MovieChat Forums > Politics > Being a "liberal" seems to be quite the ...

Being a "liberal" seems to be quite the intellectual contortionist act doesn't it?

Richard Nixon was bad because he tried to spy on the Democrats for 5 minutes 50 years ago so he could simply win re-election...

but if you're against the "social networks" spying on you (and telling you what you're allowed to say) for your entire life, then you're a crazy conspiracy theorist who's got something to hide.

Christians and/or conservative Americans are bad if they're against homosexuality or transgender people, but if Muslims hate gays that's fine - they're allowed to cause they're Muslim (and anyone who even brings up the incredibly backward, oppressive way of life that exists in Muslim countries is immediately branded a racist anyway..)

Just where exactly does the word "liberal" fit into this and isnt it time for a rebrand?


It used to be. The democrat media/party slave masters have stopped trying to explain their chronic hypocrisy.

Their entire existence is immersed in a fantasy world of gaslighting. Today it’s the filibuster. After 2022 when republicans take back both houses, they’ll be anti filibuster.

This is allowed to happen because there is no objective news media. There’s just the democrat media propaganda machine.

The lemmings just follow whatever they’re spoon fed. Today its “comedian” Samantha Bee doing a show on why the filibuster is bad. Lol!!! Do you think she’s ever discussed this topic in her life? Of course not. It’s just this weeks spoon fed propaganda. And as usual their lemmings will swallow it. They’re incapable of critical thought. They have no recollection of history. Even the most recent history.

2 years of rioting causing billions in damages and killing hundreds by blm is mostly peaceful. 2 hours of protestors walking into an unguarded US Capital building is “an insurrection”.

If you follow the communist democrat media, ABCNNBCBS, you’re ignorant and uniformed.
