MovieChat Forums > Politics > Should they make it legal for (some) peo...

Should they make it legal for (some) people to get married to words?

We already broke new ground in the last decade with allowing two men to marry. (BTW, I have no problem with that, why would I? I'm gay myself, buds....)

Now should we liberate "liberals" by allowing them to marry a word?

Because you see, for most "liberals" on the internet the greatest and only sexual excitement they have is from the word "insurrection". They just get such a thrill when they say that. They like to think it makes them Shakespeare, basically.

They probably actually print out the word in a large font size on an A4 piece of paper and then rub it against their crotches.

Is there anyone who could object to these people settling down and being happy with the only partner they'll ever have? Let's formalize and recognise these dendro-human relationships, and become a more civilised, tolerant caring society as a result.


Like we are supposed to take advise from an autistic gay furry like yourself 🙄

And before you accuse me of being a liberal...just, no.
