MovieChat Forums > Politics > Republican Bogeymen

Republican Bogeymen

Critical race theory is the flavor of the month, but I wondered if others would help me catalog some of their moral panics. I must admit, Republicans are incredibly adept and disseminating their talking points.

The Caravans
Death panels
Critical Race Theory
Sharia Law
God out of the Schools
Evolution in Schools
Sandinistas were three days' drive
Obama's Gonnah Take Yer Guns!
Islamists on the Homeland
Oppressive Governors Imposing Mask Mandates
Oppressive Governors Suggesting Vaccine Passports
1619 Project
AIDs Infected Gay Men
Jane Fonda / Michael Moore / Dixie Chicks
Same Sex Marriage Threatens to Destroy the Family
Gays In the Military


Today's post is much better. Keep trolling!

I'm sorry your gay icon "He-man" has been temporarily supplanted with a muscle-bound chick sporting a mental illness haircut. This sounds like a real injustice, unlike systemic racism and discrimination against sexual minorities.


LOL Got'em


Good thread. I'm not interested in reviewing your posting history, but I think it makes sense that someone would be interested in mine.


The Hollyweird one is especially puzzling. The entertainment industry is just changing to adapt to what modern audiences want, and a global audience. Many movies make more overseas than they do at home.

It's just good capitalism. I thought that's what they favored?


Fast and Furious
FEMA camps
Tan suit
Terrorist fist jab
Born in Kenya
Obama created ISIS
ISIS is gonna sneak into Mexico and cross the border

That's when they were partially sane.

Now it's satanic pedophiles armed with space lasers.
