MovieChat Forums > Politics > OAN host calls for mass executions of th...

OAN host calls for mass executions of those responsible for 'overthrowing' Trump

One America News' Pearson Sharp made a broad and terrifying argument in a segment that first aired Tuesday night, falsely asserting that "hundreds of thousands" of Americans were involved in a "coup" against former President Donald Trump. Those who worked to overthrow Trump, Sharp went on, should be dealt with — permanently.

"What happens to all these people who are responsible for overthrowing the election?" Sharp asks in his segment, while implying that state election audits would eventually reveal a Trump victory. Well "in the past," he declares, "America had a very good solution for dealing with such traitors: Execution."

OAN is nothing more than domestic terrorists. Pearson Sharp belongs in prison for treason.



REGULARLY did stunts like this during the Trump administration.

Should I go out on a limb and believe that you want to call CNN a bunch of terrorists too?

Do you people even think about the moronic shit that you type?


Pearson Sharp belongs in prison for treason.


Treason against who? The 60-65 million who voted for Biden?


Why aren't you demanding the jailing of anyone who has ever said that all white people should be killed? If you google it you can find black power activists who said all white people should be killed. You can find both BLM people who said that, and also just crazy random black people who said that long before BLM was founded.

You are a hypocrite and a worthless douche. As was obvious from the moment that you posted this thread.


I'm just trying to imagine the left saying this type of stuff instead of the radical ideology many of them hold. The right takes it up a notch with murder or jail (talking about a particular person and not a group of people in general). US is a boiling keg of extremists and radicals. I guess this is what happens with too much 'freedom'. Guess we'll see which one will outlast, the authoritative governments like Russia/China or the authoritative only to the other party in the US.

This is what happens when you don't completely destroy an ideology completely and let it fester on an open wound that is America. Lincoln should've finished off all the Confederates that went against the Union and FDR/Truman should've deported all Nazi sympathizers after WW2.



The unbelievable cunts are ginning up another insurrection attempt. Douches gonna douche.


You can't put someone in prison because they said something you didn't like. Read the US Constitution.


And there's a lot of MAGA-hats that'd cheer it on too. And come on, are we really surprised? These people were chanting 'Hang Mike Pence' last January.
