MovieChat Forums > Politics > Dr. Strange wasn't in WandaVision becaus...

Dr. Strange wasn't in WandaVision because he's white

"“Some people might say, ‘Oh, it would’ve been so cool to see Doctor Strange,'” Feige said. “But it would have taken away from Wanda. We didn’t want the end of the show to be commoditized to go to the next movie — here’s the white guy, ‘Let me show you how power works.’”

What the fuck is happening in this world?


or...... Cumberbatch, a real movie star, is too expensive.

or....Cumberbatch didn't want to do it because it would lessen his "star value".

The studio would never say "We just didn't want to pay what Cumberbatch wanted."

Cumberbatch would never say "I'm too big of a star to do this lame show".

The studio would come up with a creative excuse that would get "outrage clicks" and thus bringing attention to the show.

This is how Hollywood operates.


I literally quoted the producer:

"here’s the white guy, ‘Let me show you how power works."


Did the producers tell you how much a cameo from Cumberbatch would cost?

Remember things come down money.

Producers just didn't want to pay what he wanted (if he wanted to be on this show which is doubtful).


Got it. When rich and powerful hollywood producers tell you they are making casting and hiring decisions BECAUSE of race, and gender, they are lying, the real reason is something innocent.


Money trumps everything, haven't you learned that yet?

Trust me...if Cumberbatch, or any or the major white male movie stars would throw a bone to the producers and to it for a dime, they would have writtten them in the scripts in a heartbeat.


I accepted your point. Rich and powerful hollywood producers do not make decisions based on race or gender, even when they say that is what they are doing.

They are like Vulcans, except, without the ears. Pure logic.

Now, other people, especially BAD PEOPLE, that you don't like, I bet they often make decisions based on race or gender, don't they?

I hope the rich and powerful hollywood types appreciate your support. God Forbid that fans complaints about obvious racism and sexism in casting and hiring and plots should be given any consideration.

Stupid fans. Why can't they all just accept and consume the product given to them, without question, like good little serfs?


If you are trying to convince me that RACE played a more important role in the producers mind than MAKING MONEY, you will have to to a better job.

The only color a producer cares about is green😉.


Wait, Hollywood is still making money? But all the movies are online and free nowadays on day of release. What's the point of supporting them anymore? I used to go to the movies because people had to wait or watch with crappy cam videos but now everyone is an expert on the show like they can watch it as one would in the theater.

Yes, I miss those days where you can show your support and talk about movies others haven't seen yet. Such privileged life until the moochers can mooch in HD quality. Now there is no point to support no more. Mind you this is just my thought process in all this since I generally supported them by actually going to theaters but oh well, their loss is my gain.


WandaVison I'll guess is a moneymaker.

Probably a highly rated show.

They got the two "B" list movie stars to do a series for a reasonable salary while capitalising on the Marvel superhero bandwagon.


Can you not fucking read?!


He can read. He just KNOWS that the producer does not really mean what he says, because that would require him to admit that anti-white racism and anti-male sexism is a real thing.

Admitting that would undermine his self identity of being a cool and progressive sort of guy, who is on the Right Side of History, always for the Good Things, like Diversity and Progress.


His argument is that it's about money and the lie the producer chose to tell to the public was because he's WHITE? He CHOSE that route, LOL? Fuck outta here.


Sure, I can read but I also have something that apparently you do not have.

Critical thinking skills, meaning I know a bullshit statement when I see it😉.


Of course it's about money. But the only thing the right-wing chuckleheads on here will ever notice from Hollywood is the "woke" agenda, because they've been programmed to believe it's behind every move Hollywood makes.

Since anti-woke is the current GOP platform, real conservatism and rational thinking gets kicked to the curb.


Yes, it's all about money and the lie Feige CHOSE TO come up with was, "he's white".

Do you hear yourself? It's literally in writing. You wanna rant about "the other side" and it's literally in writing in front of your face. You clown.


"Yes, it's all about money and the lie Feige CHOSE TO come up with was, "he's white"."

An excuse, yes. They would not reject Cumberbatch if he offered to do it at an affordable price. This will be proven with the size and scope of the next Dr. Strange which will include Wanda as, gasp, not the main character.

It's funny how you concentrated on the "white" part when it's the "guy" part that Feige was really using as an excuse for not including him in WandaVision because the show's magic usage was female-centric.

The whole reason you gravitate toward "white" is the same reason anti-wokeism is the GOP platform. "Woke" is the GOP's way of saying white agency is being removed. Fear and propaganda is the new right, but it's fear and propaganda revolving around the idea that non-whites are going to take something from you. Anyone who is a symbol of protecting white agency will get the majority of support from the right, and will even go so far as to accept his lies as truth.

As usual, instead of examining all the details of why Cumberbatch wasn't in WandaVision, all you can do is push the right-wing easy button that tells you it's because he's white and white people are under attack from the left.



And White farmers need not apply...


His excuse was to go racial? He chose to bring that heat on himself rather than to say, "He's too expensive."? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You're a fucking moron. A lying partisan shill of a moron.


And White farmers need not apply...


People are irrational and make decisions based on biases and preconceived notions, not cold hard logic.

That is science. Tell me the "critical thinking" that leads to you dismiss the idea of people being biased and bigoted when it is a Hollywood Producer, but to believe in it, in some many other settings.


Producers are all about the 💰.

All the A lister marvel superhero white males command to much 💰 for their time.

The producers comment is bullshit.


Maybe in the old days. Today their religion is politics and it’s held above all else.

If it weren’t we’d have 5 Fox News, and a half dozen Passion of The Christ films every year.


Very good points. Hollywood is leaving OCEANS of money on the table, because they CAN'T bring themselves to make movies that celebrate the "wrong" parts of America.


I am of the firm belief that if Robert Downey Jr was willing to work for free on this project for a week, the producers would write him into the script.


Do you always dismiss the idea of people making decisions based on racism and bigotry, and if not, how do you decide when to do that?


No I understand your idea.

Do you actually believe that they would turn down Robert Downy Jr. If he was willing to work on this project for free for a week?



"working for free' is a silly hyperbole.

According to the producer himself, the plan was to use Downey, but they changed their minds, not because of the money, of his race and gender.

You are dismissing his own words, to give him a pass on his racism and sexism.


You are wasting time and energy with these alt-left types. They prove to me every day their mantra:

Deny, Dismiss, Deflect, and/or Dumbfound!


You are describing yourself. I agree a lot of them do that but do not count yourself out of that. I actually caught you in a flat out lie earlier. Honest question have you ever admitted to being wrong? Or you deluded enough to think you are right all the time?

You claimed no one on these boards said Chauvin was innocent. Yet Randalgraves did just that vey thing. You know the guy you are validate on here now.


You did not catch me in a lie! Did you miss the following, nit picker? I can see you now, salivating and saying “Ah!Ha! Caught her/him!” All the while twisting every dot and tittle to suit your narrative! This was part of my reply:

”OK, smart ass! I missed seeing those. I don’t live, sleep & eat this board like so many of you do! The knee was on the neck! It’s as plain as it can be from different angles. And you STOP IT with the “Trumpublican suspects”! You people never cease putting that dig into the discussion which is getting rather obnoxious and tiresome. Being a Trump voter has nothing to do with this case, you nitwit!

I voted for Trump, but common sense tells me Chauvin is responsible for Floyd’s death. Be it 2nd Degree without malice of forethought or involuntary manslaughter. Each state has different degrees of each charge.”


Oh I believe I did. Why did you retort with okay smart ass? Sounds to me like he struck some sort of nerve. Why not oh wow I stand corrected? You may not live on these boards but you are on here rather frequently. So why is it whenever a liberal gets caught in a lie or contradicts themselves you are like a fly on feces? You love taunting the left at any chance you get to showcase their hypocrisy yet here suddenly you did not see it. So explain how that escaped your attention while every left leaning contradiction does not. Then to top it off you are validating the very person who defended Chauvin. Enlighten me please, this from where I sit does not look good for you. Now watch I am going to predict the future, you are going to go off on a tangent while not addressing what I said and the venom will ooze out of you because you can't refute it. Lets see if I am right.


What are you ranting about? He didn’t strike a nerve. I got pissed off at his reply. Read what followed my retort of smart ass. Instead of informing me I was in error he took me to task over something I did not know. I’m not validating anyone. What am I supposed to address? I was in error saying someone said Chauvin was not guilty...because I had not read where someone had said he was not guilty. I had not read the info in the links the other poster posted. I feel like we are looping around & around! Forgive me, dammit! I repeat I was not aware if this caca when I wrote the sentence. You did not catch me in a lie! Good Grief! Get over yourself!

Pst...I’ve been getting vibes you are racist. I haven’t wrote about it because it would be a terrible thing to be called a racist if you aren’t one. I dunno though? 🤔 Where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire.


I have a hard time believing you did not see a single person say Chauvin was not guilty. As I stated before had that been a liberal saying something asinine you would be like a starving vulture waiting to swoop down and eat. Anyway okay lets say I drink the Koolaid on this one, yes you are validating him. In the very post you made a few days ago you mention him.

I am a racist? Okay go ahead and point out a post or a time where I ever discriminated against another race because of their ethnicity. Just remember you pulled the race card here not me.



[–] kspkap (8790) a few seconds ago

I hadn’t finished and in error hit the “add reply”. I hurriedly copied what I had written. Anyhow:

You are like an old phonograph after the record has played! When did I validate him? BTW, whom do you speak of? What post are you referencing? I did not hear...I did not see where anyone said Chauvin was not guilty. How could anyone say that when the video, the videos prove Chauvin’s knee was on Floyd neck? I think you are dreaming or twisting this stuff.

What we all have said was more than likely Floyd would be in jail and not dead if he had complied. It was the perfect storm. There was a hardened criminal fighting the cops when he was placed in the car. There’s video of that also. Add to that a cop who should have been terminated over other incidents in his file. Floyd is fighting, the adrenaline is rushing, the cop doesn’t listen to Floyd when he said he couldn’t breathe, because by that time he’s pissed. I heard one say that’s the catch phrase now.

Maybe they are trained to put their knee on the shoulder. I don’t know, but Chauvin’s knee was clearly on the neck. What also was part of that storm were the cops just standing by looking. Floyd was a big man. There should have been at least 2 cops taking him down. If so, maybe the knee would have been elsewhere. I think they are supposed to put the knee on the back. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I look at that incident and wonder how does a female cop handle a big guy on drugs.

How does it feel to be accused of something for which you are not guilty? Hmm?
I did not lie! I did not see anyone say Chauvin was not guilty. You said it was said...OK! I’m not denying it...I just didn’t see it! I will be waiting for you to provide the link where I validated.


RandallGraves is the guy who said Chauvin committed no crime. Notice when he agrees with you about owning a leftist no doubt in a debate you validate him. Even before hand I showed you where he said Chauvin did nothing wrong. I do not know how anyone could say that when the video is on full display. However people like RandallGraves will defend a cop no matter what they do. Drug addicts are seen as scum and if you are a criminal of any kind you can be mistreated by the police in his book.

No all of you did not say that. You are saying that, but a lot of people like the users I posted about say good one less drug addict thug. Which showcases they do not fully believe in the judicial system. Cops enforce the law they are not above it. It is why there is judge, jury and executioner no matter if they are a good person or not. It is irrelevant if he would have died later, also that is presumptive to say. That is hypothetical and just a theory nothing more. Do I think he was headed for a good future? Probably not but why is this relevant? Yes the cop should been terminated but you know things happen. This would not be the first time cops have gotten a slap on the wrist for incompetent behavior.

Kneeling on someone's neck in that manner did not help the case. The man was handcuffed and unarmed while there were other armed police officers there.

You have no basis to call me racist is the difference. You made a claim and you got called out on it because no one believes you did not see it. I said a guy you validated I never said you validated him about Chauvin.

You are validating a guy who blatantly defends something even if it is on video. Keep that in mind. If I was to say oh well I never saw anyone insult Trump and I am active on the political boards on here would you believe me? I sincerely doubt it.


The topic is an major Hollywood figure admitting that his plot and casting decision(s) was based on race and gender, specifically anti-white male bigotry.

You have derailed this thread.

Do you support or oppose racism and sexism?


We did go off the rails...didn’t we?


What do the 2 links (actually the same link) you posted have to do with people saying Chauvin was not guilty?

I did NOT call you a racist! I threw you a curve ball to show you how it feels to be accused of something you aren’t. I am not a liar! I did not see where anyone posted Chauvin was not guilty! You say it was posted. I’ll take your word for that because I am so damn sick and tired of this caca! Again, if it was said...I didn’t see it! Good grief!

You like that word, validating don’t you? You use it often enough. As far as RandallGraves in regards to ideology...yes, I would say we are in the same camp. If he said what you said, I don’t agree with that statement. Now, please may we put this to bed?


I am sorry I accidentally posted the same link twice. This was the second link I meant to post.

RandallGraves in all his glory claiming that no crime was committed and Floyd was a sumbag drug addict anyway. Which indicates he is glad Chauvin did what he did. Rather frightening we have people that think this way. Downplay a crime committed against someone simply because they are a bad person. So much for believing in our judicial system right?

I know it was a curve ball but you have no basis to make a claim like that. The difference is I actually gave you reasons I felt you were lying. If I called you a liar with no basis on that front that would be the same. So in the end that is all it is a random curve ball. I will play along even though I highly doubt you did not see it. The reason I am skeptical is anytime a left leaning person makes an outrageous claim you are all over it.

I know you are in the same camp it is why I honestly do not buy that you did not see him posting about how Chauvin did nothing wrong. I proved he said those things with that link. Look over it yourself. Now I bet you ten bucks you will make no thread calling him out like you do the leftists like Keelai. Prove me wrong.


I read both of those links just now and I didn’t see anything about Chauvin. It’s the same link you posted earlier about how happy people are to be rid of Trump.


I do not know how you do not see it. Either you are lying or perhaps it is somehow just not showing up. I don't know if the people discussing are hidden from you or what. It is all on that link I provided. Either way people other than him on these boards were saying Chauvin was not guilty of any crime. I find it hard to believe because you are first in line to confront someone on the left doing something wrong. Your bias is actually painful. If a person is bad why support them just because you like their policies? This is your logic in supporting Trump. I ask why can't they be a decent person who you politically agree with? If he is not a good person what makes you think he will stick by those policies?


I don’t see it, dammit. I have not located where Randall Graves supposedly stated “claiming that no crime was committed and Floyd was a sumbag drug addict anyway.”

Copy & Paste the page. And dammit quit calling me a liar you worthless piece of caca jerk!

If I have someone on Ignore & that someone is replying to Randall I won’t see the conversation!


Okay then I will post another one where people are justifying him being killed.

onemanarmy82 justifies Chauvin in killing him.


This one I could read and currently did. Are you happy now? Ho Hum 🥱 I stand corrected...


So now let me ask are you going to make a thread calling out that type of behavior like you do liberals? I doubt you will.


You are correct! You get a gold star! 🌟 I’m not making a thread because I’m tired of this VERY OLD news. You just go ahead and keep picking at the scab...🥱 I have enough on my plate to deal with without adding your “gotcha” into the mix.
I will write this however: Anyone who said Chauvin was not guilty of at least manslaughter didn’t watch the video closely. The knee was on the neck...not the shoulder or back.


Again...for the umpteenth time I did not see his post and none of you have shown it to me!
