MovieChat Forums > Politics > Let us use mathematics to see how insane...

Let us use mathematics to see how insane "liberals" are (re: "Capitol riot")

"Liberals" are more angry about one police officer dying of a stroke back in January, than they are about other things they used to complain about:

They told us that George W. Bush was responsible for millions of dead people in Iraq, etc. etc.

They said he was responsible for Hurricane Katrina in which about 1000 people died and a whole city was displaced and disrupted.

This same man George W. Bush was interviewed by various networks about the capitol riot - he was wheeled out and portrayed as a "voice of reason" to criticise Trump and say how "unpresidential" he was, blah blah etc.

Here's one from the time of the "riot" (i.e. legitimate protest)

And more B.S. since then

So... you forgive a man a "genocide" and a New-Orleans-icide... just because his supporters didnt dare to protest any obvious brazen voter frauds? And you care about the death (from a stroke) of one single police officer more than you care about those things?

I knew you were a fickle bunch of retarded, knuckle-dragging kindergarteners anyway but that was just more evidence.


GWB will defend the deep state establishment and is a NeoCon so of course the left has had a change of heart about him.


Do they have hearts? Im not really an expert on zombies, I skip a lot of popular TV shows.


Its also hypocritical hearing them lecture anyone on Covid deaths when they are so pro abortion and killed a good number of people to go along with the riots last summer.
