up to imperialism. (As Glenn Greenwald put it, "The amount of attention and concern a foreign leader's abuses receive in US discourse is solely determined by how much they 'defy' the US.")