MovieChat Forums > Politics > Would you support a world war with China...

Would you support a world war with China right now?

Let's say that analysis would say that in 50 years (when we are either old or dead) China is in a position to take control of the world.

But if we go to war now, we can stop China from controlling the entire world.

Would you want to bite the bullet right now or think "well I'll be dead by then so who cares?"


The choice is, take on China in an honest fight between systems ... or blow up the world.
That is why Democrats are fighting to take America closer to the rest of the West, while Republicans seem to think the answer is to out-China China.

And by the way ... where are these analysts who would ever make a statement like that, or the politicians and generals who would take it seriously if they did. They are wrong about everything in every American military engagement so far .... so while the question might be analyzed and considered, a military option is not the answer - and neither is all three super powers busting the bank to build new weapons. They don't seem to realize the planet is in a real crisis. In the next few coming years we may have power outages, water emergencies, heat wave deaths of thousands, while homes burn or are flooded and building and energy prices go up and up.

The country cannot afford American laissez-faire rapacious capitalism that fails to solve every problem but how to steal from the people and give the money to a smaller and smaller elite.


Thankfully, you're not in charge!


Thankfully Republicans aren't. You fruit cakes want forever war.


Hahahahahaha! Do you believe your own lies and nonsense?


No as China dwarves the US in population. I think it’s over 2 billion compared to 330 million people.


it would be very naive to believe that a third world war would be fought with troops on the ground


Try 1.4 billion, 1,444,888,020 to be exact.


Just cut them on financially. There’s no need for use of weapons.

Start with eradication of the Chinese communist filth that’s infested our Democrat party, media, education, entertainment, big tech and social media.

This would be done by removing those in charge first and moving back to a reality based world relying on facts and evidence and not unicorn fantasies of systematic this and institutional that.

Pass laws ending the ability for career politicians to exist. Take money completely out of politics. Put wealth caps on private individuals at 25 million. And government employed individuals at 1 million.

Create a reality based society with a legitimate news media, empower everyone in society to have an equal vote eliminating Chinas power by removing those in government and private sector who put communist money ahead of the needs of the American people.

The exact opposite is how communism has taken such a strong hold over our country. Ignorance created through 60 years of communist filth running media and education.


You'd need a dictatorship to implement those changes.


Not really. They just closed the entire world for a year and masked everyone. Dictatorship not necessary. Just have to educate people.


We would need to get as far away with doing business with them as possible first. That would take a long time.


Nixon really fucked up opening the door to these commies.


It would be interesting to see how things would have played out without his trade deal.


Yes the West has only itself to blame for the rise of China. Both China and Russia's communist regimes should have been crushed either before or shortly after WW2.


In the long run China will win since they control their population but US can't control theirs. Too many conflicting ideas, too much diversity which will lead to not pleasing anyone and create hate groups attacking one another.


But diversity is our strength !


This is the Republican party platform: War.


Every country effected by covid should be showing up at chinas door?

Wars are not even fought with traditional weapons these days.

Enemies put out sanctions, they sponsor open borders, they sponsor anti gov groups, the hack each other

95% of people don't even know these new forms of attacks.
